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2015 Momentum 947


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OK who do we have in the I-Team at the moment - the ones who want to race for that sub 3?





I have taken over an entry that was in I batch, if I can get reseeded there then I'm up for the challenge

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OK who do we have in the I-Team at the moment - the ones who want to race for that sub 3?


So far I've got 5:


1. & 2. shaper +1
3. ScottC-M
4. monkey on a bianchi
5. bmw1za
Fat Boab and Prince, is this your target too - are you in?
Who else?
My plan:
Get some yellow stickers to put on the back of our helmets so that we can see where we are in the bunch. I will sit just behind and if anyone drops off on a hill I'll bridge them back again. If the pace of the bunch is not fast enough, I'll have to try and do some work on the front to speed things up. At 70km we can take stock and see who's still feeling ok for those last 5 hills. Whoever is still there, I'll try and help pace over the climbs. On race day, we can meet early, put our stickers on our helmets and get to know the faces in our team. Then pull into the start pen as 1 group with the aim of sticking together as long as possible. The more we work for each other, the better our chances will be of reaching your targets.


I am seeded in H but nobody to work with, so will join you guys (and girls) in I batch.

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Great to see the sub-3 I group taking shape, and kudos to Tombeej for stepping up.


I need to have a think about my commitment or not. I have lots of excuses lined up, but fundamentally wouldn't want to dick people around, and some of you guys sound like a class or two beyond me. I'm basically a Mamil who has no feel for my current anticipated race time...

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Great to see the sub-3 I group taking shape, and kudos to Tombeej for stepping up. I need to have a think about my commitment or not. I have lots of excuses lined up, but fundamentally wouldn't want to dick people around, and some of you guys sound like a class or two beyond me. I'm basically a Mamil who has no feel for my current anticipated race time...

What's the worst that can happen? You get dropped by the bunch and ride it solo.

Enough excuses, join us.

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Ja, my role as super domestique for the I-Team will be to do all the work for them in the first 70km then drop them off at Witkoppen and it's up to them from there.

Good Man!

I hope they all buy you beer after the race:)

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What's the worst that can happen? You get dropped by the bunch and ride it solo.

Enough excuses, join us.


Luckily in an event the size of this, starting at 7:05 even if we (Including myself) get dropped there are bound to be plenty bunches coming through so a solo ride shouldn't happen.

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Luckily in an event the size of this, starting at 7:05 even if we (Including myself) get dropped there are bound to be plenty bunches coming through so a solo ride shouldn't happen.


Don't know if it always happens to me only but the one's (few) I pass are going too slow and the one's passing me (lots) are too damn fast  :whistling:


Luckily I don't mind riding on my own if I have to, and I am well aware that it's faster in a bunch but it's less stressful alone  :ph34r:

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Does anyone here know if the racing U16 batch (+ batch) need to ride with blocked gears or are all gear accepted?

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I've got us covered with the stickers




We can meet up at Circle circle "D" or "6" where we can put the sticker on the helmet and a second one on our race number in case it blows off the helmet.




An overnight thought wrt identification. I have a vague memory of someone, geraldm24?, previously mentioning that his club ride with coloured cable ties sticking out their helmets? They'd certainly not blow off and might be good to spot people from the side or front? 


Yours on the fence.....

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An overnight thought wrt identification. I have a vague memory of someone, geraldm24?, previously mentioning that his club ride with coloured cable ties sticking out their helmets? They'd certainly not blow off and might be good to spot people from the side or front? 


Yours on the fence.....


The Jacaranda guys do that. (see https://community.bikehub.co.za/topic/137130-wilro-cycle-challenge/page-7?do=findComment&comment=2264184)

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Don't know if it always happens to me only but the one's (few) I pass are going too slow and the one's passing me (lots) are too damn fast  :whistling:


Luckily I don't mind riding on my own if I have to, and I am well aware that it's faster in a bunch but it's less stressful alone  :ph34r:

Only ones I pass are those that have stopped to fix their bikes 

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An overnight thought wrt identification. I have a vague memory of someone, geraldm24?, previously mentioning that his club ride with coloured cable ties sticking out their helmets? They'd certainly not blow off and might be good to spot people from the side or front? 


Yours on the fence.....

Good idea - but not mine

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Contemplating also dropping back to "I" group, to take advantage of this "BikeHub lead out train" that is forming so nicely. 

Seeded in C, but that is a bridge too far for me this year, I feel. 

I'll be blown off the back of that group like a dandelion in a hurricane.

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