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Everything posted by smallrebel

  1. Wat gaan die borde help? Het die volgende storie gehoor: Vragmotor word besteel by 'n verkeerslig. Lyk soos gevriesde bokse met vleis daarin. Hulle gooi die goed sommer oor die muur daar naby en 'n paar bokse val toe bo op van die plakkers huise. Na 'n paar dae kla die mense van die stank en die polisie ontdek toe die bokse. Is toe al die tyd lyke/arms/bene wat UCT nie kon gebruik nie, wat oppad is om veras te word. Die ouens tel toe op dat die mense wat die goed steel nie kan lees nie. Op die bokse staan duidelik dat dit toxic/afval is. My punt is dat as die mense nie kan lees nie en hulle ry sonder lisensie, hoe gaan nog 'n bord die pad veiliger maak?
  2. Hoelaat het dit gebeur. Ons het gister so teen 18H05 daar verby en toe was daar al polisie. Oppad Stellenbosch toe met die kar.
  3. "informal settlment" already puts me off.
  4. At the moment you cannot see any upgrading happening. Must be the same old story of getting the job and then going bankrupt after getting started doing the job. They should make a plan to take the un roadworthy cars from the road. If you see the number of cars on that road that's not roadworthy you'll understand where the problem comes from. And there's a lot of people using Bottelary as a HIGHWAY. What is our other option getting to Helshoogte/Franshoek on the bicycles? Go thru Kuilsriver? Also not a lekker road to ride on. Other option is go around Durbanville and the cross the N1 at Klein Joostenberg. That adds what to your total ride?
  5. To the mast the last +/- 5km is tar. But getting use to the mtb climbing I believe Tokai is your best option.
  6. Doing the same climb over and over is boaring. That's why I do Bainskloof, Du Toitskloof, Franshoek, Chappies (nor really a climb), Suikerbossie, Kloofnek, Vissershok, Tiekiedraai, Helshoogte to change the view and type of climb. Only climb I'll train on, will be Tiekiedraai en Odendaal. Only about 1km up and down on both. Do one sitting and one standing.
  7. Popeye, I'll be doing the Lighthouse to Lighthouse and Landy. Hope to see you there. The Mast is one hell of a climb. You can also go and do Du Toitskloof. Same sort of time spend climbing, but way easier.
  8. Sounds like 'n great idea. Only problem is that it's starting to sound like a war. We will loose every battle and maybe the war.
  9. Hope the lubed everything after your valet........... Saw them doing a valet on one bike once. High pressure hose into the rear cogs/freewheel. Cannot be good for the bike.
  10. If it's a ten speed it doesn't mean it's ten usable gears. The amount of strain you put on the chain is not worth it. On my 39, I'll use from 1 to 9 and on the 53 I'll use the 2 to 10. Gear 1 being the 23 en 1 being the 11. Work out your ratio's and you'll see which gear you can use instead of the 39/11. Other big issue is when you're on the 53/23 and you drop to the 39 your chain may (almost always) fall off. My golden rule is to keep the chain as straight as possible.
  11. Bike of 25K not equal to R300 helmet. I think you shouldn't try saving on the helmet part. Bike = 20K and you've got room for helmet of better quality. And it's something to look at.
  12. Fatty, how much was the whole story? You could have gone for a Cannondale and had the same wheight and lekker strong.
  13. I have no problem with a hoot to let me know they are behind us. Taxi's on Adderley (back of Durbanville) do it a lot and I thank them, because you cannot be looking behind you every 5 seconds. My biggest problem is when there's two lanes and there's no cars on the road. Normally between 05H00 and 06H45. You get some of them who needs to see how close they can pass, with the other lane totally free. They get the finger. Or the sh*thead who pass you and then go and drive next to the pavement. The normally then has to stop at a robot with no room for you to pass on the left. And then you also get cyclist riding with other cyclist, which will run cyclist down as soon as he gets into his big 4X4, Merc, BMW...................... To these motorist I say give them a bicycle and let them ride thru Kuilsrivier on a Friday afternoon between 15H00 and 17H00. See if they can survive.
  14. I have all of my medals from running, cycling, etc. The one a treasure the most is my silver in the Foot of Africa. 3:23 on my first try. Only problem is that it was in 1993 (68kg's to 93.5kg's at the moment)....
  15. Did you guys have alot of rain/wind?
  16. Ek dink nie ons team sal te groot probleem op die eerste 100km he nie. Ses ouens wat al 3 keer die DC sim gedoen het. Tye tussen 6:25 en 7:30. Dis sonder bonk en met bonk. So die manne wat weet wat dit is om te suffer, maar ook wat die regte pace is om te begin. Nou moet die weer net saam speel en ek hoop nie ons start laaste nie.
  17. How do you calculate your HRT zones. Let me explain: When you workout 80% of your max, how do you do it? Say max is 190, wat is your 80% then? What some do is 190 *.8 = 152. My only problem with this is that can you hart beat slower than your RHR? So is 0% effort = 0 or RHR? I say 0% = RHR, which can be something like 45. That gives you a formula of 80% = 45 + 80% (Max HRT - RHR). At the end it's 161. Big difference........................
  18. Kan nie glo Marius was nog nie by 'n dokter gewees nie. Is moontlik net 'n bietjie infeksie wat 'n antibiotika in 3 dae kon reg ruk.
  19. My first Sanlam 100 in 1997 the first ten did: Full Results for: Burger Sanlam 100 (100km) Name and Team Race NumberStart GroupRace TimeOverall PositionGenderGender PositionAvg SpeedWalters, N # 01:59:11 1/5149M50.34Von Wielligh, J LR A 02:00:06 3/5149M49.96Cole, W A 02:00:09 4/5149M49.94Malakovic, B A 02:00:10 5/5149M49.93Prins, J A 02:00:10 6/5149M49.93Kannemeyer, T A 02:00:15 7/5149M49.9Grobler, D A 02:00:16 8/5149M49.89Pottage, J A 02:00:17 9/5149M49.88Seebregts, C A 02:00:18 10/5149M49.88Botha, CJ A 02:00:19 11/5149M49.87 Bid faster than 44km/h.
  20. Ek sien die F ou wat eerste was het vorige maand nog in H gery. Loop maar dieselfde paadjie as al ons manne wat hoer in die seeding wil kom. Hy was wel sterk genoeg om by E se eerste ouens te hou op Helshoogte. Wonder net of hy enige werk gedoen het daarna. Het niks gedoen voor dit en 'n free ride gekry tot by hulle. Jammer aan die res van F, want ek dink hulle het maar swaar gekry en die bunch het in 100 deeltjies gebreuk. Miskien ook goed, want die ouens wat met wheelsuck daar gekom het, het swaar gekry met die pace wat 'n bietjie hoog was. Sal die no 1 F rider seker binnekort in C of D sien en dan begin die pret...........
  21. C/D was riding hard because they new the Met-train was starting behind them. E was also not doing to bad infrond of F. We caught them at the food of Helshoogte. Lucky for them one of the terrible 4 wasn't feeling to hot on the climb and we dicided to help each other to the top. The race was on from there on and we picked up a couple of stranglers long the way. Pacing going directions Franshoek was ok, but the real ride only started when we turned left. I was feeling strong the whole race and managed to get a second place in the bunch. After setting the pace for a big part of the ride. Must say that the first guy in F shouldn't be in F. He'll come thru the ranks and hopefully suck wheel less. I'm still searching for Naas. Were you there? Fanie joined us in F, but I think the pace in the first part got to a couple of F riders. Sunday we'll be at it again, but not sure where we'll be starting. Nice and flat. Hope all are fine after the crashes, one let us take on the oncoming traffic. Bid scarry. Let me have a bid of a rest at that point.
  22. DC with them, hope not.......................... And now you're getting racing tubbies. My experience with tyre made for racing is the look for a flat to happen.
  23. Fanie, jy moet maar leer om die water teen 40 - 45km/h te drink..... Wat was julle avg's? Laas toe ek en MW daar was, was die wind darem nie 'n faktor nie. Het net onder 40km/h geavg en my avg hrt was 180.
  24. Is there still an Imax in CT?
  25. And it changes pitch at different speeds.
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