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[Event] 2017 Cape Town Cycle Tour - Argus


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I went riding to Camps Bay yesterday and ended up doing wind surfing with my bike going up Camps Bay drive and home through Foreshore and Woodstock. If.... the wind blows don't expect any respite from wind coming down from mountain along Atlantic seaboard. 

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If.... the wind blows don't expect any respite from wind coming down from mountain along Atlantic seaboard. 

I often commute along that stretch in the afternoon. the strategy is to stay as close to the mountain side as possible.


I was gonna ride my big boy bike to work today. But the wind is SCARY on a superbike.

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Gonna be good riding with your dad- just keep him protected from the lunatics.


I rode my 10th Argus with my Dad - his 10th too - deep into his 70s as well - was a fun ride - would have been faster but pushing me not allowed by the old man - his ride, his rules.


Good luck and best wishes to both of you for a safe ride.

:whistling: :P  just making a correction

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How does weather affect an expo that is indoors? Or is this cape speak for : "we are not ready yet"? :devil:  :devil:  

Sounds like an excuse for something to me... they have had wind on the day of the expo before..... and didn't open late....

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How does weather affect an expo that is indoors? Or is this cape speak for : "we are not ready yet"? :devil:  :devil:  


Presume too windy for the ribbon-cutting politicians before hand. . . 

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Cape Town locals speak up...


When the wind howls like it is (apparently) at the moment, what are the chances of it 'blowing out' come Sunday against all predictions..?

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Usually there are some racetec people at the start of the races and you can get a new chip or borrow one. It happened to me once and I was able to "rent" one that I gave back afterwards and they said Agg don't worry about paying.


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I only realized I was missing my tag going up Helshoogte. One of the event personnel checking bikes before entering the start shoot also missed it. 


A mistake I will never repeat! 

Edited by J∆kk∆ls
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