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Yes, very much so. Very pertinent questions were asked and very honest and open answers given. Much too long a meeting (2 hours) to give a full report. 


I'll sum it up like this:


Sorry to say, but a lot of the very negative remarks posted here, really sounds like very sour grapes after what I saw at the AGM.  


Good summary DJR, yes certainly far more mundane than this thread!


Glad about the pro-roadie people that got elected, good to get some info about all the initiatives PPA is involved in - one always underestimate how much work actually is being done.


Still cannot help but feel more can be done to get some extra road events on the calender, but together with the WPCA races I actually have more than enough to keep me busy until the Argus so I'll get off that horse for now...


Interested to hear about the league initiatives for this season, announcement will be next week I think.


Agree with your last comment as well, bitching on the hub will only get us so far, but if you really want to make a difference, joining up and having your say at the AGM is a good start.

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Hold for a second, I remember this thread started out a bit bumpy but look at where we are. If those points were not raised here first, would we have gone into this new committee and long term goals with the feeling of hope? I don't [think] anyone here should be bashed, I'm thankful there are people paying attention and asking questions while we ride our bikes.

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Hold for a second, I remember this thread started out a bit bumpy but look at where we are. If those points were not raised here first, would we have gone into this new committee and long term goals with the feeling of hope? I don't anyone here should be bashed, I'm thankful there are people paying attention and asking questions while we ride our bikes.


Agree, if it wasn't for this thread I at least would not have bothered to attend the AGM so it is good that tough questions are asked. But at some stage you also have to do more than posting on thehub..

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Yes, very much so. Very pertinent questions were asked and very honest and open answers given. Much too long a meeting (2 hours) to give a full report. 


I'll sum it up like this:


The PPA is 40 years old. It has been steered wisely over 40 years. It will be steered wisely in future. It is financially stable despite last years reduced income from Cycle Tour. Membership was 2000 down,  but already almost up where is was at time of last "disastrous" reporting. Money will be spent wisely. PPA to grow its presence in the rest of the country. New office in Freestate, more involvement in Gauteng. Decision to invest in CEO and staff is part of long term plan to make PPA relevant in a changing society. Full time CEO working bloody hard. Doing its best for more road races. Road permission difficult especially in South peninsula. Investing in youth development. Youth academy to send best youngsters overseas on "bursary" to race with clubs there. Safety campaigns. Working together amicably with CSA. All PPA races sanctioned. New exco members selected, Abbas Harris, Galiema Harris, John Gale, Kirsten Wilkens, Rodney Beck, Sharief Peters (working from memory).


Sorry to say, but a lot of the very negative remarks posted here, really sounds like very sour grapes after what I saw at the AGM.  


Nice summary, I was there. I must admit I am a little nervous to the commitment to salaries, but Rob Vogel seems to be worth what we pay him and a full time person can achieve much more than part time volunteers. I am happy with what has been achieved in the last year - like the opening of the green belt trail - and optimistic that we will see a lot more, for ALL cyclists in the future. I am happy to have paid my membership for this year and will do so gladly again next year, even though I have limited interest in riding "events" (except the CTCT).

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I have no shame in starting this thread.  I know for a fact that without some agitation there would be no movement towards more road events and without finding and persuading decent candidates to stand for nomination we would end up with the same old same old.


As it turns out we have 3 really good road people on ExCo now, and that together with the promises being made by management bodes well for road riders.


I do have issue with the level of expenses being incurred and the loss of members, both something the CEO is going to have to rectify.

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Hold for a second, I remember this thread started out a bit bumpy but look at where we are. If those points were not raised here first, would we have gone into this new committee and long term goals with the feeling of hope? I don't anyone here should be bashed, I'm thankful there are people paying attention and asking questions while we ride our bikes.


That is what democracy is all about. Open debate and freely elected representatives. Not the most efficient way of doing things, but still better than the alternatives.


PS: When is the next TokaiMTB AGM?

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I have no shame in starting this thread.  I know for a fact that without some agitation there would be no movement towards more road events and without finding and persuading decent candidates to stand for nomination we would end up with the same old same old.


As it turns out we have 3 really good road people on ExCo now, and that together with the promises being made by management bodes well for road riders.


I do have issue with the level of expenses being incurred and the loss of members, both something the CEO is going to have to rectify.


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They did say they check all forms of social media for feedback and I know they know about this thread :) so it has helped get people to the AGM and vote and also focus on issues :)


When asking questions they asked for my name, almost gave them "Mr P Savage" :P


Anther thing Rob Vogel spoke about was they will help facilitate organizers of fun rides to host them, I know a few ex fun ride organizers which I am going to get to call and see what kind of assistance is granted.


Also interesting that international events in CT get certain road permission but local events do not... Thanks Traffic and city of Cape Town.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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That is what democracy is all about. Open debate and freely elected representatives. Not the most efficient way of doing things, but still better than the alternatives.


PS: When is the next TokaiMTB AGM?



(PS Feb. Need to complete an EMP, reopen Tokai, set the terms of reference for a full EIA and build a sustainable source of income for the trails first before any member of the current committee is democratically not re-elected ;) .. We'll start advertising in Jan but a stack of work still ahead.)

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They did say they check all forms of social media for feedback and I know they know about this thread :) so it has helped get people to the AGM and vote and also focus on issues :)


When asking questions they asked for my name, almost gave them "Mr P Savage" :P


Anther thing Rob Vogel spoke about was they will help facilitate organizers of fun rides to host them, I know a few ex fun ride organizers which I am going to get to call and see what kind of assistance is granted.


Also interesting that international events in CT get certain road permission but local events do not... Thanks Traffic and city of Cape Town.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

With the disclaimer that everything that is said on The Hub is taken with a BAG of salt :whistling:  :whistling:

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(PS Feb. Need to complete an EMP, reopen Tokai, set the terms of reference for a full EIA and build a sustainable source of income for the trails first before any member of the current committee is democratically not re-elected ;) .. We'll start advertising in Jan but a stack of work still ahead.)


Chance for a beer and a vote of confidence for the madmen who have taken on this job. Gives you a fresh mandate for negotiating on behalf of the cyclists and the spectators like me can get some "inside" feedback on the progress. I look forward to it.


PS: Sorry for hijacking the thread....

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With the disclaimer that everything that is said on The Hub is taken with a BAG of salt :whistling:  :whistling:


Does that include the few good things that is said about the PPA?  :ph34r:

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Chance for a beer and a vote of confidence for the madmen who have taken on this job. Gives you a fresh mandate for negotiating on behalf of the cyclists and the spectators like me can get some "inside" feedback on the progress. I look forward to it.


PS: Sorry for hijacking the thread....


Beer. Woohoo! :thumbup:  :clap:

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I have no shame in starting this thread.  I know for a fact that without some agitation there would be no movement towards more road events and without finding and persuading decent candidates to stand for nomination we would end up with the same old same old.


As it turns out we have 3 really good road people on ExCo now, and that together with the promises being made by management bodes well for road riders.


I do have issue with the level of expenses being incurred and the loss of members, both something the CEO is going to have to rectify.

no issues at all, it's been highly constructive.


I didn't know about the http://www.smoothknobblies.com/ before, and it is not ideal for a load of 'mates' to be on a committee. BUT with the right direction they could be a really effective management team (and have fun doing it).


I'm not sure if i've mentioned it here, but the opening of the constantia greenbelt has been a huge bonus from PPA.

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