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Everything posted by partydave

  1. I can get it to me no problem. I have a 1 x 10 setup with an XT 38t up front at the moment
  2. Apologies if this isn't the right place Desperately/urgently looking for a secondhand 104BCD 32T or 34T chain ring. NW would be great, but either way is fine. I don't mind paying, but I'm on a relatively tight budget. Willing to swap for some goodies as well.
  3. Some really awesome pics in this thread! I had a nice Desert Dash training ride over the weekend
  4. I'd be keen on the brake pads if they are still available
  5. Remember, it's not just R510 for many of us. Flights, accommodation and and and. Not cheap at all
  6. I beg to differ. I have an unclaimed entry because I can't afford R510, as I'm sure many other do
  7. Got an entry, but a pricey enigne explosion means I'm missing a bucket list item once more
  8. Good point. I'll quit cycling now, never know when it may be hot outside again/a driver had a drink before he got in his car/a bear is in a bad mood
  9. You know what they say about hindsight Do we have a ridiculous tan thread somewhere?
  10. Damn near close to death. Wasn't in the mood for helping in-laws move, so got on the bike for a 70km ride (calculated distance vs time to avoid unpleasantries) 30km into the desert, I realized that I've made a terrible, howling wind, mid-afternoon, mistake. The picture was taken while sitting in the only shade I could find on my entire 60.9km ride to avoid certain death.
  11. It's not where you take your bike, but where your bike takes you. In this case, about 70km from the mad house I call everyday life
  12. Any indication of price point? Are we talking Cape Storm or Assos here?
  13. I have been holding off visiting this thread for some time as a Stage is riiiiight at the top of my want list. I was not disappointed, but now I'm disappointed because I can't afford one. Awesome bikes guys!
  14. #sockingfunky #jellymuch? #idontthinkyourreadyforthisjelly #countingbeans #jellyme #giveitbeans
  15. If this is still available, can I please have it?
  16. Mila Kunis did walk past, that's the only reason I'd ever get off my bike It's between Walvis Bay and Rooi Bank, so technically the Namib
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