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Everything posted by V18

  1. Not really a black trail. Prolly a spirulina greenblue
  2. V18


    DHF is arguably the best front tyre if all out grip is your goal. It's a heavy tyre and the compound is prone to wear. It allegedly has a lot of rolling resistance. May not be the best choice for all. If enduro race days are your thing...sure. If you want a bit of all round goodness...keep that one for the shuttle day and enduro scene. That being said. I'd run it all year round because I'm lazy to change things up.
  3. V18


    Crossmarks aren't exactly the grippiest. That being said. They can be run pretty well in yhe right hands. I'd suggest something super grippy with a lekker footprint. You should be able to put onza ibex 2.4 up front if your fork will clear it. Rear... Meh. Whatever you like. Larger volume with foamo if you going to be running low pressures. I'd prolly keep the crossmark on the rear and insert a foamo and the Ibex front.
  4. V18


    Top top. Incognito and clear cache/cookies. These interesting ads won't pop up.
  5. V18

    Budget mtb

  6. I've been on the xt 46 dinner plate jump and now on the 46 sunrace. For Tygerberg trails with gradual climbs and the occasional mast (that I hardly do anyways) the xt was very nice. Granny to grind. Usable cadence on almost all flat less than 10percent gradients. The one place I did find the sunrace to shine a bit more was on tm rides. Where the gradient is consistently... Nasty. There it helps to be able to choose your suffergear with small gaps. The 46 was fine but I often wanted something juuuuuusssttt a bit more on some parts. Sunrace it wil be for me from now on. But that xt shifted so quietly it's insane.
  7. Just bought a cotic solaris max frame. Gonna build a lekker mtb commuter. Something about a 29er HT. With the right tekkies, I think ittle be a nice alternative option to the cotic escapade. Switch things up.
  8. Propper guilt trip for not commuting today. Visibility was fine. Have full fenders and lekker jacket. Friggen lazy ass
  9. Ugh. Maybe I should have just let it go. Just super butthurt for exactly that. Have been seeing some very primary level stuff all night and only getting to the serious things (heart attacks/strokes) much later than I should have. Call me triggered. System is overloaded with non emergent stuff that should be managed on a primary level. GPs are variable. Know a few good ones. You don't want to have your stroke lysis time missed because some oke with neglected bronchitis decided to jump the triage line. Also. Back to the tread. Maes's Dr did a pretty damn good job. Followed good guidelines. UCI is going to ruin the sport.
  10. I once went to a mechanic. He did a bad thing. All mechanics are bad. I go straight to the engineers that designed the car. I once got an electrician. He did a booboo. I only go to electrical engineers from now on. (My response to GP's not being real Dr's.) For interest sake. You cut your finger on a random Sunday. Requires some suturing. Nothing hectic. Call the plastic surgeon? You crack your ulna. Requires a simple backslab and circular pop. Straight to ortho? Have bronchitis. Straight to physician?
  11. I would buy the Farr frame kit so long. Unbeatable price. Hang it up in the garage. Source parts as time goes by. Nothing more satisfying than building something over time and it ends up being a MASTERPIECE (in your own opinion) I'm VERY tempted to do that myself but my cotic escapade still fills that niche.
  12. Steel has better fatigue characteristics than alu. It doesn't work harden as quick (or at all) as alu. So if 10y is your thinking. Steel would be it. The fork I think is a bit of a compromise/gain. Carbon for weigh. But more jarring ride. I ride a steel commuter daily. It's comfrikkenpletely different to my alu roadie.
  13. Following. (not there yet myself, but investing in a light weight build with juicy tyres and decent brakes is important. Hell, even a custom build jobbie may do the trick)
  14. Momsen str works well. Just buy a size or tow smaller. Same for the HT. Expect to have a moerse long seat tube.
  15. Oooohhh. I love a good budget n+1 build.
  16. Reason I went full length is to truly prevent my bb becoming a fountain of nastiness, feeding my cranks alternatingly to enschloppen my shoes.
  17. Used crc ja. Wasn't too long. 2weeks I think. Skynet is unpredictable though. I hope they go back to DHL.
  18. Thats a flippen nice bike. Or build up a nice Farr steel bike. With brakes that don't need fiddling all the time.
  19. https://www.chainreactioncycles.com/mobile/za/en/sks/mudguards And sure. They don't look great. But this is my comnuter bike. It must get me to work dry and on time and bonus if that is in a good mood (always is).
  20. Just full length mudguards on my gravel bike (cotic escapade). Keeps the spray in the wheelwells and not down your backside, bb, crank, face etc. Clean drizzle from the top is not the least bit distracting. Kinda nice really. It's usually the ocean of filty streetwater in your shoes/down your back/into your mouth that ruins a drizzle commute.
  21. Bit late. But did the Tuesday drizzle commute. The SKS bluemels I put on a while back kept me nice and dry. Honestly don't know why it took me so long to get them.
  22. Probably depends on your definition of XC. If you are going to race the XC circuits then you may even have to look at something like a hartail. If you are just going to plomp around flattish SouthAfrican trails with a light dusting of tech (like the rest of us), the trance will be my first choice.
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