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Everything posted by dave303e

  1. it is much more fun that than that, a friend and I were buggering around before a motorbike race a few years back, anyway childish games meant we both had front brakes covered in silicon spray on the startline. We both could do nothing but laugh when we were dragging our bikes out the bushes on the outside of the first corner because we just couldn't get the bikes to stop and neither was going to take it easy off the line. Lessons learned, it burns off quick enough
  2. If you don't mind me asking- why? Bicycle can be carried into the house onto it's bed/sleeping place/trainer...
  3. means 90kg, but 75kg if you think of a jump. 60kg if you are likely to case a jump and 110kg if it is on the indoor trainer...
  4. marine grease on the inside of the seal and bearing...
  5. THIS^^^ just remember to remove pedals while they run it like a balance bike. Their shins will thank you
  6. after this weekend I am more than happy with the direction they are going in. I got hit by a BMW GS1200 on the weekend. He hit me from behind trying to take a gap that was never there. I have AXS but without the hangerless design. Anyway there is a massive gouge in the AXS battery cover likely from the crash bars on the GS. I have the matching bruises on ankle as well. When it came time to get back up and get going again I had to actually pick up the derailleur battery cover from a few meters away. The derailleur didn't miss a beat, it kept shifting perfectly for the 240km left in the ride. It didn't even need a battery change. So if this new UDH and mounting along with the protection built into the axs as it is. This will be a game changer. I can tell you now I would have had to change a hanger on the weekend if I had a cable shifter.
  7. ERG is what enables structured interval training and would be a deal breaker not having it for me. I am bias on the used vs new debate. In 2017 I bought a used Gen 1 kickr. It has been used and abused by myself and the wife ever since then and really been relatively fuss free. But disclaimer is that I may have gotten lucky.
  8. if you look at that frame in the pic and the "new" one. They removed a brace and made the top tube wrap around the shock to make it look sleek whilst reinforcing for the lack of a brace. Rebranded it as new and revolutionary and removed the really overpriced unnecessarily complicated shock that costs a fortune and then costs even more when you need it serviced. I am nervous to see what this 'new' design will cost.
  9. Someone on this forum possibly this thread once mentioned a vacuum cleaner and string. It really has made life easier for me. I ran an armoured cable through a 32mm pvc pipe across a field. Tied a plastic bag to the string and pulled it with vacuum cleaner, then pulled a wire through and then the cable. It was a 70m length of cable and pipe. Worked like a charm. Had fiber installers looking impressed, they thought I was never going to get the cable through.
  10. apologies, I was wrong. Ya seems like it was all the road running records outside of the athletics track. Still Bolt has been very vocal about shoes having an unfair advantage leading up to the last Olympics...
  11. comes back to money, 50% scholarship for rugby at a fancy school is R150k a year which is nearly triple minimum wage for a year...
  12. ya but you mentally cannot psych yourself up that much to run a new pb every day. otherwise we would all have runners high every single day. It just doesn't work like that no matter how much someone on a podcast says you can. There is no substitute for good nutrition. You don't put 5 liters of old petrol out of a rusty petrol can in a formula 1 car and expect it to win the race...
  13. It's worse than that. Craven week was the only schoolboy rugby festival/games where testing was done and the one year half of all rugby doping bans came from that single tournament. As for the gene splicing, the same way you can breed a dog or a cow or a horse to perform better. Naturally it is happening in a multitude of sports. How many top runners breed with other runners, how many triathletes, same for cycling, same for a lot of sports. Mainly due to social trends where that is who they interact with. But you just need to reproduce that a few generations in a row and you should legally see a performance increase. I can see it with our cows, the fiddling done with who breeds with what and the quality of animal and the traits around it go through the roof. Same goes for the working jack russels bread on the farm. Certain lines make the most amazing pets, other lines bread for hunting purposes are the reason we don't have rats or snakes and the pigeon population is dwindling. The biggest single improvement in athletic capability in the last 10 years has been running shoes... I think there is only 1 running record that has not been broken since the introduction of carbon plated running shoes. From 100m to 100miles ladies and mens records.
  14. Enjoy... Then go watch a few of his other videos
  15. Beau Miles already 1 upped this eating nothing but beans for a month. Liver king's diet all fell apart when we learned you needed 10k worth of steroids to enable the gains on top of the diet.
  16. Having gone down a long road of nutrition. We don't eat enough. but my 2c on the situation- 1- Smoothy breakfast- very fast gastric emptying so no wonder you are hungry by 11:30. 2- Mid morning and mid afternoon snacks are needed, also late night snacks... 3- fuel your ride, so something before and then in order to train gut to take on more carbs while riding eat something during the ride as well. Even like a banana before and then a carb heavy drink during would make sense. 4- recovery - something with some protein and carbs directly after training. Recovery shake is also a good idea. Honestly a good dietitian will sort you out for not a lot of money. If you in PTA ping me and I will send you an awesome dietitians number, R950 and you will really have a good rubric to enable you further.
  17. ya I have used serval before, just a pain when there are no other places to check pricing on specialist items. So you literally have no reference if the price is good or not.
  18. we used to destroy our enduro motorbike stanchions on rocks. Most of the time you could just lightly sand/polish the nicks in the chrome smooth and then do new bushes and seals and squeeze more life out of them before replacing. Just enough to stop the scratch/gouge eating the seal and bush. 1200grit water paper. I do the same thing on our vacuum pump to stop the casing eating the veins when the pump has seized or whatever.
  19. I would take the 2k hit for a replacement... Cortos or a Suunto 9 will cost over 10k. We(wife and I) had 5 Suunto's replaced in 3 years on their warranty, so while their warranty is good, the odds are you will need it. Our Fenix 6's have both outlasted any of the suunto's. Coros is a really awesome product as well, I have been super impressed with a team mates one. But you in for 13k minimum for the apex or 15k for a vertix.
  20. have you opened up your headset and checked those bearings? I put maxima waterproof grease on there and then put duct tape around the top of the headset and topcap to protect it further. Maintaining and cleaning a training bike has opened my eyes. I will never touch a public gym bike again knowing how badly that mankness can ingress...
  21. I had such a disappointment this weekend. A notable online tool store in SA is having a sale. So with y list of nice to have's I went and had a dig through the sale only to realise that they have marked it all up and then put it on 'sale' back to what is the usual retail price. So just all be aware when shopping on tool sales. Luckily I am too stingy to not price check. But it is tough for tools that are not commonly available.
  22. I also agree with the sentiment of a dedicated trainer bike. I had an older mtb which became the trainer bike. But I would likely buy the cheapest road bike I could find my size. Put the same saddle as my mtb and set up the body position as much as possible. Then you can run the cheapest chain, cassette and chainrings you can find. My old MTB now has a 1x10, with a 40 tooth gravel chainring and then 10 Speed XT from the original 2x10 with a road 10 speed cassette. because the trainer environment is relatively sterile. If you keep the chain clean and lubed you get a lot of km out of really cheap components. It probably drops around 5k a year on my running costs and I do more km. My trainer bike has no brakes on it at all. The front tyre is so perished it is cracked all over, but the tube holds air. An alternative is to even just buy a frame, chuck a crank, cheap front wheel, handlebars and a shifter. The reality is, that it means there is always a bike I can jump on and go. No faffing. Just carry a bottle of water and my phone to the pain cave and good to go.
  23. I am also in the multisport world and need a balanced program. Hence I have a coach who I love to hate. But training peaks is a win there. What I do like about rouvy is that coach builds sessions in trainingpeaks and then they sync directly for me to do in rouvy. I also like downloading routes offline so that I can take time to download an hd route and then if the internet dips with loadshedding it s not an issue. The other bonus is the family plan and both of us having full access for the price of a single subscription to most of these platforms. What is useful on trainingpeaks as well is being able to export workouts for the last few years and ingesting that into powerBI for analytics.
  24. if it is the turny knob locks. Push really hard inward as you turn to undo. But you didn't hear that from me...
  25. AXS shifters for the win. I am also shying away from dropper levers on the bars. I love the way he says Colorado not a wet climate and rust is not an issue. BUT, they do salt roads in Colorado, which is the worst thing for rust. Also bikes in Colorado tend to spend a few months on a trainer, which also is the worst thing you can do to a headset bearing. But that is just me speculating
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