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Posts posted by TheoG

  1. I want to clarify the following if it is indeed ITB.


    As far as I have it, stretching is instrumental and important as a preventative measure.  Once your ITB/s is/are injured (inflamed), stretching is not going to make the inflammation go away.


    You need to take anti-inflammatory drugs and rest it to get better.  Once it's healed, don't be like me, stretch regularly to prevent it from coming back.


    If any medical experts on here, please feel free to tell me I'm talking k@k if that's the case.


    Edit:  For running, shoe brand and model in most cases sort out a ITB issue.  On a bike, no clue, probably pedal and or saddle position ???

  2. HI Guys


    I currently have a 2 x 11 xt setup on my bike 11 x 42 for cassette and 34 x 24 on the front.

    My bigger chainring is due for replacement an I have been thinking that I never used my smaller chainring, will it work to just remove the smaller chainring and the derailleur to have a 1 x 11 setup? and then buy a 1 x 11 specific chainring to convert to 1 x 11? Or isnt it as simple as that?  :ph34r:


    I changed my 29" to 1x12 from 2x10 no issues.  Also my 26" I changed from 3x9 to 1x11 also no issues.


    Just get a NW (narrow wide) chainring that fit on you crank and you good to go.  Fit it on the inside of the larger mount and not the outside for a better chain line.

  3. Every so often after a hard ride I'd get a pain in my lower leg. Its located in a band that runs from the outside of the knee, down the outside of the lower leg. Its never to bad and a bit of rubbing over the next day or 2 sorts it out.


    Yesterday though, 20km into my ride it started developing. We were not riding hard at all but the pain grew, running up through the outside of the knee and into the lower part of the thigh. It was worse when standing.


    Nothing has changed on the bike, but I'm suspecting it could be cleat position.


    What say the bike hub oracle ?


    The way you describe it, definitely ITB.  A lot more common with marathon runners, I used to and had ITB issues a few times.  It runs from upper leg over the side of the knee and join on the lower leg.


    Cycling, the first time I hear you can get it from cycling also.  Suppose its entirely possible since the ITB rub over the outside of the knee during cycling and running.


    Yes massage/physio, but best for a ITB is rest.


    Edit:  If it get very acute and don't get better, there is a operation to "fix" it.

  4. That may very well be true. I built a bike last week and for the love of me the bloody chain would not stay on the chain ring. It kept climbing off and I could not get it to stay put. I had a brand new XT chain on a SRAM NW ring. The moment I swopped it for a SRAM chain everything fell into place. 


    Made me hate SRAM even more. 


    That's just weird, especially on a NW chainring I would expect no issues, on the cassette yes surely, but chainring, I don't understand ...


    I use 3rd party chainrings, Race Face & Csixx, both no issues with a Shimano chain.

  5. I have read somewhere that the pitch of the Shimano and Sram teeth is not complete the same. In short, a Shimano chain on a Sram cassette will wear out more quickly.


    Correct me if I am wrong.


    That might be the case since the chains are made for use on the same brand but I think this is hugely over stated, The wear might be slightly more or less but would be difficult to even quantify unless one do dedicated lab tests.


    Better if you can stick to brand on brand, but imho, its not the end of the world if you don't.  The chain pitch is identical, shifting may be slightly better or worse and wear would be slightly better or worse.

  6. Sorry, wrong person. Was meant to be TheoG


    It went terrible, the climbing is insane, in hind sight should have done the 40km.  The technical stuff I could handle, it was the fitness that was the problem, just the other way around as I anticipated.  At least its done and dusted and now I know.


    Edit:  Thanks for asking.

  7. The Summer one starts at the Rand Water pump station and the Winter one at the Circus. I’d imagine the trails in and around the Eye of Africa would be the same though. The difference between the two will be flat, keep track, and nothing much to be concerned with.


    If your fitness can handle 70Km, then do it. 40Km for me is a bit of a let down and over too quickly.


    Thanks that settles it, going for the 70.  I haven't done 70 in a long time but I do 45 - 55 regularly, 2 - 3 times a week.


    If I pace myself in the beginning before the ascents/descents at Eye of Africa, I should be good.  The first & last part of the route is on my usual training ground, so should not be a problem.


    See the video of the Eye of Africa below, look probably worse on there than it actually is.


  8. I did the winter one last year and was really enjoyable. Certainly not technical, but not flat once you’re in and out of the Eye.


    Thanks Frosty, is the route the same for winter & summer races?

  9. Anyone here doing this race tomorrow?  On the description for the 70km, "technical and challenging".


    The challenging part I'm fine with but anyone know just how "technical" this is?  My skill level do not cater for very technical stuff, normally walk them, so was just wondering if I bit off more than I can chew or not ...  :wacko: .


    Considering to rather change to the 40km.  Any advice would be welcome please.

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