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Posts posted by TheoG

  1. sweet, and where are they based?




    Somewhere in the cape, thats my problem can get it fitted in Gauteng and not willing to try it myself.  I contacted some of the installers they got listed on their site, but they dont install, say the website is wrong.


    Edit:  Bought this kit:  https://armour-ride.com/collections/clear-frame-protection-kits/products/got-you-covered


    But still lying on my coffee table ..  :wacko:

  2. Way to go to screw up your business Morné !


    Edit:  What I don't get, you can loose a lot more than R3.6k, don't be stupid.


    The only way to redeem yourself somewhat is to unconditionally apologies (publicly for everyone to see) and a full refund.  If not, you will suffer the consequence by means of a dying business.

  3. Thank you all for the re-assurance that I'm not being unreasonable here. I have sent him the link to this thread and will give him until 14:00 this afternoon after which if he still does not reply I will:


    • name and shame.  
    • report him to the Hub admin.
    • Possibly make contact with some of my friends and family who are in the police force to discuss the fraud avenue.
    • And lastly I will then provide his contact details to every DM I have received who's willing to provide some assistance - this is super cool. 

    So get the popcorn ready folks fun and games and it's not even Friday yet 


    I like it, vat so katvis !!!  Go all out, no mercy.

  4. Wout was not happy about his race



    Maybe its lack of sleep ... but that contract he recently got should keep him cheerful.


    Although peanuts cf to footballers ie 550 mil Euros for Messi



    Reading the article, its exactly as I suspected, Wout blew it by trying to close the gap to fast after the puncture.

  5. I think Wout took himself way to far in the red zone after the flat to try and catch up and then never properly recovered from that.  He should have try to close the gap more steadily rather, BUT shoulda, woulda, coulda,  ...  MvdP won, well deservedly. 

  6. Hi All


    I'm looking for a rear 26" MTB wheel that I can use on my indoor trainer.  Want to fit a slick tire to it so that I can simply swap wheel for in or outdoor.


    Shimano HG Freebody, 135x5 QR.  11 speed cassette would be a nice bonus.


    It can really be a cheap piece of crap and I am more than willing to pay even if it is a bit better than crap :) .

  7. That sand is going to be sapping the legs!!  I see a fair few running it when tired...


    Even with nice wide MTB tires sand like that is not fun, that's probably going to determine the race unless it rain a lot and it becomes muddy.  I'm glad its them and not me.


    Going to be an interesting race regardless.

  8. I won't lie I'm scared to ride my bike now. I worry it'll just collapse into a pile of bits. (partial comic sans applied)


    I can't believe how 'loose' the correct torque measurement is. I must have overtightened everything by like ... 100 fold in the past. 


    Yes some of the torques specified don't make practical sense.  If they specify a range, I will always use the highest value and if I "feel" it is not tight enough, will increase a bit for sure.


    It's only on Al and Ti bolts that you should be more careful to not strip or shear them off.

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