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Posts posted by I FLY

  1. Please gents

    Chip your animals and get name tags around their necks.

    Im involved with a rescue organisation and its scary how many animals get lost and found but cant be return

    I silver name tag will cost you R60 rand thats it

    IceID now have one for dogs. It fits on the collar and costs about R110 and has space for 6 lines of information

  2. Pretty much I think from what it says, up to a maximum R3000 per quarter, might not be as much back as you think, as some of those races are over R3000.. but could be a good chunk of it paid back if the races are on their selected list 

    I went through the list of races that this 50% discount applies to and I could not find one that I plan to do.


    No Stage races appear on the list

  3. I'm keen to go have a look at the show as I also went last year. Google mapping the venue & it is a 70km round trip from Joburg Northern Suburbs where I live. I think the Fair is a great idea but aren't the organisers worried that the distance will discourage the average cyclist of going for a browse? Fair enough if you are looking for something to do after your training ride in the Cradle if you are a roadie.


    Just a thought....

    We are doing the trip from Witbank so add another 360kms to your 70kms.

    We think it's worth the trip

  4. I have being commuting by bike to work a few days a week since Dec 2010.


    While most of my colleagues/cycling friends express wonderment/envy/etc not one of them has being convinced to try do the same.


    And I have not been promoted either - just transferred to another town

  5. I have not done this race for a few years now and have no intention of going to do it again. So I don't get excited about the route reveal and would certainly not attend the launch function.


    I will look at the route profiles and destination towns closer to the race for interest sake in the same way that I look at other big stage races in RSA.


    Is there still the hype and buzz for other riders?

  6. post-43-0-85590200-1409316257_thumb.jpg


    My daughter's cat was an only pet for 14 years.


    Hated all other animals and defended her turf with aggression.


    Recently moved in with my daughter again after 5 years away at university

    ( daughter , not cat) and had to share with the lab.


    Now they are mates. I still can't believe it.





    But as mentioned in other threads you need to be well trained to aware of your situation, be able to react quickly enough to draw your weapon before you are disarmed and be prepared to shoot your attacker.


    As always there are pros and cons.


    About 10 years ago two members of our mtb club were ambushed by 6 armed men. Our members were trained combat shotists and were also armed. They managed to ward of the attack and kill one of the attackers.


    Within a short time two other cyclists were shot in separate incidents without any warnings in the nearby area. The attackers were taking no chances.



    One of my collegues belongs to a few gun associations and has more guns than I have bikes.


    When I was asking him about self defence with a gun, he says he would not engage in a gun fight without 3 full ammo clips. Being a dummy around guns I would guess this means about 36 rounds.

  9. Have you ever driven in your car, getting to your destination and everytime you drive past a commuter cyclist, checked out the bike, parts, etc. Cannot walk, cycle or drive past any bicycle without checking it out. Do I have a problem and I am addicted to bicycle porn? LOL


    In my early days of cycling my wife and I stopped next to a stunning blonde woman on a Colnago at a robot. I was staring so intently that I missed the robot turning green.


    My wife then observed - " The sad part is that you were staring at the bike and not the woman." She was right.

  10. So is browsing the net on your phone whilst driving and hitting cyclists....I have been hit by idiots not paying attention.


    I had the dubious pleasure of landing on a stunning blonde's Merc SLK boot lid when she drifted in front of me while she was texting.

  11. I need something to store my clothing in at work. I use a bin at the moment but it does not work for me. Walking into an office with wrinkles isn't cool.

    Anyone know where I can find a "kassie" to keep my clothing in at work. Should have a space to hang my pants, and to keep 4 pairs of shoes at the office.

    I am even thinking about getting some wood and doing a DIY job on it.


    Most office furniture places have those metal lockers that are used in workshop/gym changerooms.



    I had a spare wardrobe at home which I bought to work. It stands in my office and contains my PPE clothing and equipment which I need when I visit our mining sites and my office clothes and shower stuff for when I commute by bike.

  12. Pretty much what I do. Commuting both ways for me takes too long / too wearing.


    It does however mean that your car is already at work for the days it is -2... ;)


    My car used to be at work 4 days a week.


    Some days it was very tempting to call in sick. But once we got going it was never as bad as we had anticipated.

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