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Posts posted by TheoG

  1. 59 minutes ago, FootballingCyclist said:

    Whilst Alan's team mates wear their Olympic kit for training rides, Alan wears his team kit, perhaps he isn't happy with the Team kit or just chose not to ride it in training?


    Three leftys ... ????

  2. 3 minutes ago, Vetplant said:

    As a refresher, the result sheet for Rio 2016.

    I honestly did not remember that the Maincheese finished 7th.

    I am less surprised to see AMP achieving a top 10 result, sort of remembered that.


    2021-07-22 08_41_54-Olympic Games 2016_ Olympic Men's Road Race Results _ Cyclingnews.png

    2021-07-22 08_44_09-Olympic Games 2016_ Olympic Women's Road Race Results _ Cyclingnews.png

    Yip, I also cant remember Louis ending up that high.

  3. 12 minutes ago, dsw said:

    Irrelevant but just for the record:

    When tri's it became popular in SA it was completely dominated by a big ex navy diver and swimmer who also had frightening power on the bike and was after the bike leg so far ahead that none of the better runners had a chance to get close to him. 

    No drafting was allowed back then.

    I doubt whether Richard would have ever caught him.

    Drafting should still not be allowed in TRI, it should be "time trial" scenario, but that's just mho.

  4. 12 hours ago, justinafrika said:

    Nuts + crazy + stupid I'd say Theo. I've had two ribs fractured (rugby), L1 and L2 compression fracture (rugby), and a comminuted ankle fracture, but none were as a result of taking such an outrageous risk.

    Worthwhile risk? I just don't see it. The extended pain, the long schlep to recover, scheduling med appointments every/every other day, the potential long-term consequences of orthotic insertions (speak to Gee in a decade's time). Nuts + crazy + stupid.

    Yea I only broke my ankle a few months ago during normal riding, Its not worth the injuries for sure, pulling those stunts, when he pull it off its awesome, but if he dont .... ????

  5. Just now, kosmonooit said:

    The  spanner in the works is really the weather, its hard to describe that type of heat / humidity, nothing like we see in ZA. I've experienced the same quiet a lot in the Philippines, once I made the mistake of taking a bike there on a trip, the only times I could ride was early in the mornings or early evenings, the rest of the day spent sheltering in an air con room. 

    So if the same conditions exits for the racing its going to be a matter of who can cope best, I think it will probably be outside most athletes comfort zones, perhaps the older and wiser will do better, like Mathias and Pendrel

    I beg to differ, try Richardsbay in summer (Nov - Feb), 30-40C with 80% plus humidity on a regular basis, you literally live from aircon to aircon, work-car-home ????.  Yes, its not easy to exercise in such conditions.

  6. 1 hour ago, TNT1 said:

    On current form, it's hard to see anyone other than Wout van Aert winning the road race, and maybe going double in the TT.

    What about MvP, anyone know if he will be in the race or is his focus entirely on the XCO?

  7. 8 minutes ago, TNT1 said:

    You don't even need to have kids to see it's a fantastic spectacle.


    I loved Pogacar posing with Mark and his three kids so Peta could snap a pic. Brilliant. It's so nice to see a human side of pro sport. 


    I couldn't imagine the robotic twats like Lewis Hamilton being a real person outside of the sheltered environment of F1, for example.

    Speaking of Hamilton, that 10 sec penalty was a flippen joke!  Worst case scenario he could have caused serious injury or even death due to that move.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Vetplant said:

    As mentioned on the Lanterne-Rouge podcast, one could argue that TJV had a better TDF in 2021 then in 2020, if you look at the results.

    4 Wins including the final Sprint in Paris. 2nd on GC. Not a bad return, especially considering the damage cause by the Week 1 crashes.

    Yip, thanks to 3 guys, Wout, Sepp & Jonas ... ????

  9. 41 minutes ago, Chris_ said:

    Ja you right, by then he's 30 and when thirty-something is mentioned you just sound over the hill. I should know by now after complaining about the young rider jersey this is becoming a younger persons game. fair.

    Also, I don't know that many 21 yr olds, my pro-cycling knowledge is being exposed as a mere arm-chair commentator, hahaha

    Rog I know isn't young either and when he bows out I was more thinking about TJV, Sepp stood out, I don't want Wout to change what he's doing, and then (pre-Vin) it left me wondering who will step up. Foss nah, who else

    Agree, Wout is Wout, he should not try to change & adapt to become a GC contender.

    Vingegaard is the only option right now to take over from Rog, hopefully he can go on to do greater things, Jumbo Visma should however be looking at alternatives, me thinks ... 

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