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Everything posted by marko35s

  1. marko35s

    FNB Warning

    Or they decide that no matter how many times you call to change them the number and email that they are going to use are the ones you last used ten years ago. Try getting a text message about a new card delivery when, despite being told multiple times, they decide to use the old number time after time after time. Three months to get a new debit card... I am in a state of panic already about an upcoming change of phone. Moving banks may be the easier option.
  2. I stand to be corrected on this but as far as I know there are no sales of day permits anywhere.
  3. marko35s

    FNB Warning

    True but third place is still a medal and pretty impressive, it takes a really dedicated effort to reach those heights.
  4. There is a small (really small at the moment) chink of light regarding the possibility of purchasing day permits online. Some discussions have started about this subject, at the request of park management, and we can only hope they bear fruit.
  5. The one in Tokai is open during the week.
  6. It was also in all the info put out by Tokaimtb about the reopening.
  7. I'm on the Xboxone which I got at a really good price as part of my looming lockdown panic buying. Seven years of no gaming very quickly became a full time obsession with COD Warzone. I would love to get my paws on a cheap PS4 just for The Last of Us which I hear is stunning. I sense many purchases that will require hiding from the wife in my immediate future...
  8. You're going to remember that scoreline too
  9. Couldn't you just add an external HDD? Not ideal I know but it should work.
  10. Yeah when shipment pops up it's a case of 'Ooh time to rank up a weapon!'. I'm the same with multiplayer and use it to keep myself busy while I wait for the guys I normally team up with to get online. I don't really play plunder as the other guys don't really enjoy it but the once or twice I dropped in there I had a blast. As for winning on BR I'm well into double figures now but that is almost entirely down to being on a team that has a really good player (not me) that I (and others) basically tend to provide intel and run interference for. If only all those youngsters knew they were losing to a bunch of 50 year old guys
  11. Tokai to open properly again from Friday https://www.facebook.com/tokaimtb/posts/1369248269935584
  12. I'm really enjoying it and even have a few wins in Battle Royale to my name, which makes me oddly proud Not so happy they have nerfed the MP5 but with my general lack of skills a nerfed weapon is the least of my worries...
  13. When buying for a group in the past I have only needed proof of address for myself as the main card holder. That said it is possible they could decide to get difficult.
  14. Which is unfortunately closed at the moment. Opened for one day (I think) and had to close down again, something I have a feeling we will have to get used to.
  15. In your wildest dreams, that level of bumbling is only achieved through years of dedicated practice. You have no chance of reaching that level.
  16. A quick update here. As above you can access and leave via Ou Wa Pad but please for now avoid The Donkey Trail and The Switchbacks. Donkey needs some repair work to make it safe after the recent rains and The Switchbacks exit is blocked by a couple of large trees that have fallen and are dangerous to try and bypass.
  17. An update on this - The sales office has now been closed with immediate effect for 14 days. No reason has been provided but I think we can all take a pretty good guess as to why.
  18. Officially Tokai is still closed. Activity cards will be extended and the sales office in Tokai is open again. This is a copy and paste from the manager responsible for activity card sales in the park - 'The wild card office is open again if people need to renew their permits We are also extending permits by three months if the card was valid or expired during lockdown. If card expired before lockdown regrettably no extension Extensions need to be processed onto the card which requires the person to come and have the card updated No cost and no photo required for the extension'
  19. Haven't seen mention of it here but Get Shorty is an excellent series. Really well written and acted and cracks on at a decent pace. Well worth a watch.
  20. You and Liverpool fans inhabit the same universe. Sometime in January there was a joking comment on a fan podcast along the lines of "the only thing that can stop us now is a global catastrophe'. I still haven't forgiven the guy for that comment...
  21. Only at Level 2 as far as I can tell. Not happy.
  22. The first one was epic, a brilliant game.
  23. Basic cookery principle right there. Batter/breadcrumbs etc might taste nice but the primary reason they are there is to protect the food from too much direct heat.
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