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Everything posted by dasilvarsa

  1. I always replace the tyres (tubeless) or put in a tube to finish the tyre off. Plugs don't work for me. You can get the normal Patches and Glue for tubes and patch the inside of the tyre. This works sometimes.
  2. I agree with you. The 970 is the bottom of the 2017 range and it's a beginner XC Bike. Very Expensive to Upgrade the Suspension and it will always remain a 970 (for resale purposes). The 2017 940 is the one I like in Alloy. If you can get your money back or even make a small profit I would consider selling it.
  3. Electronics and Water don't Mix Well and Waterproofing something properly is difficult and not long lasting .
  4. Slime https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiQ-NDjptf3AhWJtu0KHS1bD9gYABANGgJkZw&ohost=www.google.co.za&cid=CAESbOD2u7huBkyOwaTbKMwVwAX_FNLW7I9WJdBBbxj1lkt3s3t_EKComWXKSk1AAswE-W30XjUK0ebHGK5Hv4SuZ8RZIU-3wW8RvGOP7cI7e8p1Rv0gxYrJORJQykXecYeKnmD6mAoguHcZyonvtg&sig=AOD64_2cKpuY2KVtvYLkuziX8FVhzL53wA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiAj8njptf3AhWMXsAKHQ16ApMQ9aACKAB6BAgBEEs&adurl=https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiQ-NDjptf3AhWJtu0KHS1bD9gYABANGgJkZw&ohost=www.google.co.za&cid=CAESbOD2u7huBkyOwaTbKMwVwAX_FNLW7I9WJdBBbxj1lkt3s3t_EKComWXKSk1AAswE-W30XjUK0ebHGK5Hv4SuZ8RZIU-3wW8RvGOP7cI7e8p1Rv0gxYrJORJQykXecYeKnmD6mAoguHcZyonvtg&sig=AOD64_2cKpuY2KVtvYLkuziX8FVhzL53wA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiAj8njptf3AhWMXsAKHQ16ApMQ9aACKAB6BAgBEEs&adurl=https://www.sportsmanswarehouse.co.za/product/slime-tube-sealant-2/?gclid=CjwKCAjwve2TBhByEiwAaktM1K8Lhxbx5m7_NW7nnQF6ybTe8s-f-_5ozG4dpEnZTp7-x04GSBULBxoCvBkQAvD_BwE
  5. About 7K for Quick Sale.
  6. Change the Cassette (The One that Skips)
  7. Why Titan ? Better Choices Exist.
  8. Green Cross Shops sell Leather Care Dubbin.
  9. That Disk Look a little Contaminated.
  10. http://www.smartcoprojects.co.za/
  11. You can also use commercially made lube (Squirt or Other) to do a Deep, Warm, Soak.
  12. If you shop at Cycle Lab They give you enough Vouchers to Buy the Lube and have Lube to Spare. I Have Not Paid for Lube for Years. You get Free Coffee as Well.
  13. Yes 2 Kg is a Whole Lot of Weight Altogether, the 10-51-tooth XTR cassette weighs in at a slim 367 grams 2 Kg = 5.449 Cassettes. = 2 Litre Coke .
  14. After 1 Ride it's all Black Again. The More You Clean It, The Faster It Wears, The Blacker it Gets.
  15. Specialized epic Cross Country/Racing vs camber Cross Country/Racing (discontinued) vs stumpjumper Trails/Enduro Horses for Courses
  16. Nice Packaging Should Sell. Multiple Top Ups Makes Tyres Heavy and Off Balance. I like to "Mine Out" All the Dried Latex before Topping Up.
  17. They do come up now and again second hand for 7K For 10K you can get Brand New. https://bikehub.co.za/classifieds/item/hardtail-mountain-bikes/542055/axis-a30-rockshox-air-shimano-slx-tubeless
  18. Honestly, That bike is not so Hot, Components Wize. (Deore is Basic) I would put in another 2K and buy a 29er 2x10 or 1X11 (Air Fork).
  19. Inner plates have grooves for holding the Rollers in place. Pins Hold the Chain Together. (The Pin Never Touches the Roller). Wear is between Rollers and Inner Plates. If you Lube your Chain "Every Ride" or Every 30Km . Your Chain will Last Very Long.
  20. 29 x 2.35 tyres seem to work fine on 19 mm Rims (Ideally you should use 2.25)
  21. No 2 Hubs Feel the Same. Different Bearings and Quality, If it Feels Rough/Gritty it is a Problem. If it feels Smooth it is Fine.
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