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Everything posted by Shebeen

  1. https://www.primediaplus.com/2024/02/20/cyclist-in-head-on-collision-with-superbike-on-chapmans-peak-drive-sedated-ventilated?fbclid=IwAR29z9xLxtgh9jf1rTXQMO6rt65mWFWNaAB0fJUElBuzacan7f0ktDz9a4U_aem_AS8jlh0hVXUAi1alU0_H8v5c8dw45OMLvAcRpBbfb40K96doKKq0zKg0Lioffarq1VA They seem fairly confident of the incident to claim who was at fault here. I'm happy with Neil's stance on this. Cyclists need to do our part to share the road too.
  2. when I finished that post, I knew there would be some wiseguy. but then I thought instead of editing it i'm happy for people to go look through it. the pin is actually on the hoerikwaggo hiking trail. If you read my full post, I was referring to safety issues with cars/collisions. Someone riding off the road is probably their own user error. Cars have driven off there too, should we advise them against using it?!
  3. oh sheeeet, are we doing carbon supershoes already? i'm waiting for the mr price version still
  4. Shebeen


    power of le hub!! I learnt something too here. @droo you have earned yourself an early trip to that beer fridge of yours you keep talking about.
  5. ja, you may well be right. but. the motorbike group claim they were not doing that. I don't find it implausible that the cyclist took the tight corner wide whilst going downhill. Either way, someone is not telling the truth. Neither you nor I were there. If that eyewitness makes a solid statement to police then it would be hard to ignore. I'm guessing there could be enough evidence on the tarmac and resting place of vehicles, bodies and parts for a forensic expert to work it out without conflicting eyewitness reports. There was an incident recently in silvermine. Dog got run over by sanparks vehicle. eyewitness (dog walker) claimed it was reckless and killed the dog. Owner not there and kicked up a huge fuss about negligence, understandably people get very emotional when someone's pet has died so pitchforks were sharpened quickly. Sanparks looked into it, vehicle travelling 8km/h according to GPS when passing. Turns out the dog was quite old, so maybe just got a fright and that was the end. but the pitchfork brigade now saying that clearly Sanparks manipulated GPS data to absolve themselves (but seemingly don't have a report from vet or blood/injuries anywhere). That's my roundabout way of asking, do motorbikes often have GPS trackers on them, either for sport or theft tracking? That would be a reliable way to find out who is talking porkies about the incident.
  6. As I see it, the cyclist was coming downhill. If he was on the wrong side of the white line at massive speed, he would have hit the biker. (As in the same way Egan Bernal got injured by hitting a stationary bus). Incredibly nuanced and maybe I am reading too much into it, but the implication in the way you deliver it is that the motorbiker was at fault in a head on collision. Maybe this was totally unintentional and not the case at all, but was hard for me to ignore once I saw it. The chance exists that the collision took place on the downhill or uphill side of the solid line. They could also both have been at fault. I have high confidence that we will get the actual story here.
  7. No. The only side we all want is the truth. For someone who is telling people to read properly you really are not taking your own medicine. Have an opinion? Fine, air it, as you did. But don't then say, "hey! leave me out if it, I'm just passing the info on". Can't have your cake AND eat it. Edit: rereading your opening post, the first sentence has huge implication (maybe unintended).
  8. The messenger can get shot if he adds his input to the message. It's good that you are standing up for your buddies, but the conflicting stories don't add up so maybe you're the one who should take a step back.
  9. You're the one who compared riding on Chapman's peak to a holiday in Afghanistan. Sure it's a windy twisty road, but I'm not sure it's actually seen as being incredibly dangerous and avoid at all costs? I wouldn't avoid it due to safety reasons. In fact there's not even a single logged here https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=10tzB6FghNBHk7dK1SJSG53q6lYk&usp=sharing
  10. https://www.penguintravel.com/Offer/RoundtripsandCulturalTours/1819/WherethePamirsmeettheHinduKush-TajikistanandAfghanistan.html Weird analogy, but hey go for it!
  11. is riding Chappies too risky to consider?? according to strava, 2500+ logged rides just during the month of february going south bound like this incident. https://www.strava.com/segments/3211261 I'll take those odds.
  12. Well these two "reliable" sources are vastly conflicting. Maybe we will get the third version of the story.
  13. They actually called an energy product Goo? typical ambush tactic! so basically the Woollies name on the logo costs R10. https://babyfood.co.za/product-category/sports-food/sports-products-120g/
  14. link here. Jislaaikit, but not much love for cyclists at all, more like solid hate. Thanks to the tjop cyclists who have enabled us to be hated so much (not saying it has anything to do with this incident).
  15. Is it just me or is there a guy in black leather outfit looking down? If he is at fault, speeding and overtaking (which seems to be the case) then I hope a name and shame comes down hard. legal action too. In the whole car vs bike debate, how do motorbikers seemingly get a free pass? There are PLENTY of them who have super high powered machines and treat sunday roads as their racetrack. They think they are valentino rossi and the rest of us must just shake our heads at their incredibly tiny penises as they put everyone at risk? Surely the responsible motorbikers are really pissed off by this behaviour too?
  16. that's like a squish. baby food. half the price, made by rhodes fruit group. work well for adventure racing, but not sure if it's a thing for cyclists - i'd rather have an actual banana. There are some weird flavours you need to be careful of as an adult (like butternut and mango).
  17. Not exactly the same scenario. REI4P renewable energy projects have increased local content incentives/thresholds (amongst other criteria). Some of it is just not possible to build here (ie. Local solar pv is only viable as basic assembly, and even that has very limited capacity). The rider to that in pv for instance is that China has subsidized production to gain market share. Pointless fighting that with our requirements and Rands.
  18. If this thread was kept on topic, then yes. But there's plenty of "he's too fit to need an ebike" comments here, so yes you do have it wrong.
  19. Wonder what the actual fines are too? In for more than just taxes, interest and legal fees.
  20. Amazed that some people still don't get it. STILL I first saw an ebike in Amsterdam, when a woman in a business suit overtook me and my mate in a park without hardly pedalling. He laughed at the look on my face and said, get used to it. He raced cyclocross semi competitvely, and this was 15 years ago. people who ride ebikes are cyclists. it's got nothing to do with your age or fitness. They are cyclists, and they are keepig the bikeshops busy too now it seems. they are going nowhere. we have had this conversation in other threads. get over it. This thread is about derestricted Ebikes, if you want to moan about them existing, or who buys/rides them then go here to flog the horse with a 0BPM heartrate
  21. Kind of silly that you can't buy it at the Beaufort west Agri. They need to change the name
  22. I had similar issue for adventure racing. Eyesight is going and I battle to read the map whilst riding. Found these on takealot, but seem to be available here only now. https://www.kingfisher.co.za/product/snowbee-polarised-sunglasses-matt-black-frame-with-amber-lense-2-50-magnifier/ Makes perfect sense, fishing guys need to tie their hooks and stuff and still be outdoors. Worked really well for me
  23. Think he penalised himself enough already for that one, but if they follow the rules strictly then he should get a sanction.
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