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Everything posted by AlanD

  1. Whats the best way to fix this? I cannot push the two parts together to close the gap as it doesnt seem to close all the way. The pictures uploaded skew...thus is the top lef part of the cabinet.
  2. Yeah, I guess I assume that sellers would do as I do in marking as sold or delete the item but should have known they are out there amongst the "normal thinking" living....lol
  3. The other thing that annoys me is the one hit wonders, as I like to call them. They enquire if the item is still available (if is was not available then it would say sold or have been deleted), you say yes it is and then nothing. Never from hear from them again ever. Why ask if you have no intentions of viewing or buying?
  4. Jislaak, those annoy me. It's either used or new. It's not even "like new". If it is used even just once, then it is used and should be marked as used with a nice explanation on the item and it's usage.
  5. Man, that is just crazy Hope he heals up soon.
  6. Ok great, thanks. Probably due soon for a damper service.
  7. Now that I am a "master" at the fork service (lol), I am considering servicing my fox float x shock. I can get the seals at the same place I bought my fork seals. Quick question: Do I need fox float fluid (the blue stuff) or will the 20wGold also work in the shock?
  8. I just recently applied some copper grease to the back of the pads on my car as well as very little on the pad "ears" and it made a big difference. They also used to squeal like a seal bit now there is only a very slight squeal and im a few days in and all good.
  9. Those pics, exactly how I think of myself when I ride my bike but in reality it's closer to this:
  10. I read an article a while back about cornering like you on rails. Essentially, you turn your hips into the corner in the direction you want to go which helps a ton but really not as easy as it sounds. If you really flexible then it would be a lot easier.
  11. I was surprised myslef when i saw the ferrodo pads but also rather chuffed they not crap ones. Will at some point check the rear but for now its alot better so happy with that. Thanks for the advice.
  12. The inlaws have stored their dinning room suite at our place and want to sell it. It is knysa blackwood i am told and it great condition with all 8 chairs as well as the wall unit. The cushioning is a little pap and will need some attention but perfectly able to site comfortably. Any idea what i could sell this set for?
  13. Got some copper grease and proceeded to clean and apply There was no rust i could see so just gave a wipe down, not a hectic clean and put the copper grease at the back of the pads and very little, im mean extremely little on the ears as i didn't want to contaminate the pads. The car is a 1999 toyota Tazz and the pads said ferrodo premium and they have hardly worn. They were fitted by the place that worked on my engine a while back. Took it for a test ride and although alot better, they still squeek aittle bit. I will live for this for now and see how it goes.
  14. It's been like that for a while, ever since the discs and pads were replaced a while ago
  15. Eminem ft. little Wayne - No Love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KV2ssT8lzj8
  16. What's the best way to silence squealing brakes? I checked the brake pads and they have plenty life left but the brakes squeak really bad. On the one side I cleaned the disk and pads with some isopropyl alcohol and it seemed to work a little bit only
  17. Great stuff. I think it would be a nice feature if you want to compare the movements over lets say a 7 day period where you could pick up some patterns in your sleep that may help you to identify and solve issues. So are you some sort of developer for Garmin?
  18. I saw that but that only gives you the amount of hours sleep per day. I would like to see the actual sleep movements graph (as attached in my first post) for a few days rather than one day at a time.
  19. I have been trackng my sleep for a few days now which is pretty cool. It shows I have a lot of light sleep and not much deep sleep..i blame the toddler and baby for waking up at night...lol Is there a way to show the movement graph for a longer period of time other than just for the night?
  20. Managed to finish the service today with mo hassles -
  21. Yeah, thought of doing that before. Sometimes its the ones looking for food that are the culprits.
  22. Option 1 & 2, can't exactly wait for them to come round then go to work. If it were only "Dude" and not "Dudes". There is not only one "dude", there's many of them looking for different things.
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