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Cycling without a helmet in GroenKloof!!!!


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nanny forum? nanny society, nanny country? Were you harmed in this guy riding without a helmet on his OWN head?

Maybe we should all just pull condoms over our heads - to be safe smile.png

Yes. The world is becoming a very crowded place - not enough room for us all to think for ourselves. Unfortunately common sense doesn't prevail. Cheers. i'm outa here for the day.

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I think concerning yourself with him wearing a helmet should be more about maintaining the sport as it is. Its not long and he falls breaks the egg. Following his injuries the family feels the land owners are responsible for thier unsafe trails. Thus the horrid story starts where trails close or become kiddies circle route's. This is to be avoided in my opinion following rules set out just maintains the good name of the sport. Guys like that should be called out. My 2c

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Yes. The world is becoming a very crowded place - not enough room for us all to think for ourselves. Unfortunately common sense doesn't prevail. Cheers. i'm outa here for the day.


And when I get back from the beach, I'll take a shower rather than wear a condom...

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I think concerning yourself with him wearing a helmet should be more about maintaining the sport as it is. Its not long and he falls breaks the egg. Following his injuries the family feels the land owners are responsible for thier unsafe trails. Thus the horrid story starts where trails close or become kiddies circle route's. This is to be avoided in my opinion following rules set out just maintains the good name of the sport. Guys like that should be called out. My 2c

"sport", or recreation?

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It is generally the no0bs that don't wear helmets, it does take some getting used to (looks wise and otherwise) - seen a few at groenies, there was a couple a few week ago, def. newbies. Shiny bikes, reflectors and all.


But they should realise that they will appreciate the protection the first time they try head butt a rock at short notice.

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Prehaps GK could be held liable if he is not wearing a helmet, has an accident and becomes injured? I am sure I remember reading somewhere that just because someone signs an idemnity does not absolve you of a reasonable degree of responsibility?

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Prehaps GK could be held liable if he is not wearing a helmet, has an accident and becomes injured? I am sure I remember reading somewhere that just because someone signs an idemnity does not absolve you of a reasonable degree of responsibility?


Correct. They did not stop him from riding and therefore they did not exclude themselves from liability (I will quickly find out).


Edit: Okay yeah, Groenkloof may be held liable if someone is not stopped when riding without a helmet, since they are not enforcing the rule (100% of the time).

Edited by Bianchi
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Prehaps GK could be held liable if he is not wearing a helmet, has an accident and becomes injured? I am sure I remember reading somewhere that just because someone signs an idemnity does not absolve you of a reasonable degree of responsibility?


Correct. They did not stop him from riding and therefore they did not exclude themselves from liability (I will quickly find out).


I seem to remember one of Geoff the Aussie's missives about the issue of insurance and liability. I seem to recall him saying something about one person not wearing a lid could void the insurance of the park. Bianchi, could you check this too?

Edited by Tumbleweed
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nanny forum? nanny society, nanny country? Were you harmed in this guy riding without a helmet on his OWN head?

Maybe we should all just pull condoms over our heads - to be safe smile.png


Its not about his head


Its about the rules and people ignoring them....

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I seem to remember one of Geoff the Aussie's missives about the issue of insurance and liability. I seem to recall him saying something about one person not wearing a lid could void the insurance of the park. Bianchi, could you check this too?


Correct, the insurance would say that they [Groenkloof] did not comply with the conditions of the insurance contract and as such they will refuse to pay out in the event of an insurance claim.

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Correct, the insurance would say that they [Groenkloof] did not comply with the conditions of the insurance contract and as such they will refuse to pay out in the event of an insurance claim.


Thanks for that. thumbup1.gif

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This thread is useless without actually being able to see the rider in question.


Next time take a better papparazzi photo man!

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