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Everything posted by Fisan

  1. Here you go. And the ding.. (yes I know she needs a wash..)
  2. Hey Guys I want to sell my old set of wheels to help fund my new set... The problem is that its been through a lot. The front wheel is fine (just need bearing service). The back wheel is buckled (can be straightened), but also has a vertical ding (which cant be fixed). And off course there's the usual scratches Would it be worth trying to sell? (Its from a 2012 Scott Scale Elite) Rims: DT Swiss 485d (32H) rims (Tubless Conversion) on Shimano ® and Scott (F) hubs. Est 2150 grams.
  3. I'm a fan of Scott bikes myself, but I think the Genius would be more suited for this...
  4. Arguing about who's right and who's wrong is useless. The Pro-Noakes-Oaks won't convince the Pasta-lovers to change sides and vice versa. Whether you are fat loving or pasta loving - good for you. We don't need scientific information to prove what works FOR YOU. Maybe in ten years time there will be decent, long-term studies available to prove that LCHF works or not.
  5. Forwarded MSG on the Maties Cycling Discussion Group: Glad the MatieTM is okay, but I am getting real tired of this BS in Stellies!!
  6. I used to ride to school, and 5 years into Uni, I still do. In terms of commuting, Stellenbosch is still a very cycle-able place, but I don't see as many school-going cyclists as I think there should be. The campus is the opposite: almost too many bicycle commuters on the road (but never enough!)
  7. Damn I feel sorry for you people . Sometimes I forget how lucky I am living 10 km from Jonkershoek...
  8. AKA my favourite trail ...those sinkplate though...
  9. The 1x10 will cut out some options. If you go the single blade route, get the full 1x11. That last 42t does make a difference for that once-in-a-while-extra-steep-mountaineering climbs
  10. [url="https://www.google.com/maps/views/"]Views[/url]: [url="https://www.google.com/maps/views/view/113538174898621290476/gphoto/6038424881256065362"]Top of Coetzenburg / Paradyskloof trail[/url] by [url="https://www.google.com/maps/views/profile/113538174898621290476"]Stephan Kistner[/url]
  11. Is it just me or are 50% of bicycle-related attacks / crimes happening in Stellenbosch nowadays?
  12. Photo Spheres - my latest obsession. Taken at Coetzenburg, Stellenbosch: Or view it as it should be viewed https://www.google.c...424881256065362 P.S. It's way cooler if you have a Android phone with Photo Sphere compatibility!
  13. Because GOLD! ...and R295.00 @ CWC .....and I constantly need to replace mine http://www.charliethebikemonger.com/ekmps/shops/bikemonger/images/shimano-saint-bottom-bracket-sm-bb80-gold-inc-spacers-3055-p.png
  14. I've been having nightmares fine-tuning my RS Dual Air to fit my needs! This looks like a nightmare. A very awesome nightmare!
  15. Generally speaking I would say Merida and Titan offer some nice spec'ed bikes. Their downsides are usually the weight though. I went the Scott route (very nice Aluminium frames) but I see their prices went up 30% since 2012...
  16. Cycling works like diets. The flavour of the week depends on what the guys in the labcoats decide is cool and uncool.
  17. Maybe, but there's just something about navigating over rocks and stuff with your feet bolted to the pedals. Oh and the guys in their lab coats talking about efficiencies and so on
  18. She's doing MTB - mixture of tracks and trails. She basically started from scratch so we had to wait a while before going the clipless route Will have a look at those shoes
  19. So the girlfriend is finally ready to go clipless! Now she's looking for her first pair of cycling shoes. We are both currently-studying students, and seeing that most cycling shoes cost more than the median South African salary, we're hoping on some advice (brand, price, where to buy) for entry level shoes? (And no, Maxed does not count...)
  20. How 'bout a Porsche... at a mere $8,299.84 its even cheaper than a "dale F-si! http://shop1.porsche.com/filestore.aspx/zoom.jpg?pool=pdds&type=article&id=WAP+061+01X+0E&lang=de&filetype=zoom&version=e4354156-9265-11e3-99b0-001a64c55f5c?1402303759427
  21. Now I know this is on the other side of the spectrum, but still gives you some good perspective..
  22. I went to a couple of spinning classes in the Coetzenburg (Stellenbosch) Gym a few years ago...dunno if that's that kinda thing you're looking for?
  23. £1,658 for a kiddies bike!? Then again, saw a 10-year old on a carbon stumpy 29 today...
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