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Gun carry on bicycle

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Most sensible post on the Hub....ever.


Rant on:


To all the proponents of carrying a gun whilst riding, it's all good and well talking up a good fight and acting all f'ing GV with your gun strapped to your thigh. But when (if) you shoot and kill someone, who may actually not have threatened your life, you will have taken someones life. If you think that's going to sit comfortably with you then you are a physco and need help. As so clearly pointed out by gummi above. And you carrying a gun and pulling it on a potential jacker is only going ensure that said jacker will be more suitably armed for his next attempt, which may be when he tries to jack me!


So just to be crystal clear, I think carrying a firearm on a bike the stupidest idea ever.


And just to clarify, I own 4 firearms, so I am not some bunnyhugging, spinach smoothie drinking, anti-gun lobbyist who gets his mangina in a twist every time someone says the word gun.


Rant off


While few may have to live with the consequences of their violent defensive actions,

I'm sure many here are living with the consequence of having violent crimes perpetrated directly against them and their family.


Lets hear from them, would they prefer to play possum or have the option to fight back effectively?

If they were attacked while cycling, do they still ride?

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Does anyone know where to get those butane-filled-squeeze-trigger-spark-ignited-flame-thrower-gadjiets camouflaged as a cycling water bottle? Especially the MEDtoWD15m. Apparently you can refill it with any flammable liquid of choice.


Currently have the bottom of the range model.......first you need to spray and then ignite.......almost similar to spray-and-cook......like the stuff some cyclist use on their chains and frames.


Someone is going to feel the burn.........by choice or by accident

Edited by BarHugger
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I appreciate all the advice, I value most of the opinions and enjoy some of the light humour on this tread. It really is something to consider well and with all the debates it gave me perspective on certain aspects which I may have not considered. I read an article in the Man magnum magazine this morning - Trail Talk by Phillip Hayes - "Possessors of arms should learn all there is to know about firearm safety and security, and reflect long on the responsibility that goes with the power to take a human life, and thereby potentially to destroy the lives of those dependant on that one life taken. When it comes to human interaction, firearms should not be seen as weapons of action, but of reaction - and then , reaction solely to a potentially deadly threat to human life and limb in the most extreme circumstances. The possession of a firearm should never be allowed to change your personality. Treat everyone with utmost respect and courtesy whether you are armed or not." I found the following a good read http://www.gunsite.co.za/forums/showthread.php?52559-Understanding-criminal-bevahiour

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Does anyone know where to get those butane-filled-squeeze-trigger-spark-ignited-flame-thrower-gadjiets camouflaged as a cycling water bottle?

Really? There are such things?

Just don't drink from it by mistake :P


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These guys kinda have the right idea. Not saying cops are stupid or anything, but they might go faster if the removed the stand from the back wheel :w00t: :P The vettie at the back needs to pedal faster......to many doughnuts


Edited by blondeonabike
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Most sensible post on the Hub....ever.


Rant on:


To all the proponents of carrying a gun whilst riding, it's all good and well talking up a good fight and acting all f'ing GV with your gun strapped to your thigh. But when (if) you shoot and kill someone, who may actually not have threatened your life, you will have taken someones life. If you think that's going to sit comfortably with you then you are a physco and need help. As so clearly pointed out by gummi above. And you carrying a gun and pulling it on a potential jacker is only going ensure that said jacker will be more suitably armed for his next attempt, which may be when he tries to jack me!


So just to be crystal clear, I think carrying a firearm on a bike the stupidest idea ever.


And just to clarify, I own 4 firearms, so I am not some bunnyhugging, spinach smoothie drinking, anti-gun lobbyist who gets his mangina in a twist every time someone says the word gun.


Rant off


:lol: :lol:


That was a good laugh.


I agree that Gummi raised the actual real issue here.


Now I am no anti-gun lobbyist nor plant eating give pigs a chance kinda hippie either.

Apologies to the real tough guys who took my light hatred banting as serious as well, perhaps now we know who to look out for as the trigger happy ones.


In the end of the day and I think Slazenger put it quite nicely, it's the same as a knife or stick or any other concealed weapon.

The harsh reality , even though someone may be an accurate shot, they still need to know how to react, get to the weapon in time and once they put a bit of lead through the perpetrator , they need to live with the consequences.


From there it gets even worse trying to explain to these courts of ours why you killed a man.

The good old days of shooting first and explaining later are long gone.

All these guys also using the argument "rather them or me" I am a from believer in that when it's your time, it is your time.


Now there is nothing wrong with a highly skilled individual who has quick reflexes , immense accuracy and knows how to handle himself in a sticky situation.

He also however will still have to get past the courts.


For me it boils down to this, to threaten to pull the trigger and to actually pull the trigger will determine the difference.

I have no issue with anyone carrying a firearm whilst they are out cycling, provided they know what they are about to do when the need arises.

For most others it becomes an ornament.

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Superbly REAL post

Not Clint Eastwood-like hype.


At least you are still here today and your son still has a father! If you didn't pull the trigger it might have been you down on the ground and your son would have had to grow up without a father.


I have respect for you!

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At least you are still here today and your son still has a father! If you didn't pull the trigger it might have been you down on the ground and your son would have had to grow up without a father.


I have respect for you!


This is meant for you, gummi'



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I say


Get your chamois azz in a chain gang

Enjoy the company of good old banter and make cool friends


Los af daai bazooka, Rambo

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Mod Note:


A number of recent off-topic posts have been removed.


Please keep discussion on topic or the thread will be locked.

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I was held up at gun point recently. Was riding on my own. Guy came running at me with a gun pointed at me. If I had have had a gun I would not have had a chance to get at it. All the bloke took was my phone and it was insured. Was a bit surprised when he let me go but perhaps he was a huber and more into mountain bikes and I was on a road bike.


It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be actually. More annoying than anything else.


So I wouldn't carry a firearm. I'm not a fan. Wouldn't say I am afraid of them, I was a Bren gunner in the old SA. 7SAI. I just don't think it would be useful. Basically you are in an ambush situation. I was trained that in such a situation you must start firing ASAP before even hitting the ground. Once on the ground roll and leopard crawl into cover. Usually the Bren group gets sent out on a flank taking high ground if you can. Of course the rest of section has to provide covering fire whole you attempt this bowel loosening maneuver. Not sure about pulling this off on Simba hill while out on a training ride.


But good luck anyway.

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