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Everything posted by BenReaper

  1. Being off the bike with flu the past 2 weeks gave me time to do other things.Took my son for some bass spining in a local farm dam on Friday after work.
  2. Looking good,black on black is the new er.....black.[emoji106]
  3. Sorry to hear about the mugging.[emoji20] Hope you guys are okay otherwise.
  4. How to make youre own lock on grips.
  5. Rear shock leaking air?Duct tape can fix anything......
  6. Congrats with the new bike dude!Very much jealousy here.[emoji106]
  7. I'm also a van of Ocean Eyewear,very good value for money,got a photocromic pair for cycling and a polarized pair for fishing.And they're more stylish than you would expect from 'a budget buy'.
  8. Looks like a step in the right direction for SRAM,finally the SRAM vans can have some propper brakes too.
  9. Didnt go riding today on account of a cold.Rather took my son fishing this morning and took him to his fovourite riding place,an old,rather flat,bmx track in the veld behind our suburb.Our two JR went with,you can see the slim one tailing my son on the bike,but the fat one would have none of this runnimg stuff today.
  10. Its heart warming to see the little ones enjoying our sport as much as we do.[emoji106]
  11. Finally managed make my single speed legit today.........as legit as a 'recycled 26er' can be.Fitted a 32T narrow/wide chainring in the front and a 16T single speed cog from Rapidé at the back. Also added a KCNC jockey wheel on the tensioner and have been adding red anodized bits everywhere over time.
  12. MSP,this gives new meaning to the phrase 'go big or go home!'Great stuff man.[emoji106]
  13. Beautifull pics Dale,I'm not very familier with anything past Durbanville towards the city.Whereabouts is this?
  14. Did a quick ride alone after work this arvie.Its starting to get darker sooner as the season is changing.
  15. Did 3 different rides this past week,since I wont be cycling this weekend I might aswell post them now.Got in about 80km distance and 1400m climbing over my 3 short rides.Had to steer clear of the burning mountains on monday,so took to the flat farmlands.Had a beautifull sunset.On tuesday I headed back to the mountains to do some climbing.And on thursday some more climbing.Our mountain now looks like Twoface from Batman with half of it burnt.
  16. Although I do 98%of my riding on the mtb,I got this yesterday for the odd road ride.
  17. Will go have a look on monday for any other unique features or maybe a serial number on the frame,unfortunatly what is in the pic is all there is,frame only,no fork or wheels or anything else. If I were to find a serial number,where could I find more info with it?
  18. Can imagine how bad it might end coming of wrong on one of these.[emoji20] The last bridge almost caught me out as I entered with speed and did not realise the exit was at an angle.....close shave.Was really proud of my wife as she mastered them really quickly to my surprize.
  19. Thanks for the advice. The heart shaped lug was actually what made me think it was a De Rosa.Thought I might have saved a gem from the scrapheap. Will not feel bad now if I decide to butcher it into a single speed road bike.Not a fixie though.
  20. Went out early this morning with a mate and did 40km ride to Nuy Cellars new Restaurant called "Nuy on the hill".Met up with my wife there and she joined us for a loop of the new 30km Nuy mtb route.My wife and my mate both had theire first encounters with wooden crossover bridges today.Had quite a laugh at how they negotiated them,but by the third one they got the hang of it.
  21. I recently aquired this frame and am not sure of what brand it is,although I suspect it might be a Da Rosa frame.
  22. My current rubber has very little life left,this would come as real blessing.+ I would like to see what the hype around the Onza's are about.
  23. Couldnt go for a ride this afternoon,so I took my son and our two JR's for a walk.Moemoe and Thabo were very interested in whatever was in the hole.
  24. Rode to Goudini Spa outside Rawsonville this morning,and went around the Badsberg mountain on the gravel roads and singletrack that some of you might recall from the Gravel & Grape stage race held here. This is the view of the Breederivervalley from the entry point to the 'DH' singletrack at the top of Goudini Spa. Here is a farm dam,alongside the singletrack,with crystal clear water, just had to grab a pic.And this is me dropping my mate on the long flats(also happens on the climbs).Looks like 3×9 beats 1×10.....or maybe my guns are just bigger......
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