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Shocking incident between van driver and cyclists in Camps Bay


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Why would you say they are normally law-abiding, I wouldnt know?


But anyway, hitting people is criminal behaviour unless it's a child or between consenting adults. I didnt see any bondage gear, so regardless of what the van folk did, these guys now have a case to answer.


There is no way now to know what went on prior.


If they weren't then surely they would have all kinds of pending law cases against them as do most criminals in our country? If they weren't, then surely they would've been attacking motorist wherever they went? And in cape town, some motorist can be quite confrontational, a lot more confrontational than a guy who simply double parked his car?


I agree with you, what they did was wrong, there was a action and now there will be a reaction, already they've been banned from Argus, possibly from PPA, their club, may face jail sentence, etc so I'm pretty sure they will answer for their actions. I wonder however, if the youngsters in the back were in fact throwing ice sachets or water sachets at the cyclists, what if it smacked one of the riders in the face, causing them to loose their balance, cause them to crash and they died (we all know how quickly a crash can turn deadly), does this mean the youngsters can be charged with attempted murder?

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Well after relooking at the video, I noticed that at around the 30 sec mark you will see one or two guys going around the side of the van, the same time one of them is trying to take the keys. As the car moves, you will notice that the van door is also open and there is a whole group of guys there. What happened on that side of the van where we couldnt see? No one has mentioned anything about this


In the driver's statement he mentions the cyclists getting into the van and very quickly getting out again because of the residual pepper spray in the van...

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Biased much?


Short precis:


Cyclists wearing MC2 kit unlawfully attack the occupant of a stationery vehicle. It is recorded by 3rd party and it goes viral sparking unchecked vitriol against the club and cyclists in general.


Apologists contend we need to know the facts and what happened before the assault.


Others argue that what happened before does not justify violence. While what happened before creates context it does not affect the unacceptable and unlawful nature of the act.


Apologists insist that we need to know the FACTS and then proceed to speculate wildly to justify the MC2 riders involved while insisting that they do not condone the act (the "its wrong but he's my buddy view").


The MC2 riders are arrested and charged criminally. PPA kicks them out of the Argus and suspends them pending an enquiry.


Errrrr Nope, more horse-sh1te you're selling I wont buy. I am not an apologist and don't think anyone else here is trying to be either. Also not attempting to justify the over reaction seen in the clip and will state that ONCE AGAIN! If your choice is to see this whole incident being what was filmed on a passerby's cellphone as the entirity, that is your choice. I can respect that even if I don't understand it. Can you do the same?


In plain english. A 19 year old contract driver and his van full of buddies could have done so much more than is being let on, to have a whole group of cyclists respond this way. Lets hear what that is too. That is all. Over and out.

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Edit: another thought. All the cyclists here are angry - why was that? Surely, if only one cyclist stripped his moer, the others would have pulled him off (if reading this thread is anything to go by). No, they're all pissed off. That driver, or his passengers, did something they shouldn't have, I'm pretty sure of it. If the video had covered the entire situation, I wonder whether our perspective would be different? If it showed the driver doing something wrong, I doubt it would have got even a fraction of the exposure.


I wonder if this was a you tube video of youngsters throwing ice or water sachets at unsuspecting group of cyclists, it smaaks them hard in the face (I'm pretty sure a ice or water sachets being flung from a moving vehicle and you travelling around 30km+ is gonna be pretty painful) and the driver and occupants drive off laughing their asses off while the fellow cyclists rally around their injured mate, if it would even would've had some kind of exposure. I also wonder how many Hubbers who may then have seen the video would then have said 'if I caught that driver I would've given him a 'PK' or sorted him out.


And before someone again tells me that I'm trying to justify what they did, I'm not, just asking questions

Edited by Saudiq
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Errrrr Nope, more horse-sh1te you're selling I wont buy. I am not an apologist and don't think anyone else here is trying to be either. Also not attempting to justify the over reaction seen in the clip and will state that ONCE AGAIN! If your choice is to see this whole incident being what was filmed on a passerby's cellphone as the entirity, that is your choice. I can respect that even if I don't understand it. Can you do the same?


In plain english. A 19 year old contract driver and his van full of buddies could have done so much more than is being let on, to have a whole group of cyclists respond this way. Lets hear what that is too. That is all. Over and out.

Tubehunter, I think you (and most others here) were covered under "others"


IE: Others argue that what happened before does not justify violence. While what happened before creates context it does not affect the unacceptable and unlawful nature of the act.

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When are we going to get a official statement from MC2 on the incident?


Something like:


"We at MC2 having reviewed the incident and apologies profusely for the perceived bad behaviour of the cyclists that were wearing our team kit. We have interviewed all our members involved and as charges have been laid against two member, and these members been taken in police custody, believe the case is now Sub judice. We ask the cycling community to respect the rule of law and processes of justice and not comment further on this case until the findings of the court.


We will institute the necessary disciplinary actions against the accused if found guilty and will hold disciplnary hearings for the other cyclists involved. As we do not assume guilt in any of these cases, we will continue to support our members until guilt has been proven, and ask the cyclist community not to conduct a trail by media. We are workig with PPA ext in this regard.


We will inform society in general on the findings of these tribunals upon their conclusion, so as to put this matter to rest."


This would go a long way to defuse the problem. In fact this should have been posted immediately once the video emerged.


ps my fees for PR/media consulting are reasonable, but as a backstop get a lawyer to check that you have not accepted any liability by the above statement




you mean like this one?


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In the driver's statement he mentions the cyclists getting into the van and very quickly getting out again because of the residual pepper spray in the van...


So then how could it only be 2 people involved? To me it seems like it was most of the group

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When are we going to get a official statement from MC2 on the incident?


Something like:


"We at MC2 having reviewed the incident and apologies profusely for the perceived bad behaviour of the cyclists that were wearing our team kit. We have interviewed all our members involved and as charges have been laid against two member, and these members been taken in police custody, believe the case is now Sub judice. We ask the cycling community to respect the rule of law and processes of justice and not comment further on this case until the findings of the court.


We will institute the necessary disciplinary actions against the accused if found guilty and will hold disciplnary hearings for the other cyclists involved. As we do not assume guilt in any of these cases, we will continue to support our members until guilt has been proven, and ask the cyclist community not to conduct a trail by media. We are workig with PPA ext in this regard.


We will inform society in general on the findings of these tribunals upon their conclusion, so as to put this matter to rest."


This would go a long way to defuse the problem. In fact this should have been posted immediately once the video emerged.


ps my fees for PR/media consulting are reasonable, but as a backstop get a lawyer to check that you have not accepted any liability by the above statement


Muhammadeyah Cycling Club. Established 2005. Proudly Associated with: Muhammadeyah Primary School Pedal Power Association



We refer to the above matter and respond to the incident dated 2 March 2014.

The chairman and the executive committee had a meeting on 3 March 2014 and resolved,

as follows:

The Club vigorously and vehemently condemns the behaviour of the members in the

manner they retaliated to this situation, which has been recorded and posted on social


The Club has never and never will condone these actions. The Club has suspended the two

members that have been identified as the alleged perpetrators with immediate effect, a

disciplinary hearing is in process.

The Club wishes to apologise to the affiliates, the Western Province Cycling Association,

Pedal Power Association, Cycling South Africa , the Sponsors, Muhammedeyeh Primary

School and the entire community at large for this unfortunate incident. We also wish to extend

our sincerest apologies to the Big Walk committee.

The Club has referred this incident together with the names of the few identified members

to the Pedal Power Association and Western Province Cycling, who will institute disciplinary

proceedings against these members.

The Club intends to co-operate to the fullest with these affiliates in order to assist them to expedite the disciplinary proceedings.

The club has the fullest faith in the legal justice system and the case must run its course in a transparent manner.

As a further step the Club is arranging a workshop with all its members to discuss this incident as well as to talk about preventative measures in avoiding conduct that will place the Club in disrepute.

The Club was established in 2005 and started with 10 (ten) students of Muhammadeyeh Primary School and has grown to approximately 120 (one hundred and twenty) members. The Club is a Development Club and pride ourselves in nurturing young talent from grass-root level and also focus on and empowering previously disadvantaged communities to participate in cycling. The Club has recently taken in 10 (ten) members of the Lentegeur community, and they are being coached and trained by the Club and they have improved in leaps and bounds.

The members representing the Club, has knowledge of the rules and the regulations to being affiliated to the Club, and has acted outside the constitution of the club and should be held personally responsible for their actions. Muhammadeyah Cycling Club. Established 2005. Proudly Associated with: Muhammadeyah Primary School Pedal Power Association


Again, the Club condemns their conduct in the highest regard and under no circumstances condones their behaviour.

It is a sad day for the Club. Everyone is shaken by this incident.

Yours sincerely


Club Chairperson

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Last time was probably when I was in my early to mid teans... I have since learnt that its not really acceptable to behave violently unless there is a dire situation.


Maybe I am a pacifist. But the idea of 'teaching someone a lesson' through violence just breeds hatred, spawns ill temper and really only teaches more violence.


I was paddy whacked at least 3 times a week by cane wielding teachers, I have no issue with a bit of discipline, but a mob justice attack, a violent reaction to harsh words and the fact that anyone can condone this leaves me disturbed beyond belief.


I didnt want to say anything, but if you truly think that punching someone and pepper spraying someone because they offend you is ok, you are part of the problem which inflicts our country.


Well said singlespeedGuy. This is about the most sensible post on this thread. I am afraid that this country appears to have a culture of impatience, intolerance and violence that is extremely disturbing and worrying.

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If they weren't then surely they would have all kinds of pending law cases against them as do most criminals in our country? If they weren't, then surely they would've been attacking motorist wherever they went? And in cape town, some motorist can be quite confrontational, a lot more confrontational than a guy who simply double parked his car?


I agree with you, what they did was wrong, there was a action and now there will be a reaction, already they've been banned from Argus, possibly from PPA, their club, may face jail sentence, etc so I'm pretty sure they will answer for their actions. I wonder however, if the youngsters in the back were in fact throwing ice sachets or water sachets at the cyclists, what if it smacked one of the riders in the face, causing them to loose their balance, cause them to crash and they died (we all know how quickly a crash can turn deadly), does this mean the youngsters can be charged with attempted murder?


Just because they don't have pending law cases doesn't make them law-abiding.


No-one knows whether they have attacked other motorists, maybe not reported, etc.

This case has video evidence.


Not saying they are not usually law-abiding or that they have attacked in the past. Just pointing out that you do not know this.

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post-34848-0-37113900-1394101501_thumb.jpgIM GETTING THE FEELING


LOL, that's pretty much it at the moment.


I'm out....for now anyway

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Personally I am not surprised. I was intending to post this week anyway regarding cyclists and a complete lack of manners. For some context I was a road rider for 8 years and have been a mountain biker for about 12. Recently we have noticed a huge increase in the number of rude, belligerent riders on the Braamfontein spruit.


As a father of young kids, our group often does kiddies rides along the spruit and more and more we see mountain bikers screaming at the little kids riding, the walkers, and the dogs. The residents have started taking real exception to the riders, and speaking to a walker on Sunday after two riders had come past and literally pushed my 8 year old off the trail because he was too slow, the walker (who also happens to be a mountain biker) told me of incidents where riders have barged people off the path, assaulted the residents, and in one instance even broken the arm of a woman when they pushed her off the path.


Seriously? On the spruit? This route is well-known for walkers, and leisure riders. Myself and my group of friends have never seen it as a hardcore training ride, and certainly would never treat fellow outdoor enthusiasts in this manner.


It is honestly time that cyclists started to show some respect. I do agree that cars have taken riders out, but we ALL see riders out on the roads 3 and 4 abreast on single carriage ways.


Respect goes BOTH ways, and when motorists start to intentionally push cyclists off the road, or when walkers set their dogs on us, or even build fences to keep us out, or actively attack riders (not just verbally but physically too) we will all act surprised and shocked, and shake our heads at the "terrible situation in this country" but we should all look back on this, and other incidents as the beginnings of attacks against cyclists.


Seriously guys, enjoy riding, esp on kiddies and beginners trails, go be aggro where we don't have to share trails, and RESPECT other people.


I hope these guys get a solid jail sentence, they, and others, make all of us, and the community that has BUILT rides like the spruit look bad.

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Why would you say they are normally law-abiding, I wouldnt know?


But anyway, hitting people is criminal behaviour unless it's a child or between consenting adults. I didnt see any bondage gear, so regardless of what the van folk did, these guys now have a case to answer.


There is no way now to know what went on prior.


We have no reason to believe they are not law abiding citizens.


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