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Everything posted by dracs

  1. dracs

    Formula 1...

    Dude you clearly made up you mind a long time ago! Lots of things have gone wrong where I haven't heard him bashing anyone else... Quite the opposite even last year when he himself admitted he was off form - after many of the incidents he had he wasn't actually to blame, he still had the likes of Massa and Maldanado 9of all people) publically laying into him - Hami chose to keep quiet and got on with it while he sorted his own s*** out. Same this year - after the incident with maldanado Hamilton doesn't get into it in the media like most drivers do. Give credit where it is due. Love having Kimi back though - nothing complex about him.
  2. I'd agree on you asking the question about Kevin, but Kevin is not one of the guys tweeting who you were commenting on...
  3. Come on man - what day was that? Thursday? This is not new. But ja I hear you on the general sentiment.
  4. Well they are saying they have suspended their sponsorship as opposed to terminating it. This leaves the door open in unlikely event he is absolved.
  5. What you wanted guys that suspected other pro's of being dodgy to put it out there in the press with no evidence? Seriously? No doubt the pros talk among themselves and have a pretty good idea whose clean and whose not. pretty clear that there was a consensus that DG was in the latter catagory
  6. Hmmm... Robbie Hunter on twitter: "15 year time bomb just went bang..."
  7. Keep your head in the sand and keep telling yourself its only the roadies...
  8. Irony of ironies... Didn't DG have a lot to say about the roadies and the drug culture there....
  9. dracs

    Formula 1...

    Well these things are subjective arne't they. I enjoy Hami - he can be prone to foot in mouth disease (more so in the past than now) but I love the way he drives. I don't think anyone on the grid today has the same raw talent and ability to squeeze that much out of a car. As for Vettel, he is agood, but any of Kimi, Alonso or Hamilton would have walked the last 3 years if they had Vettel's car... As I say subjective stuff. But ask Alonso and Vettel who they think thes best out there is and Hamilton's name will always be mentioned (probably along with Alonso or Vettel depending who is being asked)
  10. dracs

    Formula 1...

    I agree have liked him less and less over the last few years. I think he's actually quite a bright and funny guy off the track and a great drvier on it - but the arrogance has grown exponentially (on and off track) over the years.
  11. I hear you. I'm in a similar boat although my cholesterol is hovering around the 5 so ok but I watch it. Was on meds for about 4 years but been off for 2 and its stable. When your GP and cardiologist tell you to do Y, and Noakes and others tell you to do X its not easy being the integer in the middel - even if you'd like to give the new thinking a full go. PS Good luck
  12. The artical refers to 12 papers/studies not just one... Topwine why so invested/defensive? I am not shooting down Low-carb/paleo whatever, I am reading up and sharing some of what I find and asking questions as I go. I am not going to try something for 3 months before commenting - quite the opposite thanks - but to each their own. I reach my conclusion (which you clearly consider invalid), from the fact that this is from a scientific journal which is pointing to a number of studies, and presents an assessment of them all on one particular element (high intensity / race performance) - rather than just sharing studies that support one or other paradigm. For the lay person such as myself its a challenge to try and find information from a source without some sort of vested interest. All the info / reading material you share may make convincing reading but with resepct they are not going to give me that balanced view. The reality is right now there are 2 contradictory versions out there as to how one should eat for weight managment / heart health etc, and also (since this is a cycling forum and most of us are probably cyclists) for endurance sport... A consensus has yet to emerge although much of what is coming from the likes of Noakes and others is indeed compelling.
  13. I had a class mate who spent most of standard 4 in a coma and was never quite the same after that. He was "just riding around" on quiet suburban streets when he was knocked off his bike by a car and hit his head on the curb. On the other hand, like most of us I never wore a helmet as a kid and rode everywhere, and yet here I am - but I reckon I got lucky (or rather didn't get unlucky). Not going gamble on keeping the roll going with my kids though.
  14. This editorial is high on balance and science and short on belief and opinion - and references many of the for and against studies... http://jap.physiology.org/content/100/1/7.full It is tempting to classify endurance and ultraendurance sports as submaximal exercise, which might benefit from increased fat utilization and a conservation of limited endogenous carbohydrate stores. However, the strategic activities that occur in such sports, the breakaway, the surge during an uphill stage, or the sprint to the finish line, are all dependent on the athlete's ability to work at high intensities. With growing evidence that this critical ability is impaired by dietary fat adaptation strategies and a failure to find clear evidence of benefits to prolonged exercise involving self-pacing, it seems that we are near to closing the door on one application of this dietary protocol. Scientists may remain interested in the body's response to different dietary stimuli and may hunt for the mechanisms that underpin the observed changes in metabolism and function. However, those at the coal-face of sports nutrition can delete fat loading and high-fat diets from their list of genuine ergogenic aids for conventional endurance and ultra-endurance sports.
  15. dracs

    Formula 1...

    ja I thought our in-studio "experts" were all way off the mark saying it was a concentration lapse from Rosberg without info at hand. Thats a flat out section and the speed differential made it clear the HRT was suddenly completely off the throttle if not on the brakes.
  16. fixed.
  17. Ja for sure - I agree he is being guarded. I asked the question earlier on this thread around how one determines carb resistance as my levels of insulin and glucose are considered "normal" - but to me seems there is a lot of subjectivity. And for each 100% pro no carb study there seems to be another contradicting - so i personally prefer the more guarded approach Noakes seems to be taking. I definately saw a tweet or something saying he still recomends atheletes take on some carbs in high intensity sessions or at least races - will see if I can find when I have time, but for now - over-due time to GTFO of the office. Good weekend to all.
  18. OK apologies incorrect paraphrase. Would "most carbs for ALL people" better represent what you said. As opposed to Noakes who is more guarded for people showing no insulin resistance / carb resistance / whatever. I have also read Noakes and others saying carbs are recomended for high intensity efforts while you dispute that as well...
  19. He may well have signed up to the process and his agent may well have had a hand in drafting (didn't know that). Neither these points prove that the process is not flawed however. And Sparks did actually raise some concerns around USADA's conduct.
  20. merely the notion of cutting out all carbs for all people.
  21. Not trying to be a smartass, but with all due respect, what are your credentials vs Tim Noakes? Other than reading widely on something that you are clearly passionate about? In life often moderation is the best way for most people. I am cautious of claims of 1 radical solution for all.
  22. Are you not able to separate the 2 issues. 1 is doping the other a pseudo legal process. I was commenting on the latter not the former. Your argument would then apply to theft, rape, fraud, murder etc etc etc. None of thos crimes are fair but we (well me anyway) would like to live in a society that judges and sanctions those accused of them in a consistent way. thats all.
  23. Go here... http://old.cyclelab.com/Seeding.asp Edit - just tried to check mine and seems the site is not working.... you can also try here... http://www.pedalpower.org.za/results-seeding/seeding/seeding-lookup/ although I don't think upcountry races use the same formula PPA use
  24. I agree - I recall quite a big fuss in the papers when the issue first arose but the fuss was from others not him. He has a principal which he stuck to but he has never made a song and dance about it. Also have you ever noticed that he is not in foto's when the team are spraying champaigne? no - well thats because again he just quietly slips away at that moment and then joins his team mates in celebrations again afterwards. Really the epitimy of people of different backsrounds and beliefs respecting each others differences but celbrating and enjoying what they have in common. When handled with maturity it really is no big deal.
  25. This is the issue I have. When laws/rules whatever are applied selectively this is by definition not a fair process. Only emotion / popular sentiment / hysteria can convince you otherwise - and emotion has its time and place but not in arbitrating people's legal fate.
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