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Everything posted by BenReaper

  1. Great stuff,awesome to have the little ones wanting to do what mom and dad does.My son also took to it like fish to water.Now you guys can start enjoying the trails together.[emoji106]
  2. Like this Crossmark/Icon combo,this would be my second choice,.First choise would be Saguaro back,Barzo front.
  3. This is nucking futs!#awesome
  4. A relaxed 35km ride with a couple of friends on local trails in the Rawsonville area.
  5. Die ou ken van!The dude looks so poised and relaxed the whole time.My run on this course would end in a massive fail on the first jump.Hats off to him.[emoji106]
  6. Permits and maps can be obtained from the Info Berau at the Spar centre or Saxon Lodge in town. There are 4 promoted routes in Gansbay of wich 3 consist mainly of beach front and district roads.This 4th "Funky Fynbos" route is actually known as The Flower Valley route,it consists of jeep track and alot of single track through beatifull fynbos. I'm not sure of the lenght of the route,but I'm sure Goosebay will have a link for you to their local info website. If you would like someone to ride with you,I will also be in Gansbay in December and I'm also planning on doing this route.
  7. We also checked out one of the campsites along the Breede River where it runs past Badsberg to see how strong the river was after the recent rains.
  8. Did a nice slow 65km to and around Badsberg yesterday with a mate and a short 22km this afternoon with the wife during #loadshedding,unfortunately no pictures of today as I finaly concored a certain bigish climb and almost lost a lung in the prosses.
  9. Its been about 8 months now since I stopped using the E-cig and a year and 6 months of the "Lucky's".Every now and then I will get a wiff of second hand smoke and I will get a quick craving for a smoke,but I would never do that to myself again. Sometimes in the early hours of the morning,just before waking,I dream about these quick cravings and in my dream I will just smoke one cigarette to ease the craving.I've woken up more than once really angry at myself for smoking again,just to realise I was only dreaming.
  10. Went out for a chilled 50km ride yesterday.Today's ride unfortunatly got canselled on account of bad weather.
  11. I agree with Lurch,perfect excuse or N+1,not that you need an excuse.[emoji4]
  12. Joh,that is a really beutifull spray job[emoji106] .....but isnt it a copy of a Canyon?[emoji185]
  13. Did a ride to Stettyn dam again Yesterday with a few mates,we were a real heavy group.Was really proud of my one mate,it was his first time on a bike in 2 years and although he had to push up almost every hill he still managed to drag alk of his 160kg's up to the dam.Unfortunately he did get a rear puncture on the way down and we had to hike-a-bike for about 5km.
  14. Went riding around Badsberg and Slanghoek this morning on some of the Gravel & Grape trails.
  15. They are usually run as a back tyre with a more aggresive tread type in the front,but if youre not going for podium a Crossmark will be fine in front aswell.
  16. Lekker Uni,in 6 months time you will look back and wonder how you ever lived without tubeless.[emoji106]
  17. So much black with a splash of red......I really like.[emoji106]
  18. Did some riding in the Breede River Valley today.[emoji4] Took my wife and some close friends for a short ride today,was a really slow ride as this lot are all relative beginners.My mate trying to be supportive with his wife as it was her first time on a bicycle in 13years.We found the way she chose to wear her helmet very amusing,but she refused to be corrected....women......[emoji48]
  19. Went out this morning thinking the mist would clear up early.Could only see about 20 to 50m infront of me and was completely drenched and freezing cold after about 16km.
  20. Running on the 16t cog from my old 9speed cassette,32 chainring(the old middle chainring) and my old 9speed chain.Had some issues in the first week/20km,there is a nylon washer in the tensioner that caused the tensioner to move sideways and drop the chain......alot. Added a galvanised washer that reduced the sideways play and problem solved. I've only dropped the chain once since this modification,but it was while going very fast down a rocky decent.My chain is a bit longer than I would prefer,but cant be shortened anymore. I am thinking of looking for a stiffer spring to replace the standard one in the tensioner and this should keep more tension on the chain and prevent it from coming of again.
  21. Het jy alweer ontslae geraak van die Anthem?
  22. Finally got round to taking of the extra chainrings and making the crank look a bit more tidy.
  23. Had a early start to a quick 30km ride this morning.Visited one of our local dams and had some wildlife checking me out as a possible snack..
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