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Long Wheel Base

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Posts posted by Long Wheel Base

  1. 1 hour ago, HdB said:

    Wasn't it in 2000? Can't remember how many years it went over the detour route

    I matriculated in 2002 and I am very sure I was still at school so could very well have been around then. I think it was 2 years.


  2. 5 hours ago, The Ouzo said:

    Hospital bend going into town is no joke, especially when you are unfit, have just climbed ou Kapse weg in the blistering heat, didnt get the tail wind you hoped for on the blue route to recover, and now you have to climb Hospital bend to get back to the finish.

    They doing ou kaapse weg? I thought it was just to the end of the blue route and back? Like we did the year of the fires. An all out sprint for a hour 12 min for me. 
    And yeah, hospital back into town was a toughie, we were on for like a sub 1 hour at that stage. That hill and all the corners in town made the last few km very slow. 

  3. 1 hour ago, ChrisF said:


    IF .... big if .... if Mamil catches me at Smitwinkel I can tow him up .... 🙊🙈🙉



    Watch out for me on the far left ....


    Wave and greet as you pass 👍



    @Newbie321 congratulations on your good starting position.  Wishing you all the best for your ride

    What group you starting in?

  4. 2 hours ago, Scary Rider said:

    I'm sure you wouldn't mind pulling our Mamil along😜

    Of course not. 

    Same deal I have with all single bikes when I ride with them. Suck my wheel all you want on the flats and downs but if you don't help me on the hills, I will make sure I blast passed on the next decent fast and wide enough that you can't hook on.

  5. 19 hours ago, mikkelz said:

    In case it hasn't been posted (but probably has and I am too lazy to look back), this is the email response I got re: not receiving a CT Cycle Tour seeding yet. ☝️

    Anyone in the above category received a seeding mail yet?

    I did ride for sight this weekend and got a WhatsApp this morning from an eagle eyed hubber that saw a seeding on my racetec profile. 
    I am wondering if that seeding is accurate or if the official seeding in the email will be different?

  6. So I suppose it’s my own fault that I just assumed I would be in racing tandems. Got my start time and just thought they were starting a bit later this year. Then my toppie also said it seems very late. Late last night we checked all the start times and saw they had put us in social tandems!!!!!!!! Anyway, after the first km it was just us and 1 other tandem left and I wasn’t even really pushing that hard. Anyway we worked well together catching and passing riders from EL, DL, CL, BL and a handful of AL guys I assume must have had issues or badly seeded like us but in reverse. My legs were cooked so on that last climb before the carnival city turn we were not able to stay with them. Eventually finished about a min behind them in 3h14. 89% average HR!!!! I’m still happy with my time and it was good training before CTCT. 

  7. This seeding thing has got me a bit confused. They said on social media that if you were racing ride for sight, you won’t have a seeding yet. So was checking results on racetec when we got home and saw a tandem pairing we rode most of the way with have a # seeding and right below it is their ride for sight result. Maybe they did a late entry at registration this week but otherwise I have no explanation. 

  8. 1 hour ago, mecheng89 said:


    Who is racing on Sunday? The weather forecast isn't looking favourable for fair weather riders like me.

    Seeded in AL but most certainly won't be racing there. 

    I’ll be there. Tandems. Really hope the weather is dry. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Pikey said:

    Just paid for my international entry . 2 road rides in the last 5 months,it’s all good fun.  At least there’s a stunning view and no grey sky. I’ll take it gratefully. 

    Will count myself lucky that I am able to get here to ride , and get just under a month of road riding in , hopefully  . 2 hr time difference works massively in my favour 👌

    Now to arrange everything thing else 😎 like the short drive there etc. Anybody know of accommodation close by still available. 

    Roll on CTCT, super stoked 😁

    We staying here. In terms of being close by, its one of the closest and easily access able on race day. They still had space when I booked but that was about 3 weeks ago. 

  10. 1 minute ago, mecheng89 said:

    Jokes side, those guys actually caught up real good. The gap was 30s at a stage, but by the end it was in the low 10s. None of those riders are slow, but the sheer class and power of the big guns were on display again today, that they are just like their tennis counterparts hors categorie. 

    I saw that, didn’t realise how slow the last part of the lap was. Eli must have been sprinting, maybe that’s why he was shaking his head. Thought she could have passed and won🤔

  11. 55 minutes ago, The Ouzo said:

    Does anyone know why there are military fighter planes going in and out of ORT the last couple of days ?

    Looks like 4 of them, they take off and then fly north, turn around head south and back again a couple of times.

    One of the four has SA flag colours painted underneath.


    I thought we sold all of ours to the US ?

    One of the local aviation pages I follow on IG had pics and vids of them and a few people asked the same question. The most common unconfirmed answer was that there is some meeting between us and the Russians very soon. 

  12. I know the road conditions and the cancellation of some categories is a downer but I am just keen to race again. Last time was the race that frosty and his crew organise and as per usual that is always a success but I appreciate the organisers are at least trying to make it better for us. I don’t get a chance to race much anymore so need to be positive about the few races I do. 

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