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This is why cyclist are hated


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I'm not sure about the rest of you guys, but I've noticed at trend with the posts here. People have mentioned cyclist riding legally, single file, inside a yellow lane etc, and then getting killed/wiped out by motorist breaking the law, even the OP mentions his personal incidence of getting taken out (and I doubt you have motorist posting comments on forums saying 'This is why cyclist hate motorist') and on the other hand have cyclist 'breaking the law' annoying motorists but arrive home safely?


All the countless incidence I've had on the road has been when I'm either a lone cyclist, sticking to the side of the road, or less than 5 riders all riding single file and having motorists/taxis/buses/trucks pass you at insane speeds missing you by a few millimeters. I have had Zero incidence riding as a big group.


I know it's illegal for us to ride cyclist abreast and our club strongly condemns this but it seems to me like motorist are more cautious when it appears that you're a 'big obstruction' riding abreast vs a long string of cyclist where they squeeze past you almost forcing you off the road.


I too am a driver and I've had lots of incidence where I was forced to slow down for a few minutes or drive at a speed lower than the speed limit whether this be for a truck, tractor, horse and cart, all I do is wait for it be safe to pass and do so. Getting to your destination 2 minutes later is not gonna kill ya and if you're in a hurry because you're late, then that's your fault for not managing your time correctly.

Edited by Saudiq
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Major fail dude


Indeed, it's a very special kind of uncouth to arrive at a community as a noob and be this condescending Pabs. Properly poor form! Your next trip to Jozi, I dare you to go to the shop in question and go play your Cry me a river tune....

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I was or is still considering joining this club for exactly the reason that they ride in a group and have a sweeper car behind .They have a early morning ride on weekends and do about a 100km .A cyclist is by law also a road user and have the fullest right to be there and be safe just like a car or a pedestrian crossing .Even in my own family i have issues with impatient driving around cyclists .

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I too am a driver and I've had lots of incidence where I was forced to slow down for a few minutes or drive at a speed lower than the speed limit whether this be for a truck, tractor, horse and cart, all I do is wait for it be safe to pass and do so. Getting to your destination 2 minutes later is not gonna kill ya and if you're in a hurry because you're late, then that's your fault for not managing your time correctly.


Its a speed LIMIT not a speed TARGET.


I heard people say that cyclists does not belong on the road because they can't keep to the minimum speed limit. Well there is no minimum speed on roads unless specifically indicated by a sign.


And I do agree with you. I feel safer when a motorist is forced to slow down and pass me than me riding on the edge of the road and they just speed pass me.

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I don't think you do understand these sentiments. Have you got a child? Bury them after someone has ridden over them. For additional impact lose some of your closest mates through the same process and see if you're still going to campaign to have other cyclists ride in single file whenever they are on the road or whether you will deploy a sweep vehicle to drive behind you and your friends for safety, knowing that most of the motorists will be driving in such a way as to kill you, as you have lived through first hand.


Until you know this yourself everything any of us have to say is simply irrelevant by comparison.


Stop being foolish, not everyone drives in ways to kill a cyclist. You are exactly why everyone is driving so badly on the roads and you completely miss my point. I fear for my life and my children's, note more than one, lives everyday because of stupid and blatant disregard for traffic laws, made worse by the next person saying enough is enough. If he drives like that then so will I.


If one person skips a stop street should you because the car behind you might not have stopped, and you may have been injured? No you drive withing the rules of the road and be more aware of your surroundings. Drive more defensively, concentrate more and avoid possible danger. Like the OP said the chosen road was just one of many issues.


Ride with a mirror or is that too much extra weight?

Stop at red lights or is that too much trouble for cyclists and you would rather risk death?


Stop cutting your nose off to spite your face, if you want to advocate breaking rules and putting yourself at risk then go ahead but don't put me or my family at risk because you think that your solution is the right one and cant see further than your front wheel.


People don't see what you do right, they see what you do wrong so don't be a statistic. Just look at all the comments/likes from the roadies in this thread, it shows there unwillingness to see another side of the story.

No matter how many people have suffered and continue to suffer the pain of losing those close to them, the actions of this group and many others has and will not help to stop idiots(roadusers) being idiots or these same drivers misjudging speed, distance and safety.


Your actions have consequence and they affect all cyclists, if you were spared today and pissed people off in the process then you may have personally sealed someone else's fate. Don't make decisions for me, I did not ask you to.

Edited by eelvio
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edited over emotional diatribe...


You don't know me from soap. You have no idea how I behave when I am on a bicycle or otherwise. Best you remember that about everyone you engage here that you have had no real life interaction with.


Too much of the drivel that finds its way onto these pages is for the very issue you attempt to crusade. If you're so interested in the safety concerns of your fellow cyclists why are you so feverently trying to find fault with something they have been forced to do to survive on the roads?


More so, if you feel that any of their cycling behaviour directly affects your safety on the road when you're cycling and not your own behaviour in the given situations that present themselves when you're on you bike, it's probably best you go back to playing golf. Some of us have been on the seat of a bicycle for many years and have witnessed more than we should at the hands of trying to preserve a so called image.

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You don't know me from soap. You have no idea how I behave when I am on a bicycle or otherwise.


it's probably best you go back to playing golf. Some of us have been on the seat of a bicycle for many years and have witnessed more than we should at the hands of trying to preserve a so called image.


I apologize for being so arrogant as to thinking I know who you are or what you do. The very words used question your judgement . You seem to think you are better, you think you know more, you think you know me and you think you have seen more and I am what "not allowed to know you"?


Could be true but does that even matter? Just the self righteous thought that shows me this discussion is not going to go any further. The OP probably would have liked some further thoughts thrown around at how to avoid further incidents involving impatience or inconsiderate road user instead of this.


The floor is yours for the last say! Tell us we should ride or speak or participate or contribute so we know better.

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I apologize for being so arrogant as to thinking I know who you are or what you do. The very words used question your judgement . You seem to think you are better, you think you know more, you think you know me and you think you have seen more and I am what "not allowed to know you"?


Could be true but does that even matter? Just the self righteous thought that shows me this discussion is not going to go any further. The OP probably would have liked some further thoughts thrown around at how to avoid further incidents involving impatience or inconsiderate road user instead of this.


The floor is yours for the last say! Tell us we should ride or speak or participate or contribute so we know better.


I don't think I am better. I think I am human. Whenever I swing my leg over the bike, it is my full intention to have a really good time while on it and do my best to make it home in one piece, wearing a smile.


There is no magic bullet that works well for every situation. Our greatest ally is to park the attitude and be respectful where we can, but constantly look out for our own safety as the reality is that no one else will do it for us.

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I'm with you there.


Apart from 94.7 once per year I don't really ride my road bike much on the road.


SBR is my favourite haunt - other than that I'll ride super early before the cars come out to play or on quiet roads with a yellow line so we don't have to share the same tar.


In the current reality of knackered roads, poor cycling infrastructure, irate motorists, high stress levels and anything lycra being associated with the devil - training on the road is virtual no no for me.


What I do find rather ironic is that when I do venture onto the roads more cyclists than not jump red lights (yes - that old chestnut). On this thread there are people asking why motorists can't wait 1 minute to pass a cyclist...so why don't cyclists have 1 minute to wait for a red light?

Strava ? :ph34r:

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I apologize for being so arrogant as to thinking I know who you are or what you do. The very words used question your judgement . You seem to think you are better, you think you know more, you think you know me and you think you have seen more and I am what "not allowed to know you"?


Could be true but does that even matter? Just the self righteous thought that shows me this discussion is not going to go any further. The OP probably would have liked some further thoughts thrown around at how to avoid further incidents involving impatience or inconsiderate road user instead of this.


The floor is yours for the last say! Tell us we should ride or speak or participate or contribute so we know better.

I believe you were the one calling other people idiots, and forcing your opinions on others - Tubehunter was merely explaining the reason why we have had to resort to riding with a safety vehicle.. its not safe out there and joining a club that has a safety vehicle following is one of the ways we have had to adapt, to survive..

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Don,t they have the right to use the road with a car following them .The point of the car following is to give them the same room that a car would occupy .Why don,t you just chill out and rather join them .Since when do cars own the roads anyway .It can be annoying ,but so are slow traffic ,trucks ,pedestrians ,old folk,s .It is not the cyclists but drivers like you that make cycling unsafe .It is a sunday morning afterall .Give people space to live ! And no ! I am not a club member

Since they pay for the road and the cyclist dont... just something to keep in mind. I hate it when I find cyclists riding abreast. They mostly heve a middle finger attitude towards the other road users. They are like taxis imho. I cycle but never do this.
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I believe you were the one calling other people idiots, Noted and fixed within a minute as it was not called for.


merely explaining the reason .


Please tell me the difference between the two was I not merely explaining why I don't believe that it is a better way? So my opinion is forced onto you and the other was merely an explanation.


Please guys I am not here for that rubbish. There is an issue at hand which I feel strongly about and if my input is worthless then let me know and Ill go back to a one liner here and there because I don't have enough posts to count as a cyclist.

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Since they pay for the road and the cyclist dont... just something to keep in mind.

I'm not so sure on that.... MOST people who cycle tend to be from the higher income bracket, after all its not a cheap sport. This usually means they have more expensive cars, usually more than one per family too. This means they pay higher taxes, as well as use more fuels. I am pretty sure if we assess our road tax contribution overall its probably higher than the average South African citizen. So yes, I do pay to use the roads.
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