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The 100th Edition Of The Tour de France: Chirps, Opinions, News, Updates.


Pick the yellow and green jersey winners.  

305 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will reign in Yellow?

    • Froome Dawg (Sky)
    • Contador (Saxo Tinkoff)
    • A Schleck, Radioshack
    • Evans (BMC)
    • Uran (Sky)
    • Tejay (BMC)
    • Gesink (Blanco)
    • Hesjedal (Garmin Sharp
    • Valverde (Movistar)
    • J Rodriquez (Katusha)
    • Suprize package!
  2. 2. Who will reign in Green?

    • Sagan (Cannondale Pro Cycling)
    • Cav' (Omega Pharma Quickstep)
    • Greipel (Lotto Bellisol)
    • Bouhanni (FDJ)
    • Goss (Orica-Greenedge)
    • Surprize package?

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On your coach? Interesting training regimen. :-)


In two minds about yesterday. Great to see Froome win, but...


Too much too soon? Watched with my mate, Jezza, yesterday and he reckoned it was good timing. The others can't put time into Froome in a TT, so it's a good "cushion" for him.


But, there will be a tacit (or maybe not so tacit) agreement among the teams of the other contenders to attack Froome relentlessly. Can Sky withstand that?


Someone mentioned Walsh. He seemed more concerned about O'Driscoll getting dropped this week than Contador! But I wonder what he makes of this? He was taken aback by the actions and dominance of Armstrong when he rode like Froome did today. Kimmage seemed to take a wee dig at him some time back, suggesting that he'd become "embedded" (my word, not Kimmage's) with Sky...

I remember the one year when teams took turns to attack Ulrich. Not even last nights blood transfusion could save him. The dreaded Phil Ligget words," Ulrich has cracked " were heard. All I am asking for is is exciting racing. If other teams can get rid of Froomes deputies early, they can take turns at him. Only problem is he just needs to defend his lead, doesnt have to attack. Dunno, they are the pro's. Lets see what happens.
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I remember the one year when teams took turns to attack Ulrich. Not even last nights blood transfusion could save him. The dreaded Phil Ligget words," Ulrich has cracked " were heard. All I am asking for is is exciting racing. If other teams can get rid of Froomes deputies early, they can take turns at him. Only problem is he just needs to defend his lead, doesnt have to attack. Dunno, they are the pro's. Lets see what happens.


Agree! Even though I would love to see Froome win I would much rather like to see exciting racing

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Great ride by Froome!Good to see him attack the race and take the lead!


I would however say the race is far from over...only thing is the main challenge will have to come from Movistar!They are strong and can match the sky pair if they are smart.

Yesterday I think they made a big mistake to let Quintana go that early....clearly he is in great form and Valverde is also strong!If he was fresh on that final climb it could have been a different story today.

Quintana is also strong in the TT so he should at least match Porte there.

Loads of racing left!!

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Only watched the stage this morning. Quintana should have waited till the last climb. He looked smooth as he climbed! Hope they attack froome, and attack him hard!

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Froome's climb was the third fastest in history up that climb, only a few seconds slower than Lance in 2001. Im not going to use ths "d" word yet, lets hope Sky is for real, but I have heard the "Ive never tested positive/dont be sceptical/etc" stories too recently to get too excited.

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I think The Tour is over Grumps. They're all riding for second place.

Only in the doping days would we have believed it if Berto and the rest suddenly recover to have a miraculous day.


:) Hah, yeah agreed, third place actually, because Porte went up that climb faster than 'Berto ever did even in his best year 2010.


They say the numbers dont lie, so if 'berto at his all time best could not have even held onto Porte up that climb, then I dont see any kind of a chance for anyone else unless something untoward happens to the two of them.

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:) Hah, yeah agreed, third place actually, because Porte went up that climb faster than 'Berto ever did even in his best year 2010.


They say the numbers dont lie, so if 'berto at his all time best could not have even held onto Porte up that climb, then I dont see any kind of a chance for anyone else unless something untoward happens to the two of them.


Lets hope its talent. If Froome tests positive, which I highly doubt, he would be more of a hypocrite than Lance in my books. Lets just don't go there


Man I can't wait for the stage to start

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Lets hope its talent. If Froome tests positive, which I highly doubt, he would be more of a hypocrite than Lance in my books. Lets just don't go there


Man I can't wait for the stage to start


Sure, but I would also like to see a beak down of the splits and the wattage etc that the Sports Science Institute often puts out because they just have to be freaky numbers. Human Physiology hasn't changed that much in the last few years, so something has changed the numbers, be it training, nutrition, equipment or just plain a once off natural phenomenal athlete, either way I think it would make some really interesting reading.

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Froome's climb was the third fastest in history up that climb, only a few seconds slower than Lance in 2001. Im not going to use ths "d" word yet, lets hope Sky is for real, but I have heard the "Ive never tested positive/dont be sceptical/etc" stories too recently to get too excited.

Valid point, but we also need to take into account that this is only the first climb of the tdf. Would like to know how far in it was when LA set his time in 2001

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Froome's climb was the third fastest in history up that climb, only a few seconds slower than Lance in 2001. Im not going to use ths "d" word yet, lets hope Sky is for real, but I have heard the "Ive never tested positive/dont be sceptical/etc" stories too recently to get too excited.


Its sad reflection of the times that there is so much skepticism, the comparison to US Postal was put to Chris in the press conference not nice to have that thrown at you after possibly the greatest ride in your life, but Team Sky have been thorough in their anti doping approach to the point of purging anyone with any involvement in doping in the past, and my reading of Chris' character is that he is not a liar and a cheat (but thats me)


All the best to Chris and his team, history in the making!

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Good luck to all the guys and gals doing the etape today. This year it's tage 20 of the tour, so nice for all those taking part to watch the pros next week.


Easier than last year but that last climb is going to throw down some pain.



  • Km 12.5 - Côte du Puget5.4 kilometre-long climb at 5.9% - category 2

  • Km 17.5 - Col de Leschaux3.6 kilometre-long climb at 6.1% - category 3

  • Km 43.0 - Côte d'Aillon-le-Vieux6 kilometre-long climb at 4% - category 3

  • Km 51.0 - Col des Prés (1 142 m)3.4 kilometre-long climb at 6.9% - category 3

  • Km 78.5 - Mont Revard15.9 kilometre-long climb at 5.6% - category 1

  • Km 125.0 - Annecy-Semnoz10.7 kilometre-long climb at 8.5% - category H





Last little push...



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Only watched the stage this morning. Quintana should have waited till the last climb. He looked smooth as he climbed! Hope they attack froome, and attack him hard!

If he had decended better and had 45-50 sec going into the final climb it might have been different. He was only beaten by a better team effort yesterday rather than another rider. If the skyborgs hadnt done all the work he would have been winner.


Anywas I hope he gets a stage at some point.

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One thing I missed from yesterdays commentary from P&P... anyone know how old Quintana is? ;)

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If your first reaction isn't rational skepticism, you haven't been a cycling fan long enough. Or, I suppose, you've been one for too long.


Let's not forget the appointment of Dr. Geert Leinders by Sky.


Let's see what happens next.


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Ok, Chris's ride yesterday was incredible. Nothing short of epic!

Good luck to him and the SKY stormtroopers for the rest of the tour! They have done their homework and as always seem to be not one, two or even three steps ahead, but twenty steps ahead of everyone else! Froome's admission that they used the Vuelta to assess Contador must have left Berto reeling and wondering what else they have in their bag of tricks. They made it known that they know Berto better than he knows himself! Mind-job tactic unleashed and effective!

A lot of people are casting doubt on Froome. And I understand given the recent scandals. But maybe lets enjoy the racing, and celebrate the achievements. We seem obsessed with people cheating, and almost wish their downfall. Why?

In my eyes, Chris rode himself into history yesterday. His admissions to the press and statements of "I wont test positive 20/30 years from now" are bold, and he knows the scrutiny they are under, and the inevitable scientific advances that will come in years to come that will expose the drugs of today in the same way the EPO test came out to destroy Armstrong.

That said, I believe him. And I will cheer him till the day he stops riding.

I am going to choose to see the positive (no pun intended) in his and the teams ride.

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