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Tokai murder


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Good people are getting murdered in farm murders regularly and it never reaches main stream news headlines while I feel it should. Being good or bad usually is a choice made by people for themselves.

I agree with you on the farm murders. 

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What I find strange is that people get murdered all the time in SA, good people, yet it it only sometimes make news headlines, yet this murder seems to get A LOT more attention for some reason, I do not understand why. All murders of good people should get this level of attention.

The public are frustrated and want to help but don't know how.They then take to social media and cause a storm.


Same thing with Oscar P case and Jayde in PE.




I read your anguished post last night with a heavy heart; felt the need to reach out in some way, but decided to let your words sink in overnight before I did.

Franziska’s family are well known in Kalk Bay, they own a wonderful guesthouse renowned for its warmth, hospitality, stunning views and awesome breakfasts.

For those of us who did the Argus on Sunday, we rode passed their windows and who knows, maybe Franziska and her sister were down there on the street cheering us all on.

The Blöchliger’s are good people; honest, hard-working compassionate and caring. They are also good parents whose lives have now been irreparably shattered by the loss of their child.


Many aspects of the society in which live are structured by a leadership system that we acknowledge and accept as normality. Head-teachers in our schools, Clergy in our churches, our boss at work. When we fly we put ourselves into the care of the flight Captain whose ultimate responsibility it is to get us to our destination in safety. We are conditioned to trust the authority of leaders from early childhood, its how our system works.

When a capital crime like murder is committed in this country, it is not considered a crime against the victim or his/her family per se, it is regarded as a crime against the State. And so the State takes charge in the business of catching the perpetrator, preparing and ultimately prosecuting the case in a court of law.

And whilst the accused can, depending on the size of his wallet, assemble a hand picked stellar defense team, the grieving family must put their faith in the ability of the State to deliver them justice.

So who is the Head of State into who’s hands we put so much trust ?

Who is this man who’s sovereignty is violated every time a child is raped and/or murdered ?

Who is this man who’s Oath of Office and Constitutional obligation it is to keep us all safe and to ensure that these atrocities never happen in the first place ?

Where are his anguished cries when one of the flock over which he ultimately presides is taken in such a brutal way ?

His name is Jacob Zuma.

If he were a leader, if he was a true statesman, he would understand that with great power comes great responsibility and he would use some of that power to stem the scourge of barbarism that is tearing this great Nation apart.

Instead he does NOTHING !


And yet here are the words that he gave to us all when elected:


SCHEDULE 2 Oaths and Solemn Affirmations [schedule 2 amended by s. 2 of Constitution First Amendment Act of 1997 (Eng text only) and substituted by s. 18 of Constitution Sixth Amendment Act of 2001.]

Oath or solemn affirmation of President and Acting President

The President or Acting President, before the Chief Justice, or another judge designated by the Chief Justice, must swear/affirm as follows:


In the presence of everyone assembled here, and in full realisation of the high calling I assume as President/Acting President of the Republic of South Africa, I, xxxx, swear/solemnly affirm that I will be faithful to the Republic of South Africa, and will obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution and all other law of the Republic; and I solemnly and sincerely promise that I will always:

• promote all that will advance the Republic, and oppose all that may harm it;

 • protect and promote the rights of all South Africans;

• discharge my duties with all my strength and talents to the best of my knowledge and ability and true to the dictates of my conscience;

• do justice to all; and

• devote myself to the well-being of the Republic and all of its people. (In the case of an oath: So help me God.)


Source:  http://www.justice.gov.za/legislation/constitution/SAConstitution-web-eng-s02.pdf


For those of who didn't read 3wings post earlier


No, but instead of asking "why this one did", when it's really clear why it did (suburbia, assumed safe area, media contacted and ran with the "shock in paradise" angle) try to work out how to reduce all levels. 


This should not be a "my outrage is bigger than your outrage" situation. 


It happened. It managed to bring a spotlight on to crime and murder etc, due to the place in which it occurred. As for murders elsewhere, we're desensitized, and it happens far more often, it's almost accepted, when it shouldn't be.


A girl lost her life. Period. 


I see it the other way round. Why are middle/upper class lives more important? This story has resulted in discussions about the state of the country and we've had vigils arrests and counselling...yet the poor girl found dead and stuffed in a toilet (on almost the same day) has barely even registered.


So this young middle class girl has raised awareness of the state of crime in this country?...can you imagine if we all treated every single murder in this country as major news...the government powers would be shown up for how inefficient they are and we can finally start to move forward 


I see it the other way round. Why are middle/upper class lives more important? This story has resulted in discussions about the state of the country and we've had vigils arrests and counselling...yet the poor girl found dead and stuffed in a toilet (on almost the same day) has barely even registered.


So this young middle class girl has raised awareness of the state of crime in this country?...can you imagine if we all treated every single murder in this country as major news...the government powers would be shown up for how inefficient they are and we can finally start to move forward 

Stretch, they aren't. It's just that we (as middle to upper class citizens) have the means to make things like this so much more viral and known than others. If something like this affects someone in an area where, historically, it hasn't happened, it WILL be news. That's just the nature of things. 


It doesn't mean that it's more important than murders elsewhere - that's lazy logic. It means that, due to the area, the prevalence of other, similar stories / crimes, the air-time that people gave it through FB, Cape Talk, phoning in to newspapers etc - the chances of it being picked up and run with due to the circumstances are infinitely higher than if someone were to be murdered out in Tafelsig or Parow Industria or somewhere else. Purely because "that sort of thing doesn't happen here"


It in no way, shape or form means that her life was more important than other lives. 


Besides, in the townships etc you'd better believe that there are vigils and communities banding together to find people. We just don't see it because murders outside our frames of reference are "not affecting us" therefore we pay them no attention. 


It's sad, but true. 


Think of it like crime - someone at work's friend gets robbed. "Jeepers, I'm glad they're okay - did they take anything?" No further action. It happened in Khayelitsha - thousands of residents get robbed on a daily basis. It was bound to happen


You or your neighbour gets robbed, and you live in Bishops Court. They get nothing, 'cos Brutus and Fluffy chase them away before they manage to break in. You set up a neighbourhood watch, a facebook group and whatsapp group to get it under control. Because it's Bishops Court, and "those things shouldn't happen"


Does that mean that yours is more important than theirs? No. It just means that it affects YOU more than theirs affects you. You have more opportunity to make it known to the papers, Facebook, Cape Talk and everyone at your local Virgin Active that "you got broken into and it must be stopped"




So this young middle class girl has raised awareness of the state of crime in this country?...can you imagine if we all treated every single murder in this country as major news...the government powers would be shown up for how inefficient they are and we can finally start to move forward 

On this, though, I thoroughly agree. 


We (as the collective) need to treat them all the same. Human nature is to treat things that happen outside our "zones" with a certain amount of detachment. We need to bring them ALL to light. Travel outside our zones. Help residents everywhere take back their communities. Rail against it when it happens, no matter where it happens. It must stop. 


However - the reasons for one getting more air-time than the other, at least in this instance, are I think pretty clear. Sad, but that's how I see it... 


Stretch, they aren't. It's just that we (as middle to upper class citizens) have the means to make things like this so much more viral and known than others. If something like this affects someone in an area where, historically, it hasn't happened, it WILL be news. That's just the nature of things. 


It doesn't mean that it's more important than murders elsewhere - that's lazy logic. It means that, due to the area, the prevalence of other, similar stories / crimes, the air-time that people gave it through FB, Cape Talk, phoning in to newspapers etc - the chances of it being picked up and run with due to the circumstances are infinitely higher than if someone were to be murdered out in Tafelsig or Parow Industria or somewhere else. Purely because "that sort of thing doesn't happen here"


It in no way, shape or form means that her life was more important than other lives. 


Besides, in the townships etc you'd better believe that there are vigils and communities banding together to find people. We just don't see it because murders outside our frames of reference are "not affecting us" therefore we pay them no attention. 


It's sad, but true. 


Think of it like crime - someone at work's friend gets robbed. "Jeepers, I'm glad they're okay - did they take anything?" No further action. It happened in Khayelitsha - thousands of residents get robbed on a daily basis. It was bound to happen


You or your neighbour gets robbed, and you live in Bishops Court. They get nothing, 'cos Brutus and Fluffy chase them away before they manage to break in. You set up a neighbourhood watch, a facebook group and whatsapp group to get it under control. Because it's Bishops Court, and "those things shouldn't happen"


Does that mean that yours is more important than theirs? No. It just means that it affects YOU more than theirs affects you. You have more opportunity to make it known to the papers, Facebook, Cape Talk and everyone at your local Virgin Active that "you got broken into and it must be stopped"


All the more reason then for wealth redistribution to the level that all citizens can have unfettered access to social media and  afford to live in neighbourhoods, all to achieve a social standing that warrants appropriate responses to now_daily crimes...




Stretch, they aren't. It's just that we (as middle to upper class citizens) have the means to make things like this so much more viral and known than others. If something like this affects someone in an area where, historically, it hasn't happened, it WILL be news. That's just the nature of things. 


It doesn't mean that it's more important than murders elsewhere - that's lazy logic. It means that, due to the area, the prevalence of other, similar stories / crimes, the air-time that people gave it through FB, Cape Talk, phoning in to newspapers etc - the chances of it being picked up and run with due to the circumstances are infinitely higher than if someone were to be murdered out in Tafelsig or Parow Industria or somewhere else.


I agree wholeheartedly...bust sadly our reaction is also different the closer it is to our lives...I can say with 100% confidence that a thread about another murder of similar nature in a lower class area would barely make it to page 2....so we are partly at fault too.


we lose sight as to how grave the situation really is in this country because we are only seeing a fraction of what goes on. The responsibility of making everyone aware of that should not rest on the friends and family of the victims to shout it out on social media and contact the newspapers.....media should already be out there investigating and bringing the story to us...regular exposes's on the real state of life in south africa etc...instead our media is just like our service delivery...reactive


All the more reason then for wealth redistribution to the level that all citizens can have unfettered access to social media and  afford to live in neighbourhoods, all to achieve a social standing that warrants appropriate responses to now_daily crimes...



LOL. Can opened. 


But yeah, I know what you mean. And the thing in bold? That shouldn't matter when we determine which ones to give airtime to. What I think needs to change, is like Wayne was saying in the time to get the hell out of here thread.


The realisation that, despite the desensitising, and the fact that it happens all the time, this is not normal. It never should have been. One life is not more important than another. Social standing should have fookall to do with it. As should location. 


As stretch said - can you imagine if ALL murders were given this airtime?


If all murders/attacks/rapes were given this airtime, there would be a whole lot of people that would be able to go back to work at the paper mills that were shut down recently. They could put out a publication JUST for the murders/attacks/rapes that happen daily.


They do get mentioned on radio/TV and the problem is that we become desensitized to them UNTIL it hits close to home.


LOL. Can opened. 


But yeah, I know what you mean. And the thing in bold? That shouldn't matter when we determine which ones to give airtime to. What I think needs to change, is like Wayne was saying in the time to get the hell out of here thread.


The realisation that, despite the desensitising, and the fact that it happens all the time, this is not normal. It never should have been. One life is not more important than another. Social standing should have fookall to do with it. As should location. 


As stretch said - can you imagine if ALL murders were given this airtime?

hahah just kicking that can around. Had EFF written all over it. ;)


I think the problem i had with how i imagined things would go (outpouring of sympathy because of social standing), is that it provokes the cops into putting their best foot forward, or least provoke them into creating the appearance of putting their all into the investigation. So far, things are proceeding along lines of my concern: everything goes by the numbers, and with much haste. Yet, elsewhere other no less heinous crimes, get lost in a bureaucratic quagmire.


Inequality in social standing shouldn't have to mean unequal attention to crimes. But it does, and this is the truly tragic situation.


Why has social standing suddenly under the spotlight. The headline originally read teen raped and murderedin Tokai forest.

The was not mention of class, colour or religion or political affiliation. The other stuff has been introduced to more recently. At the end of the day Tokai Lowe forest is a tranquil place where people go to unwind after a long day or to start the day on s quiet setting. No one goes to lavender hill for the same purpose .


This murder is different in that it shows scum are encroaching on any peaceful place to have their way. This ranks up there with the st. James church attack


Why has social standing suddenly under the spotlight. The headline originally read teen raped and murderedin Tokai forest.

The was not mention of class, colour or religion or political affiliation. The other stuff has been introduced to more recently. At the end of the day Tokai Lowe forest is a tranquil place where people go to unwind after a long day or to start the day on s quiet setting. No one goes to lavender hill for the same purpose .


This murder is different in that it shows scum are encroaching on any peaceful place to have their way. This ranks up there with the st. James church attack


I get what you saying and you have a valid point...but we should not be desensitised to crime just because it happens in places we don't frequent. i think the reason why social standing needs to be raised is why the level of investigation and co-operation from the police is also dependent on social standing


The problem is that there is no consequence for their action. There is no respect for authority. I see it everyday.

If people cant respect themselves, they cant have respect for others.


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