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Everything posted by Zeffer

  1. Awesome - is that standard shipment or priority tracked? Some really great deals on there!
  2. Jip, and 4 days of choices for late registration. Nice.
  3. Got a mail today - I am to be getting cash back. Nice
  4. Some really good ideas in this thread. Clearly cycling is taking shots in all disciplines. Even the Trailseekers were sold out events few years ago - there was like a black market for entries the week before an event. As for the cost of hosting a road event - many line items the single biggest being the cost of metro officials and they are smoking the organisers - you have little control over this - its overtime, etc. and I tell you what - you pay and regularly they late or dont pitch AT ALL! Other items are not that large - where I do think an improvement can be made is on the race officials - they are there for the licensed groups only hence the licensed groups should bear that cost - might not be a lot but will tell the story.
  5. We are not alone...... https://www.treadmtb.co.za/the-challenge-faced-by-south-african-stage-races/
  6. Interesting discussion topic. Considering that an XCO 20km or enduro 5km race entry now costs R400 in Gauteng, then paying R300-400 for a 100km road event is really good value. Albeit road closure events are even more expensive. Still those MTB events are seeing growth but still not nearly the numbers at road events - which still has the numbers. The tendency to have organised club rides offering club members value is affecting both road and MTB. Maybe the races are loosing out on the social vibe offering? Biggest challenge for road cycling is getting NEW people on the road, as @TyronLabsaid, its the old toppies still supporting road cycling. Following this topic...
  7. Hope this is not too far off topic... Plan is to convert a 10 speed MTB to Monstercross... Can I simply change the MTB shifter with a 105 10 spd STI shifter?
  8. https://fb.me/e/n1I19xMYw Check this out. 13 Aug. We went to Loskop this past weekend, bit longer trip. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2108686316087984/permalink/3032119583744648/
  9. I also had to claim manually and got the same message about it working going forward - will need to see. As for the calendar.... it is working it is just not either updated or no races added since the list was last updated in March. https://www.discovery.co.za/discovery_coza/web/linked_content/pdfs/vitality/team_vitality/vitality_race_events_calendar.pdf?sap-outbound-id=02C9F8EA464BA9D1AA02228E42FA7CB5DDA17F21&utm_source=SAPHybris&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=6538&utm_term=VITA_NL_FEB_FV_BankBlock_07022022_YS___race events calendar&utm_content=EN
  10. How is this for an old topic! Anybody have one of these maps? Or any contact with JUCA still?
  11. Maybe Max was asking if the price is legit for that Cannondale. I suppose it is yes, fairly old components as well. Just buy it and see Max.
  12. Anyone know where and how to follow or get updates?
  13. I will be coming from Blouberg at 05ish. Not a local. What route would be best to take to the start please? Was thinking of following the bus route
  14. SplittimeCalc2016 (1).xlsx Dunno if anyone shared this already - actually astonishingly close
  15. Zeffer


    How much does this cost? Cant seem to find a subscription fee without creating an account.
  16. What a lekke ride in AL coming in at 2:49ish. Decent controlled pace throughout, bunch stayed together for first 30-40km then started loosing the tails. Thanks to those sitting the front and not killing us. But as we came past Carnical City entrance catching the short distance riders there were a few scares and then boom a crash some 4 guys went down. Only crash we saw for the day still makes it a ride to remember.
  17. https://results.finishtime.co.za/results.aspx?CId=35&RId=3513&EId=1&dt=1 Some result out already. I know there is not live coverage so social media will need to do its thing. I will post some news from tomorrow will be there
  18. https://www.jacarandafm.com/shows/breakfast-martin-bester/lawyer-weighs-triathlete-being-killed-alleged-drunk-driver/
  19. Thanks. Then effectively we as a family can buy R2k per member per month for 12 months and get 25% off (we are all on 25%) every month. No limit?
  20. Happy happy everyone. Basic question: The 25% benefit at Sportsmans/Totalsport and the R2000 limit per month - does it apply PER MEMBER or per FAMILY?
  21. Zeffer

    947 Ride Joburg

    Curious to know if the gogga did bite him... did he continue on to racing as a licensed junior afterwards?
  22. You can change it in Excel just put your time in the yellow blocks. Still a legacy from 2016....
  23. I found this recently, hope it works for you SplittimeCalc2016 (1).xlsx
  24. Thanks Frosty. So 12.6 is relevant for CTCT?
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