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Iwan Kemp

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awesome stuff. details please.

copy and paste from the Youtube vid


THE SCARIEST SWITCHBACK | Chasing Epic in St. George, Utah
Published on May 8, 2017
The Santa Clara trails in St. George, Utah, were fun, scary, challenging and everything else you want a mountain bike system to be. We saw a gila monster and a desert tortoise, too! This was day 3 of the 4-day, all-inclusive Chasing Epic trip I took with my fans. [ Trip Info ] http://chasingepicmtb.com/trips/our-l... [ Strava ] https://www.strava.com/activities/963... I'm only able to live this amazing life because of my sponsors on Patreon. Get extended cut videos EARLY for your pledge of $3 a month on http://patreon.com/bkxc [ Executive Producer: Crank House Cycle Network ] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK5Z...
Edited by Hairy
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What an amazing pass. From what I can see, it appears as if some of the hairpin turns are entirely inside the rock, like a hairpin tunnel! :eek:  :thumbup:  

yep, you are correct. Click on the wiki link.


"There are five tunnels blasted into the rock with hairpin turns or loops, and six bridges."


It is also known as the 100 day road. Built by prisoners of war during WW1. 1400 people working in 3 shifts day and night over 100 days. It is 17km long and because it was built to primarily accommodate military hardware, the gradient never exceeds 12%

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