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Everything posted by Milosh

  1. Lets please keep this thread to the locals that use that route and want to coninue enjoying the access to the northwest it gives us Any idea of who the guy is and why all of a sudden he does not want traffic through his land, is is barren and stoney , though to the south there are irrigated crops which I have never noticed before.I imagine if you want to stop foot traffic that casually harvest your crop you have to stop all traffic so mtb included. We went left on along pavement of N114 at the water park than took first dirt road right after the garage and came out at the rocks at the top of the ramp down to N14 , so manageble. Alternate is the path past the stroage locker and under the other bridge
  2. Intresting this We have also riden through there for years and now in the last two weeks a physical angry presence to try stop us, No signage , no fence , heat maps show it as pretty heavily used. So possibly a new land owner , who has the right to be fair , but signage will work far better than agression
  3. LOL - yup it is worth copying some of thier ideas to operations , but for petes sake please dont let them know or we will get an invoice !!
  4. I make the Default bike a new fictitious one called " To Allocate" , than make sure this is always zero by reallocating the ride correctly
  5. Go with the extreme lights , there are a lot of variables and stresses , ensuring one is ticked off and need not be worried about is well worth the $$ cost , they also serve well for years after so a solid purchase.
  6. My first thought But seriously it is really not on for any one, in any sort of accident to just leave, that's no worse than the hit and runs we hate so vehemently. Accidents happen and are unfortunate , just be there to sort out , could well be the dog was not seen or popped out from behind a piece of grass , what ever , just engage and sort out like the civilized mature adults we claim to be. Gathering butt the facebook lynch mob, it would have being a tough one but the right thing to do
  7. Hi Mike , I need a LHS side xt / xtr shaft , what do you want for it ?
  8. Tubolito was R480 at LBS , leaves space for other spares and is stronger than normal tubes , good investment I think
  9. From news article - "died while still trapped under the man's BMW about 40 minutes after the incident. " Never mind the seconds, the 40 min of suffering is horrific
  10. I have had this from a LBS , which was readily fixed without an issue Granted it was only a tube , but i can only imagine that someone was dishonest enough to put carefully back in box and return it. Seriously ???
  11. Better than sneak a look at lady pro pages
  12. I will tell you in a few weeks , have just traded my Camber in on an Epic evo - eeek !!! Loved my camber all the way down the valley but swore all the way out ;-) To be fair I am Specialized Bias and have had Epic , Camber and now back to Epic Evo looking for that happy medium Early days but Evo not as planted a Camber and you need to focus , where camber was really robust and planted , you knew you could handle anything. This is not all bad and the climbing centric will hopefully pay off
  13. To the group of three MTB cyclist riding in emergency lane on main road this morning. That lane is super dangerous and is used by Taxi's and super entitled people, both of which care little for rules and other road users. So while you were in the right, the large SUV that you were holding up had a queue of 10 plus behind him , was super anxious to pass and was on his phone typing, all this with your life on the line, So not a % play. Kudos for being out there riding but FFS - please ride down the other side, opposing the traffic which is light and the emergency lane is not made a 3rd lane. While we have the right to be on road, we really should be street savvy and take reasonable precautions as we are a lot softer than vehicles.
  14. @Rotiringer - You Sir are a good man , for doing something rather than sitting behind a keyboard having a lot to say ! I hope someone like you is around if anything ever happens to my pride and joy
  15. Early weekday Morning Rides are good for soul !!
  16. This assumes you are in a position to exercise warranty after any failure under heavy usage.
  17. I tried those to , cheap finicky bottle and tasted *** ;-) , these are robust and reusable , easier than a Gel sachet for me. not tab no wrapper etc
  18. Try this no litter , no plastic in environment and easy to use. 1 bottle = 4 gels , one pocket and not wrapper . Disclosure - not mine but a good product deserving a punt ;-)
  19. Find my friends on IOS works like a charm here , spectators know where you are and when you are coming up to them. 1) Witkoppen , near the buzz centre and walk in a bit - early so good photo op ;-) 2) Woodmead is accessible or a few place on M1 - a friendly face here is a great lift Good ride
  20. Skande !!! using stage races to do stage race seeding !! Wow what on earth is the world coming to ??
  21. I had similar back pain , In short was from tender gooch ( to coin your phrase ;-) and you rotate hips to take pressure off causing back pain A specialized power saddle sorted it , and I now have one on each bike and swear by them The rapide is also worth a try https://www.rapide.co.za/product/rapide-tf-147-saddle/ I have experimented with their oval chain rings , intending to by a top of range one when i settled on the right one, but just stuck with rapide they are that good. The fact that the cut out does not go all the way through stops mud on your Gooch ;-)
  22. Regardless that guy has caused a large amount of hate by motorists to cyclists - Thanks for nothing !
  23. What have mountain bikers done wrong that you believe we need to have to deal with a **** like that !
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