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Races taking rider weight into account


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Does anybody know of any races where rider weight is taken into account to give a rider a handicap so that the heavier people can also compete against the thinner ones? I know being 100kg's I am not really built for hills or even for cycling for that matter. Thanx

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Good idea. I am tired of getting dropped on the inclines. I still weigh 91 and am starting to look like a somalian already but I still get chowed on them uphill.

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Ja... Buffalo catagory.


But you compete against the other buffalos.


Without being mean the thinner guys are generally thin because they have better disciplin. The life choice to be thin usually comes with diet refinement, training hard and self control. I like pizza, burgers and beer as much as the next guy but to remain 70kg and fighting fit I refrain from indulging...... Giving up meat, cutting out processed sugar and other yummy things is difficult.


Its up to the individual to level the playing field, not the race organizers

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Ja... Buffalo catagory.


But you compete against the other buffalos.


Without being mean the thinner guys are generally thin because they have better disciplin. The life choice to be thin usually comes with diet refinement, training hard and self control. I like pizza, burgers and beer as much as the next guy but to remain 70kg and fighting fit I refrain from indulging...... Giving up meat, cutting out processed sugar and other yummy things is difficult.


Its up to the individual to level the playing field, not the race organizers

I think that is a very fair comment. Really, however some of us have not weighed 70kg since standard 8. Not fat, just big, No amount of dieting and training wil get me to 70kg. However it does not bother me, and like in any sport I dont expect any favours. If I play a rugby match against your 70kg I wont show you any favours. Everybody cant be competitive in every sport. as long as you enjoy it.
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bwahahahahahahahahaha made my week!!! Its not lekker weighing 64kg... on the downhills :ph34r:

I can Imagine. Your probably flying down.

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I can Imagine. Your probably flying down.

As a roadie, not a chance in hell that ill stay up with a 100kg guy on a downhill! but even tho im not too great on the mtb, being light on mtb races helps with downhill.. just too bad i dont have the knickers that the top guys have..

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IF weight is your handicap, take up a sport where weight is an advantage like.................

Finn sailing (weight class 80kg-130kg)

weight lifting?






I don't complain I am to small and light to play rugby, so you shouldn't whine about being overweight for cycling.


Don't entry a donkey in a horse race,

and don't entry a race horse into a camel race.

Edited by Witkop
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This is pathetic! Soon they will have handicaps for smaller rugby players! Sic!


Well the current handicap is you get thumped!



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Ja... Buffalo catagory.


But you compete against the other buffalos.


Without being mean the thinner guys are generally thin because they have better disciplin. The life choice to be thin usually comes with diet refinement, training hard and self control. I like pizza, burgers and beer as much as the next guy but to remain 70kg and fighting fit I refrain from indulging...... Giving up meat, cutting out processed sugar and other yummy things is difficult.


Its up to the individual to level the playing field, not the race organizers

I almost want to agree with you but some people just bigger and bone density higher.

Everybody I know tells me I must put on weight as I look to thin.

However the Body Mass index says I am overweight and I never get my Vitality points for being in the correct weight.

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Does anybody know of any races where rider weight is taken into account to give a rider a handicap so that the heavier people can also compete against the thinner ones? I know being 100kg's I am not really built for hills or even for cycling for that matter. Thanx


It is definitely tough to hang on to small and experience cyclist on those hills, obviously hills are part of cycling, but i think as you get better that is part of the fun.

I'm a 6'6 dude, and on a good day I am 6'7 LOL.. I've always been discipline with what I consume, and but no matter what I do, I can never be below 100Kgs. Frankly, I love those "grimpeur" (Climbers), I'm also happy with my build and the fact that I'm always chasing then and can never catch up.

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