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Pretoria - A kidnapped 7-year-old Pretoria girl has been found unharmed after the owners of the Mpumalanga guesthouse where she was staying recognised her photos from news reports.

Pura Pahlo's relieved foster father, Evan Andreou confirmed to News24 that she was found in Lydenburg early on Thursday morning and is safe.

She was kidnapped outside her primary school in Waterkloof on Wednesday morning, in an operation allegedly staged by her biological father.

"Her father and a female accomplice booked into a guesthouse as a family. The owner of the guesthouse said she couldn't get over how familiar this child seemed to her, so she went back onto the internet, I think on News24, and saw her photo.

"Her son phoned me at about 03:30 this morning and said they suspect it could be her, so I sent them more photos of Pura, and they were certain. We then contacted the Brooklyn police, who got in touch with the police in Lydenburg who went to the guesthouse."

Andreou said Pura's biological father tried to make a run for it, but he and his female accomplice were arrested.

Andreou was travelling to Mpumalanga to be reunited with his foster daughter.

"We're very relieved," he said.


That's awesome news.

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What a relief.

Still totally unfathomable though, I don't think any of us will fully understand the emotional roller coaster ride you must have had the past 24 hours.

Very happy for you clap.gif clap.gif

You on the money there. Unless you have exerienced it. You will never know how it feels.
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A bit late, but this is really good news. You could hear the tears in Wolfies voice on the radio.



The big fellah had me in tears when he phoned me this morning with the news! Was such a contrast to the broken man I had spoken to less than 24 hours earlier.

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