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Cape Epic Battle Plan ...

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You can do the Epic via the ordinary guy route. Like I did. Year 1 got a bike and ate the food I got. And drank 1/2 coke and water and Energade and powerade. No bike services. The second year I made a few drive train upgrades. And did it again with the same recipe. The third time I got clever and bought all kinds of expensive dust(Epic pro) that tastes like vomit. After the second day I was back to the same recipe as year 1. Giving the expensive dust to people who think normal food is abnormal.

My supplements were Berocca cal and Slow mag.

No. I did not podium. We had the odd breakages. I wanted to be clever with lightweight tires... Survived without any massage/ maintenance/sustenance plan. We are doing the Cape pioneer trek in October. Vleis rys en aartappels.

Or you can swallow all the pills and potions on the market and have the most expensive urine in the southern hemisphere. Just be sure that the stuff you intend to ingest does not give you stomach cramps or jippo guts.

50% TIS

30% hardegat and do not do stupid things. Like stupid tires.

10% luck

The others make up the last 10%.

Have fun.

Both Epics for me was basic plan and basic components. Works the best. The water points this year were super cool with Woolies supporting them. Great vide and everything you need to keep going. Seems the more basic one goes the easier the time. :thumbup:

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I also struggled with the gag reflex when I saw the 15k estimate for supplements.


I hope the OP's coaching is better than their PR and marketing strategy.

R15K. I hope there are some Contador steaks in that price.... :clap:

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You can do the Epic via the ordinary guy route. Like I did. Year 1 got a bike and ate the food I got. And drank 1/2 coke and water and Energade and powerade. No bike services. The second year I made a few drive train upgrades. And did it again with the same recipe. The third time I got clever and bought all kinds of expensive dust(Epic pro) that tastes like vomit. After the second day I was back to the same recipe as year 1. Giving the expensive dust to people who think normal food is abnormal.

My supplements were Berocca cal and Slow mag.

No. I did not podium. We had the odd breakages. I wanted to be clever with lightweight tires... Survived without any massage/ maintenance/sustenance plan. We are doing the Cape pioneer trek in October. Vleis rys en aartappels.

Or you can swallow all the pills and potions on the market and have the most expensive urine in the southern hemisphere. Just be sure that the stuff you intend to ingest does not give you stomach cramps or jippo guts.

50% TIS

30% hardegat and do not do stupid things. Like stupid tires.

10% luck

The others make up the last 10%.

Have fun.


Amen, this is good advice.

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Given everything goes well and you don't break your bones or your bike, for the 2-man team your maintenance on your bike will be around R30,000 (pre-Epic), you need a service plan at the Epic - about R5,000, your supplements will be around R15,000, you need very focused advice on skills and preparation as TIS (time in saddle) does not suffice anymore - around R10,000, apparel, CSA licence etc around R8,000 and whala, you end up with around R70,000. Now that is a hefty investment if you do not make cut-off! Be sensible, lower the risk and get proper advice ...


Dude, I haven't dont the Epic, but I have done quite a number of shorter stage races and also did an unsupported bike tour in Alaska of almost twice the distance of the Epic, so not the most experienced on the hub, but I'm not quite new to the sport.


The numbers you quote on bike maintenance and supplements are maybe for the elite rider with XTR groupsets, changing chains and cassetts every 800km and living out of supplement tubs. Don't tell me you need all that **** only to finish. You can ride on Game and eat raisins and snackers and still finish, so don't know how you're gonna get to R15000 in supplements with that.


Not saying its not a big investment and that you shouldn't plan and get help (possibly from experts), but I think you're talking a load of BS into peoples' heads saying they need to spend R70000.

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My budget for BC bike race next year:

Entry fee R 12800

Meal plan R280

Flights R9500(cape town to Vancouver)

Accomodation before and after the race R3750 (5 nights)

Full drive train replacement before race R3500

Full service (hubs, BB, Suspension, headset, brakes, shifter cables) R1500

New tyres (will do in Canada, more choice, cheaper and can incorporate weather forecast) R1000

Kit: sponsored

Nutrition: R200 (private nutritionist product I've been using for 3 years)

I dont regard training expenses as part of the event cost as I would be training regardless of wether I'm doing a race or not.

Total cost for 7 days of mtb heaven R32330


Looks like an awesome race. I also did the math and came out close to your no's. Damn, just to find the money now.

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If you're offering a service explain the service and give the cost. Justify the cost in relation to the service you offer, not the cost of the epic as done by team Specialized.


This offer reads a bit like it will cost R3000 to inflate your Ferrari tyre but it's a bargain because otherwise your R4 000 000 car is worthless.

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I also struggled with the gag reflex when I saw the 15k estimate for supplements. I hope the OP's coaching is better than their PR and marketing strategy.


Hope your riding is better than your reading - in one of my initial posts I explained the estimate for supplements PER TEAM amounting to around R15,000!!

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Hope your riding is better than your reading - in one of my initial posts I explained the estimate for supplements PER TEAM amounting to around R15,000!!

How, what, when? R7500 per person! WTF? Substituting groceries with concoctions perhaps?

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How, what, when? R7500 per person! WTF? Substituting groceries with concoctions perhaps?


Where do you buy your supplements, or do you mix it yourself in your bath tub? Either way, you can go about with bread crumbs and sugar but if you really train hard it ain't gonna work ...

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Where do you buy your supplements, or do you mix it yourself in your bath tub? Either way, you can go about with bread crumbs and sugar but if you really train hard it ain't gonna work ...

Dude, really! ask I the questions and you are the service provider! So stop with the attitude, and convince me that I have to spend a small fortune on potions, powders and other man-made artefacts disguised as 'supplements' when I train aplenty!


For a lot of people the Epic (or Sani, or Comrades, or whatever) is a big dream and a huge financial/time/emotional outlay, so phrases like 'Cape Epic Battle Plan' seems too much like a marketer's scaremongery so they can piggy back on exploit those with stars in their eyes. So pardon the general sceptical nature.


Some practical advise you can give your clients (I'd much prefer another term....): Professor Asker Jeukendrup has a recipe for a home made energy drink.... the recipe (and links) are here on the hub. SEARCH FOR IT!

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Given everything goes well and you don't break your bones or your bike, for the 2-man team your maintenance on your bike will be around R30,000 (pre-Epic), you need a service plan at the Epic - about R5,000, your supplements will be around R15,000, you need very focused advice on skills and preparation as TIS (time in saddle) does not suffice anymore - around R10,000, apparel, CSA licence etc around R8,000 and whala, you end up with around R70,000. Now that is a hefty investment if you do not make cut-off! Be sensible, lower the risk and get proper advice ...

After 3 Epics , I haven't spent R10000 on service and maintenance together. R15k for supplements?? R8k for csa license. You must be mad
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Given everything goes well and you don't break your bones or your bike, for the 2-man team your maintenance on your bike will be around R30,000 (pre-Epic), you need a service plan at the Epic - about R5,000, your supplements will be around R15,000, you need very focused advice on skills and preparation as TIS (time in saddle) does not suffice anymore - around R10,000, apparel, CSA licence etc around R8,000 and whala, you end up with around R70,000. Now that is a hefty investment if you do not make cut-off! Be sensible, lower the risk and get proper advice ...

Like stop stuffing untested, unregulated substances down your pie hole and ride your bike more, or use the time for a bit of core work :whistling:

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Hope your riding is better than your reading - in one of my initial posts I explained the estimate for supplements PER TEAM amounting to around R15,000!!


You also attend the Cajees School of Customer Care?


Not sure exactly who you work for but looking at your replies I dont get a "i must try this" feeling....

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You also attend the Cajees School of Customer Care?


Not sure exactly who you work for but looking at your replies I dont get a "i must try this" feeling....


Tee is going viral!

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Guest Omega Man

My budget for BC bike race next year:

Entry fee R 12800

Meal plan R280

Flights R9500(cape town to Vancouver)

Accomodation before and after the race R3750 (5 nights)

Full drive train replacement before race R3500

Full service (hubs, BB, Suspension, headset, brakes, shifter cables) R1500

New tyres (will do in Canada, more choice, cheaper and can incorporate weather forecast) R1000

Kit: sponsored

Nutrition: R200 (private nutritionist product I've been using for 3 years)

I dont regard training expenses as part of the event cost as I would be training regardless of wether I'm doing a race or not.

Total cost for 7 days of mtb heaven R32330


Niiiice. What airline? I've done a little costing and the best I could find was 15k on Emirates. I did just kind of wing those dates and that obviously makes a huge diff in pricing.

Edited by Omega Man
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