I'm really glad I went yesterday, met some new people and reconnected with many who I just haven't bumped into for a while. I parked at the venue and rode to the church, locking my bike with another against a tree - with a few more dotted around.
Church was very close to capacity, the pastor's sermon remarked how he didn't really know Tim beyond that he was the stubborn guy in the car outside whilst Carola would be praying for him in the service. There was no judgement and he chose his words well.
Not bad when you can call on your little brother advocate to say some really nice things about you, and then followed up by Premier Winde who was genuine in his love and affection for Tim (and their riding together). Their DC team will be short of a rider this year but full of tears. I spoke to Alan later, they're working on a special plan for the race this year. He really does make the other politicians look bad by just being nice.
He mentioned this FB post that was a message to us all there:
It was indeed a celebration and some fun.
I haven't seen these two excellent ones posted here, so have a read if you're intrigued.
At the end of the day, it's bloody cancer. By the time it was found it had already spread far. Tim was initially given 3 months and took 20, he put all his faith in the medical experts and trusted them to do what was possible. Earlier this year when it came back he beat the predictions again. In my mid fourties I don't find myself in a church often as all my friends seem to have got married or given up trying. It only seems to be for funerals now, either my parents' generation clocking out at a ripe old age or younger people (mostly with some form of cancer). I have another person surviving an op and in the first stages of chemo, and just this week someone else found it and about to start this dreadful journey.
Earlier this year I went to the dermatologist to go checked out for the first time, everything looks ok but can now be checked on the baseline we have. As cyclists we are high risk, if you're on the fence on this matter then the peace of mind from getting good news is totally worth it. If you spent a lot of time outdoors in your youth then the damage is potentially all done, and you definitely should.