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dissapointed in team Bonitas this morning


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The team took up the whole Beyers Naude with someone following them on a scooter. This road doesn't even have shoulder and they made motorists sit behind them. Way to go team Bonitas, that's why people get pissed at cyclists

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Sounds like a concerted effort to own the road.


The PROs and management must be making a determined decision after the loss of Stunda Thunda.

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Track down the Bonitas sponsorship manager and email them your experience.


When the purse strings talk to team management, they will listen more than to you or I.

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You shoulda taken a photo and posted it here and to their team management. Naming is one thing, shaming with evidence entirely another.

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So what? They are riding their bikes and have much right to be on the road as ANY other road user.


When are you idiots going to understand that a cyclist has as much right to the road as a car? Post a photo? Make me laugh.

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