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Carrying while cycling

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29 minutes ago, The Ouzo said:

exactly the reason I dont own a firearm. I know what happens when I see red mist, and having access to a FA would probably lead me to doing something very very stupid.

But it also scares the crap out of me sometimes, knowing that I have no way of defending my family should we have a home invasion.

I have a tippett with pepper and nylon bullets loaded under the bed - I practice with it occasionally - who knows if it would be any good in a crunch situation.

I also have various weapons around the place - nunchaku which I am proficient with - sprays etc.

I have had an intruder before and had only my fists and despite how inexpert I am everyone got out of that mess safely mainly because he was largely relying on stealth rather than violence and was very keen to get away.


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17 hours ago, V18 said:

Just an observation. I see some of you mention the term de-escalate when talking about the event.


Thanks for this. Really insightful. 

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1 hour ago, The Ouzo said:

exactly the reason I dont own a firearm. I know what happens when I see red mist, and having access to a FA would probably lead me to doing something very very stupid.

But it also scares the crap out of me sometimes, knowing that I have no way of defending my family should we have a home invasion.

Guns are not for everyone.. and that’s okay.. 

that’s why I started this.. I want to know what our feelings are on the subject..( a bit of market research I guess as I do sell an edc outdoor/sports bag).. 

and then would let you guys know if I did ever come across a legit course that I think would benefit guys wanting to cycle while armed.. 

im trying not to give advice or tell you guys what I would do(although I might have once or twice, couldn’t resist.) I’m really just trying to note the feedback.. and correct anything that might be a rumor or myth about guns and the FCA in SA..

Stick to security complexes at the least is all I’m going to say.. they not full proof but they are a deterrent 🤷🏼‍♂️..

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1 hour ago, Mamil said:

I have a tippett with pepper and nylon bullets loaded under the bed - I practice with it occasionally - who knows if it would be any good in a crunch situation.

I also have various weapons around the place - nunchaku which I am proficient with - sprays etc.

I have had an intruder before and had only my fists and despite how inexpert I am everyone got out of that mess safely mainly because he was largely relying on stealth rather than violence and was very keen to get away.


A lot of my conversations that I have had with people that have experienced home invasions is that the okes were already in their room when they woke up and realized what’s happening.. so unless your FA is under your pillar or just within arms reach of where you sleep you are in trouble from the second you open your eyes. Guns that are in the safe even if the safe is unlocked and open(my dad when I was a kid) are useless to you.. 

often any sign of resistance that could be life threatening to opportunist criminals generally has them heading for the hills quick sticks..

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36 minutes ago, Bichael Dewing said:

A lot of my conversations that I have had with people that have experienced home invasions is that the okes were already in their room when they woke up and realized what’s happening.. so unless your FA is under your pillar or just within arms reach of where you sleep you are in trouble from the second you open your eyes. Guns that are in the safe even if the safe is unlocked and open(my dad when I was a kid) are useless to you.. 

often any sign of resistance that could be life threatening to opportunist criminals generally has them heading for the hills quick sticks..

Which is why my dogs sleep inside and there are security gates on the hallway as well as the bedroom...8x Cameras with motion detection, app on the phone and my tablets and an alarm for early warning.

The gun is always with me/on me and spare mags knocking about. I sort of regret not opting for a shotgun as well but one of my hallways is quite narrow so I decided against that for both operating space as well as what I imagine would be some pretty deafening noise.. I have a large canister of tear gas that can be sprayed down the hallway as well.

My last robbery occured while I was at home (car was visible as well so they knew I was there)...around 1pm...Luckily it wasnt too hectic, just scavengers but it showed me that I needed to change things, arm up and realise that day or night, you being at home or not...these guys dont care and will take their chances...


Edited by Mojoman
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Will say the same thing I always say.

If you are going to carry a firearm, be damn sure that you are prepared to pull the trigger.

Saying that, it’s always good to do a course, and no a one day crash course is not gonna cut it.

Repetition is key for natural instincts to kick in.
But I digress, most people could do well with a course that puts them in the right mental state for scenarios unexpected.

You need to bear in mind that you are dealing with bullies, and your actions will either make them lose control or not.

Most of them are pure opportunists and not as seasoned as people always make them out to be, which takes away their calm and has them on the edge, the moment they approach you

Your reaction and approach will determine what happens from here onwards.


Give me a knife and life is good.

Edited by Wyatt Earp
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30 minutes ago, Wyatt Earp said:

Repetition is key for natural instincts to kick in.
But I digress, most people could do well with a course that puts them in the right mental state for scenarios unexpected.

Every so often I find myself wondering what I will do if I am confronted in such a scenario where I am needing to defend myself, especially on my bike. How will I react? What will I do? How will I defend myself?

I think it's important to know that before you find yourself needing to figure out the next move and not knowing what that next move ought to be. It could mean the difference between life and death.

It should preferably be a muscle memory situation, really. Your repetitively trained instincts should take over and get you out of immediate danger, and allow you to get to relative safety where you can make clearer decisions.

And as you say, that only comes from being trained, and not as some mental exercise, "hope for the best" situation.

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11 minutes ago, Mook said:

We live very close to Africa 😬

only if you live in the Republic of the Western Cape. 

Everyone else lives in Retardistan, formerly known as South Africa, which is part of Africa. the Republic of the Western Cape is nothing like Africa. Here, stuff works.

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Noticing some serious anti-firearm sentiment here. 

Broad sweeps. Yes the world would be a safer place without them.... Wait. Humans will find other (less equal) ways to "off" each other. (Antisocial PD incidence is closer to 10% than 1%.)

Only major benefit of world wide gun evaporation is less bystander risk. Maar dan moet julle manne mooi kyk na julle vroue. 

I'll say this. Many are anti-gun... Untill they immediately need one or a friend with one. The only thing to stop a DETERMINED bad guy with a gun is a PROFICIENT good guy with a gun. And a FA should be plan Z. After running, hiding, shouting JMSP and pepperspraying everyting around everyone. Theft does not justify death. Unless innocent death is about to occur.

It certainly isn't for everyone. And that's a VALID RESPECTABLE decision. In the same way some people don't want to learn CPR because they are worried they'll stuff it up and end up making things worse. Because they absolutely will make things worse with half baked CPR training. Seen it many times!

But don't bash the good guys that go out training (CPR or FA proficiency) weekend after weekend to make their immediate surroundings safer in a responsible way. 

I for one feel very safe around people that carry and I know and trust to use it if absolutely needed. And I appreciate their sacrifice in doing so. 

Or just get a giant Engelsman met the tism to ride with you. They are scary AF. 

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12 minutes ago, Robbie Stewart said:

Here, stuff works.

Dunoon et al work wonderfully

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6 minutes ago, Irvin85 said:

This might be a good option to carry non lethal defense weapon when cycling. 




I looked into these sort of things initially, the two reasons I didnt opt for something like this were cost (might as well buy a real gun) as well as the fact it looks like a gun but isnt a gun and if you go brandishing that around and the criminal has a real gun then you are pretty screwed.

Maybe as a secondary weapon to help deter the Nyope Boys trying to steal your garden taps without killing them but otherwise its a no from me.


Edited by Mojoman
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Just to throw another spanner in the works, even with being proficient/well trained in firearms and their usage, it can still go sideways very quickly.

Many years back, a person I knew quite well was killed by Bank robbers as they fled the scene. He just happened to drive past the Bank as they excited the Bank, and he decided to engage them. Long story short, he got killed and the robbers got away.

The kicker here is that he was a very active Combat Shooter that spent his weekends on the range to hone his skills. And it took only one bullet to the chest from a lowlife scumbag to end his life. 


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