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Posts posted by TheoG

  1. 2 minutes ago, fanievb said:

    Eish, I have no issue with range of motion. Started partial weight bearing at around 3 weeks (one crutch) and full weight at 5 weeks.

    Saw doc on the 14th and got the all clear to resume training, but to listen to my body and not do anything stupid (whatever that means). He explained to me that wearing a cast/boot restricts the healing process for ligaments which is why he ops for no post-op support (other than crutches) for athletes or physically active people.

    I've been doing exercises since 2 days after my op, which helped keep the achillies and his tjommies flexible. 

    I got on the IDT 2 weeks post-op, but is was uncomfortable, but consistent stretching and light spinning sorted that out (started some crit racing on zwift????). 

    Ligaments are still tender, but that should hopefully get better as training resumes. Ankle is also swollen and will probably stay that way until the ligaments are properly healed.

    Eish, I seriously regret now having to deal with a cast for 6 weeks ...  

    Edit;  You motivated me to give the IDT a shot again tonight.

  2. On 4/13/2021 at 8:18 AM, fanievb said:




    seeing the doc tomorrow to get the stitches out. swelling is down quite a bit and stays that way if I elevate the foot. I can sit behind my desk for about an hour at a time.


    ja, that blood-rushing business is blerrie painful.

    How's your progress on recovery?  I'm still battling, cast off bit more than a week now and I'm supposed to put partial weight on it but its still flippen sore.  Biggest problem is motion range, tried to get on to the indoor trainer but that was a failure ????

  3. 2 minutes ago, MORNE said:

    for accuracy...chest. 

    There is a reason the chest HRM's remain the gold standard when you do high performance or medical fitness tests. 

    I use a polar H10 (will set you back R1000). use it with the polar beat/flow app on the phone with it and that does everything you listed up there. 


    I lost my H10 during my crash 7 weeks ago.  A new one is R1800 at sportsman's warehouse ????

    Unfortunately the Beat/Flow apps cater more for running, foot pod (cadence) work, but bike speed & cadence don't.  Can get speed though via GPS.

  4. There are a lot of options these days.  I still prefer Polar, the newer products are much better than the older ones you refer to.  Chest measurement will trump wrist every time if you are interested in decent accuracy, if not wrist based should be OKish.

    I have a Polar Vantage V watch and a V650 cycling computer.  Both of the work with a bluetooth strap, cadence and speed sensors.  The watch also do reasonable wrist HR but I avoid it if at all possible.

    Alternatively look at the Garmin options.  Suunto may also be an option.

    Hope this help.

  5. it's been a week since my bike (to be renamed snapper) took me to get some xrays and then to the orthopedic surgeon's office.


    Broken fibula and some ligament damage.


    6 weeks no weight on my foot, at least I got away without the need for a cast or a moonboot.


    Follow up on the 14th to see/hear what the next steps are.




    Mine look pretty much the same, just with some screws on the other side also.  Luckily the orthopedic surgeon said my tendons are in tact.


    I got half a cast underneath and bandaged over the front.  The worst is the pain when blood rush down when my foot is not elevated, is getting better slowly but surely.

  6. Been out of action for a few weeks, had a nasty fall with my MTB and broke my ankle (Fibula & Tibia), both sides  :wacko: .


    If the 4 Samaritans (fellow bikers) that helped me, (first 2 from from the single track to the road, and then another 2 helped me into the car when my wife came to get me) are on here, thanks very much, have no other means of getting hold of you.  Without your help I would have been screwed.


    The pain was agonizing and it will be probably at least another 4-6 weeks before I can get my arse on a bike again.


    It's very frustrating to be able to do very little for myself or anyone else :( .  First time in my life being in this situation and it suck big time,

  7. So many people were commenting on the bike bought at the time. At least on some of the WA groups I am on.

    I think it is great, would have bought the Rally version personally but it is a solid bike. Easy to maintain, etc. Brilliant. Am following the series as of today.....


    She seems very happy with the bike and that's what matter.

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