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Lance Armstrong Banned and Stripped of TDF Titles


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For me this isn't about cycling but about fraud, douchebaggery and acting like a knobhead. Doping has been around forever and loads of dopers made comebacks after sitting out meaningless (and restrospective) bans. The problem I have is the lack of leadership and direction from the UCI specifically. How many times must we hear " let's move forward etc"?


BTW I can't wait for the new cycling season!


Hmm, true, I think many people, maybe even some sponsors, would still have stuck with LA were it not for the deception, lies and bully tactics he used to keep the secret. The doping I can live with, but the rest, to me anyway, is what makes it hard to forgive.

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Rabobank ends sponsorship Dec 2012


EDIT: Not clear if this has anything to do with USADA


They pulling the plug on mens and ladies teams

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Yep. Did indeed


And more than a few people who spoke with DG after his stint there became firm believers in the fraud that is USPS......wonder what DG could tell them that he never published (Pretty unlike DG to not speak his mind in public.....hmmmmmmm)

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Seems cycling itself will be OK. I read that for the first time since 1945 more bicycles than cars were sold in Italy


i think it is called recession.........

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Not sure if its been said somewhere in this thread...., but didnt David George do a short stint in Postal?


heard some interesting stories about him as well...

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So without wanting to 'cast any aspersions' but surely if everyone is/was doped to the gills then how is it possible that anyone can now say I was clean (i.e. taking NOTHING) who was riding near the front of the 'pool-a-ton' or winning?


Surely even the most talented rider would not be able to keep up with/beat these 'super' athletes .... or am I totally off the mark?

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So without wanting to 'cast any aspersions' but surely if everyone is/was doped to the gills then how is it possible that anyone can now say I was clean (i.e. taking NOTHING) who was riding near the front of the 'pool-a-ton' or winning?


Surely even the most talented rider would not be able to keep up with/beat these 'super' athletes .... or am I totally off the mark?


well to play devils advocate - hamilton reckons you can maybe win 1 stage clean, but definitely not the tour

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So without wanting to 'cast any aspersions' but surely if everyone is/was doped to the gills then how is it possible that anyone can now say I was clean (i.e. taking NOTHING) who was riding near the front of the 'pool-a-ton' or winning?


Surely even the most talented rider would not be able to keep up with/beat these 'super' athletes .... or am I totally off the mark?


My thoughts exactly! Is anyone clean?

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Press release


Right, so now it's happening that the first of the pay masters pulling out of the sport (some of us asked whether this was a possibility very early in this thread). This is big news, esp considering they're one of the longest running. It increases the volume considerably. Who might be next?

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I've said it before and I'l say it again. The USADA report and allegations has done it's job. It may never stand up to cross examination but the USADA has called the bluff through an effective "trial by media".

it put a lot of pressure on people and organisation everywhere and taken the biggest scalps. The truth about doping is out. The scepticism in the UCI is now even greater.


The sports come tumbling down. Cycling is dead, long live cycling. Rabobank is right, amateur cycling is where the risk is lower but the doping probably starts there so I'm not sure what they want to achieve except take themselves out of the media spotlight.

I can see more big sponsors walking. With the Eurozone looking like the great depression, I can't see continental sponsors having much of an appetite to stick around. The Germans left, now the biggest bank in Holland....(the other strong economy on the continent)

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So without wanting to 'cast any aspersions' but surely if everyone is/was doped to the gills then how is it possible that anyone can now say I was clean (i.e. taking NOTHING) who was riding near the front of the 'pool-a-ton' or winning?


Surely even the most talented rider would not be able to keep up with/beat these 'super' athletes .... or am I totally off the mark?

My feelings exactly....how could a clean Lancehole beat a doped peleton?!
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