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Long Wheel Base

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Posts posted by Long Wheel Base

  1. 18 hours ago, SwissVan said:



    Mind boggling considering that the tug they push back with is connected to the nose gear at the front of the plane.... a few meters from the air bridge / cabin door. I'm guessing someone did not move the air bridge far back enough and the open door got hooked up on it as the plane was pushed back



    Maybe LWB will have a better idea as he should be familar with these kind of "big aeroplane" formalities 😁

    I'm still wondering how this happened. If the correct procedure was followed then there are a few guys to blame. 

    When moving an aircraft for a re park which is what I believe this was, you need an engineer in the cockpit to release/set brakes, check all doors are closed, ensure hydraulic pressure is good etc etc. Then on big aircraft like this you need another engineer that sits on/in the tug that has a headset connected and he is able to talk to the guy in the cockpit. The reason you need this guy on bigger planes and not smaller ones is you can't see the tug from the cockpit on the bigger planes and if the tow at breaks the plane needs to be stopped asap. Then you obviously need the tug driver. 

    The guy in the cockpit should only release the brakes once he knows all doors are closed and the tug is connected. 

    The guy on the headset should only allow the tug driver to move once he sees the air bridge is clear and he has been told the brakes have been released. 

    And naturally the the driver should only push the aircraft if he sees its clear and it's not like the bridge is small or far away. 

    Id love to see a final report...... 

  2. 7 minutes ago, BigDL said:

    My collection is ever growing as well. I have 6 5AH batteries and have now got brush-cutter, chainsaw, hedge cutter, sander and a jigsaw. Nearly bought a battery post hole digger, but the petrol option was a third of the price (not a makita but I don't dig enough holes to justify £500). Have really enjoyed each of the tools and they really are faultless. 

    Have you used the 3.0ah batteries? I'm now wondering if I should rather go for the 5.0ah. 

  3. On 2/2/2022 at 8:05 AM, dave303e said:

    On the Makita LXT front. These tools( and likely the milwauke/aeg/dewald similar) are worth their weight in gold.

    Heaven knows how we lived pre impact drivers and battery drills. 

    My Makita 18V LXT range is growing all the time as funds allow. Recently just got a 36V leaf blower. Now my batteries(I have 2 and they both 3.0ah) have lasted years(will be 8 years this may) and have never missed a beat. I have noticed with my hammer drill they don't last as long of late but they still do the job perfectly. Put them both onto the new leaf blower and I get like 5min out of them and for the first time ever my charger cools them down a bit before charging. So now I'm saving for 2 new batteries. Will probably stick with the 3.0ah

  4. On 1/9/2022 at 6:47 PM, bleedToWin said:

    Can you combine the vouchers into one code? Going with 5 codes on a busy Saturday sounds like hell!

    Unfortunately not. You select each voucher in the app and get sent an sms. All you do is tell the cashier you have an sms voucher and read them the number. They type it in and deducts. Very quick and easy. 

  5. On 1/9/2022 at 12:18 PM, Jackes said:

    Has anybody been able to do a successful stress score on the app?  Sheesh these things we have to go through with momentum the beginning of each year with new things that does not work

    Yes, did my 1st one last night. Scored 5. Point was allocated immediately. 

  6. On 1/7/2022 at 8:31 PM, SwissVan said:

    Where you working now, still in aviation?
    sorri if I missed this earlier


    Nope, no more playing with planes for me. I'm too worried about the future of aviation jobs in this country and I don't want to leave. Besides, I had a good job at SAAT and was paid well, hard to get paid that well at any other AMO. 

    I now find myself perusing another passion, financial planning. I was lucky enough to get a job with momentum doing financial planning. I got retrenched middle September and started here 1st October so I was very fortunate unlike most of my ex-colleagues who are still jobless unfortunately. But I also kinda saw the light so started making plans before the inevitable happened and I did all my interviews and psychometric exams before getting booted. I got offered the job and accepted in August some time and just informed them when I was able to start. 

  7. 15 hours ago, Lotus said:

    Maybe it would make sense for the manufacturer to put a few layers of Kevlar on the fuselage in the target area? That seems like a dangerous row of seats. One might say this was a million to one chance, but it's happened now and it could be a Black Swan event.

    Just about all aircraft with props mounted on the wings have a skin doubler mod. If you zoom in on the first picture you will see the fuselage has an extra layer right where the hole is. Clearly it didn't work at all. 

    Useless info-jet engines have a similar mod called a fan containment mod. They have thicker layers in the cowling incase a fan blade let's go. I have seen those work very well(well not in person but pictures). 

  8. On 12/20/2021 at 5:42 PM, Paul Ruinaard said:

    WRT Bike Transport:

    Elliotts were really good for me in the past on bike transport. I used them as well so can recommend them, and i recommend them as they box the bike whole and you don't have anyone doing anything to your bike to pack them tighter in a trailer to save space.  I didn't use them for the last CTCT in October and it cost me. I used Fabians bike transport as Elliotts weren't running their service and Fabians guys unfortunately dropped my bike on the RHS  STI by them which damaged it. Not significantly just cosmetic scratches (deep and will reduce the value of the bike though)  but more than irritating as it was clearly their fault which they of course denied, but after much ranting and raving they offered to fix it and "would collect it" .

    Needless to say its the 20th of December today and i am still waiting for them. It was clearly their fault but rather than own up they denied all responsibility and have dodged me ever since.

    Moral of the story is that there are many operators who transport bikes down to CTCT but the smaller ones do move your bars to allow them to pack more bikes in the trailer. They also have no insurance and will do everything to ensure they make it your responsibility. R 1200 for return trip to CTN was the rate which is the same as Elliotts. 


    Be careful which ones you choose and ask the right questions. Work through the big bike shops.



    Hmm so I'm not the only one with a gripe about the way Fabians does business. I was about to go with Fabian but smelt a rat and my gut told me to find alternative transport and I'm glad I did after reading this. 

  9. On 12/13/2021 at 10:51 AM, Jaco said:

    Hi all

    Doing my first CTCT next year after doing my first RideJoburg this year 🙂

    Entry and flight tickets from JHB already booked... 

    Being a newby at this, what is the best way to get my bike there and back in 1 piece.

    My airline said I can book it in as checked luggage, but it needs to comply with the size limits which I highly doubt it will...

    Thanks in advance!

    If you only going down a few days before the race and only plan on 1 or 2 rides on Friday and Saturday, then one of the transport companies is the best option. Like said above it's an easy and pain free experience. Drop the bike off(most providers will have a lbs near to you) and then usually you can collect from like Thursday/Friday and they pretty much all near to the expo/finish area. Drop off is the same spot straight after the race. Then you get your bike back from about the Wednesday afterwards at the same place you dropped it off in joburg. 

    But if you going down for a bit longer and want to do some extra riding before and after then on the plane with you is the best option. Just pack really well in a bike bag or cardboard box. 

  10. On 12/15/2021 at 1:58 PM, BaGearA said:

    Lots of people are wrongly writing mazepin off , he did good in f2 and never drove a Prema 



    ... don't give me that its " A spec series " everyone knows its not reqlly 

    He was possibly the most improved driver of 2021. Look how he couldn't keep it on the track in the first few races and in the end he was pretty consistent. 

  11. On 12/13/2021 at 2:50 PM, gemmerbal said:

    lastly for me the disappointment of the season must be Schummi Jnr, sadly.

    Shame it couldn't have been easy for him. That car is an old car that was not developed for this year. They were about to pull out until mazespin Snr bought his way in and basically funded them to race for the year. They said back then they will just make up the numbers this year and start developing for 2022. They joined up with Ferrari at their factory to save costs, they also using some of the Ferrari staff. So in theory they should be a lot more competitive next year, Mick, Nakita and the car. Let's hope they can challenge the alfa, Aston, Williams properly next year. 

  12. 15 hours ago, Jase619 said:

    Doing the 94.7 for the first time this year, despite LWB telling me its shite. Curiosity has got the better of me. Would normally do amashova, but since it didn’t happen this year(Durban to Pinetown and back is NOT amashova) we decided to try the 947. 

    As to the CTCT vs 947, I have never heard anyone say: “Hey, let’s go on holiday for a week to Joburg!” 

    I am not even sure when the 947 is but I assume it's this weekend by the amount of messages that I haven't bothered to read that popped up in the last 2 days on my club whatsapp group. So, when you in town? And where you staying? I remember we did chat about it but not sure I still have the chat. 

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