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Pretoria danger areas

Evan Andreou

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My brother got hi-jacked in the Rooihuiskraal/Reeds, on one of those green belt area's between the houses. Was pushed off his bike and held at knife point.

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I am THE brother. I am ok but for some cuts and bruises that I sustained during the fall when I was pushed off the bike. I managed to run away when I threw my mobile phone on the ground close to him.

I am sad for my 3 week's old Raleigh RM7 that was stolen, but I am grateful that I was not seriously hurt.


Please take my advise: Your life is much more important that a bike!


Yes, I will report to Lyttleton Police.


I will now have to get on my old trustworthy red Trek 4500 1930's model... smiley18.gif
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  • 2 months later...

Just got this from my LBS:


There was another hijacking on the 25th of August 2009 @ 17h15 on the hill past Smuts Museum to the right just close to the little power station. There were 4 male cyclist!!!!!!!!! Guys and Girls please be CAREFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The bikes are:


Giant XTC 2

Giant NHR 2

Silverback Alpine

Not sure of the 4th bike's brand

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone know anything about rides at Rietvlei dam?? I noticed a cycle sign there while driving past much the same as the ones used in Groenkloof to mark the single tracks.

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Mother fluffers smiley7.gif




I wish we could have undercover Po riding around posing as vulnerable cyclists... Just waiting, with gun,cuffs and badge ready for these rampokkers!




We need a Hero!!! Cycleman!?! where are you!




What do these guys do with the jacked bikes? Surely they can't sell them back to cyclists? Surely a cyclist being offered a Giant Anthem for R500 from a dodgy looking individual will have the common sense not to support crime!!!

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There are only two routes at Rietvlei , one going up a rocky hill on the right and another mostly single track that you will find on the left handside as you enter the gate . Depending on how fast you try and do the single track it could be rated from beginners to advance .

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  • 2 months later...

This was on the Wild Dog forum


I was on the G450X and all of them on Quads.  So we parked at the Engen garage on the corner of Nellmapius and Boeing and set off towards Kempton Park on the gravel road that eventually turns into a 2-track path.


Initially I had my reservations being the only 2-wheeler between all the quads, because with last night's rain it was quite soggy.  But it turned out that they go slower  http://www.wilddog.za.net/forum/Smileys/default/tongue.gif   So Jurie lets me pass a short distance into the 2-track path and I was creating a nice gap between myself and the group when I saw two guys about 100m away waving at me to get my attention.  I immediately saw that they were cyclists by the way they were dressed and also suspected that there was a problem looking at the distress on their faces.


They told me that they were just attacked and their bicycles stolen and they pointed me in the direction of the highway, which was about 1km to my left.  I immediately turned into the veld trying to locate the criminals, at the same time wondering profusely what on earth I would do when I actually find one/them!  I was soon joined by the guys on the quads and before long they started zooming into a specific spot.  As I was approaching the scene, there was no mistaking what was happening.  They found the one #^#$%@ and were kicking and beating the living $#!+ out of him.  From the uniform, it was apparent that this was one of the road construction workers - the ones with the blue overalls with the yellow bands across the legs.  So after priming the suspect for conversation, one of the guys tied a rope around his wrist and told him to show us where his buddy was.  He pointed and ran towards the highway and we gave chase.  Not easy to scout while riding in the veld with rocks and holes lurking in the grass...

So this morning I met up with a friend of mine and three of his friends for a lekker early off-road outride.  I was on the G450X and all of them on Quads.  So we parked at the Engen garage on the corner of Nellmapius and Boeing and set off towards Kempton Park on the gravel road that eventually turns into a 2-track path.

Initially I had my reservations being the only 2-wheeler between all the quads, because with last night's rain it was quite soggy.  But it turned out that they go slower  http://www.wilddog.za.net/forum/Smileys/default/tongue.gif   So Jurie lets me pass a short distance into the 2-track path and I was creating a nice gap between myself and the group when I saw two guys about 100m away waving at me to get my attention.  I immediately saw that they were cyclists by the way they were dressed and also suspected that there was a problem looking at the distress on their faces.

They told me that they were just attacked and their bicycles stolen and they pointed me in the direction of the highway, which was about 1km to my left.  I immediately turned into the veld trying to locate the criminals, at the same time wondering profusely what on earth I would do when I actually find one/them!  I was soon joined by the guys on the quads and before long they started zooming into a specific spot.  As I was approaching the scene, there was no mistaking what was happening.  They found the one #^#$%@ and were kicking and beating the living $#!+ out of him.  From the uniform, it was apparent that this was one of the road construction workers - the ones with the blue overalls with the yellow bands across the legs.  So after priming the suspect for conversation, one of the guys tied a rope around his wrist and told him to show us where his buddy was.  He pointed and ran towards the highway and we gave chase.  Not easy to scout while riding in the veld with rocks and holes lurking in the grass...  http://www.wilddog.za.net/forum/Smileys/default/shocked.gif

As I approached the road (a slipway of some sorts), I spotted the other %@#$% and started chasing him, but he got to the fence before I did.  One of the quad guys joined up with me and we went over the road into a construction yard between the slipway and highway.  Once again he went through a fence and we had to go around again.  Then he crossed the highway and we took an overpass, only to lose the $#%$@ in thick vegetation on the other side.

We eventually gave up and went back to the place where the @$#%^# cleared the first fence and backtracked our way towards the general area where we started from.  By this time both of us were praying to at least get the stolen goods back since we did not manage to return with a prisoner.  I just could not accept that the @#$%# will come back later to pick up his loot.  It was like searching for a needle in a hay stack, with the grass varying from knee to hip height.  But soon enough our prayers were answered and we found the other bicycle, the one victim's shoes and his backpack.

At that moment a police bakkie showed up with the one victim in the back and after loading the stuff we went back to search for the other riders.  After meeting up with them, we realized that the #$%^$# that were beaten up got away in the commotion when we chased the second @#%^^#.  So no prisoners, just the victims reunited with they property.  And somewhere some construction worker missing a few teeth and sporting a moer-of-a-lot of bruises.

Apparently their modus operandi is to lie flat in the grass next to the road.  When they see/hear cyclists coming, they jump up and hit them with a stick.  Fortunately the cyclists wore caps, because the @#@%$% kept hitting them over their heads, but the one guy had a huge bruise on his arm where he tried to deflect a blow.

I'm not sure whether the criminals will try the same with motorcyclists.  When we ride off-road, we at least wear body armour and helmets, but a stick across the face at speed will potentially dismount you.  So this is just a warning to be vigilant in that area - specifically while the road construction is underway.  And to never, ever ride alone.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can anyone confirm reports off cyclist being attacted on the old toll road to harties in the PTA west area?

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Yes....there has been incidents on the old N4 last year.  If I remember correctly it was Fullard that was part of the fun there at one stage.......


Sad but true...

Don't ride alone on that road!!!!!!!  Capish?


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  • 1 month later...

Quote from BBI


"My brother got hi-jacked in the Rooihuiskraal/Reeds, on one of those green belt area's between the houses. Was pushed off his bike and held at knife point. "


i was also mugged here, 3 perps with knives.. i was leke die moer in. but couldnt do anything.

took my camelback and my "Klein mtb" and my heartrate monitor and some tools.

nowadays where do u cycle alone? might as well become a roadie again and get run over by cars like back in the day ;-(

Renier822010-02-11 07:16:52
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  • 4 months later...

Myself & 4 mates were hijecked yesterday at gun point behind the Irene Shooting Range.

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