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Should the CTCT race format change?


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What exactly is the point of releasing half the info now? Are they testing waters or was it going to get leaked?

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those elite Pro's need to be at the Expo too. mingling with the funriders, sharing tips, 


Like teaching them how to take selfies and posting a motivational post on how they have 2 balls not 1 so you can't kick me down or how its back to the drawing board and working hard getting it done while having the cleanest bike cause of "X" bike cleaner?



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Like teaching them how to take selfies and posting a motivational post on how they have 2 balls not 1 so you can't kick me down or how its back to the drawing board and working hard getting it done while having the cleanest bike cause of "X" bike cleaner?



They could put up a shoeshine stall and clean some shoes.
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They could put up a shoeshine stall and clean some shoes.

Get the Bar One girls to shine again! :clap:  :thumbup:

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The big question is,

Will Dimension Data be sending a team ?

No, the big questions is:


Will Team DJR be there as per usual?  ;) 


(One's retired, one's broken, two are lazy students sleeping late. Something will have to be done about it! Suppose I can't expect an 82 year old to make a comeback. Maybe even call in reinforcements? Mrs DJR? Another tandem attempt? Excuses to buy more bikes?)

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At first I was like what madness is this .... messing with tradition but then my wife said maybe this is good because those who take the 109 seriously will have a safer and clearer ride


Those social riders can do the short route and not back up the riders who want to improve themselves on the 109

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Not only pros, I would like a hill to finish too

You are a pro commuter, so it's meant for you as well.
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So what do you guys think they will do with the entry fee for the shorter route? Can they reduce the fee and then hope they get more numbers in which will put them back where they were?


Surely allot of Vaalies will do both days while they do the effort to be down there for the weekend, which brings in more money. Saturday for a social cruise with friends/family and then Sunday aggressive riding


Normal entry fee for 109km is R540 when I last checked.


Is R350 a fair price for a shorter route?


Would you pay R900 to ride two consecutive days in the Cape?

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Would you pay R900 to ride two consecutive days in the Cape?

At this stage I pay R540 to ride two days in the Cape............

I don't need timing for the one day as my Garmin is actually quite capable.


Now...........if they decide to COMBINE the two days' and make it a mini stage event.........mmmmmmmmmmmmm

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At first I was like what madness is this .... messing with tradition but then my wife said maybe this is good because those who take the 109 seriously will have a safer and clearer ride


Those social riders can do the short route and not back up the riders who want to improve themselves on the 109


Given that the events are on separate days I won't say it's messing with tradition.


Would also give people the chance to have a bit of fun on the Saturday and then race on the Sunday. Especially if you are from out-of-town, already paying for flights & accommodation then doing another easy warm-up ride on the Saturday on closed roads can add to your weekend.


Think its a very clever idea. 

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All of the people I have spoken to about the proposed shorter route are quite excited about it. These are people who have bicycles, ride every now and then but weren't up for the 109km. They are all looking forward to entering the event and I'm looking forward to sharing the experience with them. 

For the purists, if it doesn't interfere with the existing 109km, why would it be a bad thing?

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All of the people I have spoken to about the proposed shorter route are quite excited about it. These are people who have bicycles, ride every now and then but weren't up for the 109km. They are all looking forward to entering the event and I'm looking forward to sharing the experience with them.

For the purists, if it doesn't interfere with the existing 109km, why would it be a bad thing?

I think it takes away that sense of accomplishment


There is something about saying .... I completed the 109kms


Everything in life is being toned down to suit the masses


You wanna do the cycle tour....then git gud

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