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Fat Boab

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Everything posted by Fat Boab

  1. Yet two people will now use this oke's behaviour as justification to cycle (probably)... Ro of two...????
  2. Death, bad choice, by a thousand cuts isn't it? We humans see behaviour. It gives us justification to emulate. And then we add an increment...
  3. All those bags and what looks like a milk container? I wonder if he lawfully was on a shopping trip? But unlawfully on the freeway...for sure.
  4. My property overlooks Beyers Naude out in the Cradle in JHB. Had a coffee and in that time I saw 3 cars with 1 being a security car. V quiet. And no cyclists seen! Maybe I'll have a look at 0500 tomorrow for tail-lights!
  5. 100%. If you live in a township, I suppose you're being encouraged to shop locally, so the walk is short but left to your own cogniscance. But if you live in the more affluent, or remote suburbs, and you don't have access to a car, it's all a bit vague. There won't be a taxi service to use...
  6. A valid question and one that I've been trying to track down the answer to, particularly as our residents association is planning to prohibit access to the area by pedestrians. They might have forgotten that not all residents have cars and as far as I can see, have a right to movement for food, pharmacy and grants etc.
  7. Rehearse this phrase "Honey, can you believe there was a stock out on polyfilla and paint? Selfish buggers are stock-piling..."
  8. True. Cos neat brandy is a killer...
  9. Can I ask why the steep stem? Couldn't the bars have been placed in the prefered place with the frame go without going for that stem?
  10. Plus one for the Flare. Highly visible from a long way away even in the daylight. Great battery life too. Don't leave home without it!
  11. I ride with Spez AWOL handlebars. Only 12 degs of flare so quite road-like but with a bit of extra width. Sitting in the drops is actually quite comfy.
  12. As far as I know...no. But 10 speed STI and 9 sp RD, yes. But you didn't ask that! I seem to remember someone here suggesting that clutched 9 sp RD either aren't made or are as rare as the tooth of a female chicken... Perhaps someone can confirm or otherwise?
  13. And further to what you said, you can determine a HR TSS from your time in HR training zones from your pulse meter. I really must look at this and give it a try!
  14. They can of course ride slower/easier?
  15. Took the plunge a few years ago and went the 2nd hand self-build route to keep the cost down. Steel frame and fork. 2x10. 50-34 and 11-36 (about to go 46-34 and 11-40). Drop bars, STIs. Love it! I tour on it on tar/gravel and train on the road too. Love the ability to run from 25 to 38mm tyres. It's comfy and handles well enough for a confirmed roadie. Yes it's heavier than my carbon road bike and hence slower but not all rides need to be about speed. I wouldn't easily be parted from it...
  16. It is indeed sad but not entirely unexpected. 200-odd heart attack related deaths in SA everyday. 60M people. Across 300,000 people that's one person. Take the physical stress of an event like CTCT into account and 1 in 30,000 perhaps isn't so unrepresentative?
  17. Chapeau Sir! And you make an interesting point...anyone seen a motor-powered handicapped 3 wheeler recumbent? If not, why not? Surely those individuals are closely associated with one of the common groups we here about who NEED ebikes I. E. The elderly and infirm. Yet not so many, if any of them, who opt for augmented human power. It's lazy, I tell you. Should be renamed lazee-bikes...
  18. Re e-bikes and CTCT rules on batteries and speed cut-out etc...we all know that a number of the rules for all cyclists are essentially bound by an honour system as policing at the gates and on the course is difficult if not impossible. So whether you ride with tribars, do an unofficial substitution, ride with your mate's chip, have an unregulated ebike or are juiced to high heaven...most of the time you'll get away with it. And ultimately only cheat yourself... The more rules are developed to be enforced, the more expensive entry fees will become with extra PITA at the start pens. As for the spirit of the CTCT day and love to all who embrace cycling... distill it down. Out on a training ride and you ate passed by either another cyclist or an ebiker, is your emotional response, if any, the same or different? I know what mine is and I don't quite understand why the word KUDOS passes through my mind in the first case and LAZY in the second... I thought I was more egalitarian than that but it turns out I'm not.
  19. Bidon Bistro Facebook page is your friend (sorry I can't paste from my phone). 30 km on the road. Enter on the night. 1800 registration. 1830 departure. No light, no ride.
  20. Or should that be...get that permit, laminate it etc?
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