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Pretty much doing the same thing in the NSPCA charity group - although a sub-3 will most likely be a sub-4 (best case) or a group finish (worst case). Super domestique duties for me, and one or two others. Should be fun either way.

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For the folks in 'I' batch, please can I get a show of hands from people who are targeting sub 3:00, so I can see how many people we're going to have in the I-Team pace line (and how many people I'll be working for on the day).





Craig 26


Ebi Omer

Fat Boab








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Hello all, does anyone know or have available entries for me? I'm really keen on the challenge, been scared to take the plunge as a novice cyclist... Hit me up if you can help...

Here are some entries available in the classifieds:




If you don't get to ride the 94.7, there are lots of smaller races through out the year, and they typically have shorter distances that you can do.

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so there's 3 weekends left.


aiming hard for a sub 2h40 (first time out of A this year), hoping to get some power numbers from the A bunch regulars to see if I have a fair shot at achieving my goal.


I have been doing some specific power training (kickr - not on road unfortunately) trying to simulate race conditions by varying the length and intensity of intervals and resting of what I believe simulates the route.


Gelrald has done a great job of posting times on all the major hills, but I don't live in Jozi no more, so I can't really go and "test" myself against those hills/sections to get a feel.


Anybody out there willing to post their weight and then put some power numbers to the various sections e.g.


M1 - 25 minutes @ 240 W average

Pooks hill - 4 mintutes @ 330 W 


Cedar rd - 6 minutes @ 300


or something along these lines so that I can sort of emulate sections of the route on my kickr?

Spend some time on strava. I have, and you can select an estimated time, and some of the even have power numbers. Just remember that the power to weight is what is needed.

I did a 2:52 from A last year, and was dropped on the first hill. I was not in the best form, possibly overtrained. I did spend time in the B and C batch lead groups to get to the finish.

This is the link to my ride last year, not quite what you want but a good guide. I did weigh in at about 73 to 74kg.

Hope this helps.


edit: forgot link

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For the folks in 'I' batch, please can I get a show of hands from people who are targeting sub 3:00, so I can see how many people we're going to have in the I-Team pace line (and how many people I'll be working for on the day).





Craig 26


Ebi Omer

Fat Boab





shaper +1



Also have a mate who is riding with me, targeting the sub3.... looks like you will be in for quite a few free beers if successful  :whistling:

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Pretty much doing the same thing in the NSPCA charity group - although a sub-3 will most likely be a sub-4 (best case) or a group finish (worst case). Super domestique duties for me, and noe or two others. Should be fun either way.


I'm actually taking your lead - I like the way you do some of these races. Decided that I'd rather just have a fun day out and ride with some good mates and meet new folks from the Hub instead of chasing wheels all day.


Coming towards the end of the year and I'm feeling a little jaded at the moment. Lost my cycling mojo a bit, so 94.7 will be my last race in a while I think.


So I'm going back to the sea this summer to catch fish off my boat, crayfish braais and all that. Can't wait to get rid of this horrible cycling tan  :thumbup: .

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For the folks in 'I' batch, please can I get a show of hands from people who are targeting sub 3:00, so I can see how many people we're going to have in the I-Team pace line (and how many people I'll be working for on the day).





Craig 26


Ebi Omer

Fat Boab








im from batch H can i add my name to the list also

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It seems the force is strong with Tombeej........


It'll have to be as he may have a shoal of remoras screaming at interlopers.....MY WHEEL!

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For the folks in 'I' batch, please can I get a show of hands from people who are targeting sub 3:00, so I can see how many people we're going to have in the I-Team pace line (and how many people I'll be working for on the day).





Craig 26


Ebi Omer

Fat Boab









I might be out of this line after my crash yesterday. Hurt my shoulder (not bone, but muscles and ligaments). So will have to see how this week go (pain wise). Might not be able to ride soon. 

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I might be out of this line after my crash yesterday. Hurt my shoulder (not bone, but muscles and ligaments). So will have to see how this week go (pain wise). Might not be able to ride soon. 


Sorry to hear that. Heal up soon.

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I might be out of this line after my crash yesterday. Hurt my shoulder (not bone, but muscles and ligaments). So will have to see how this week go (pain wise). Might not be able to ride soon. 

Get well soon.


On a slightly different note, anyone around the Midrand area interested in doing some longer distance rides over the coming weekends? Always easier to put in the distance in a group...

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