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2015 Coronation Double Century

Chris NewbyFraser

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Yet another fantastic DC and this is the 1st time that I got a Charles Milner medal.


We decided after the Argus this year to enter a team and at the time we were only 2 guys that did the DC before. From the very beginning our goal was 8hrs and the team medal. 


After months of training, blood, sweat and tears we achieved our goal. We were seeded as team number 203 which was most likely because we had 4 riders seeded in A-C and the weakest rider seeded in N. The team talk the Friday evening went very well with the whole team debating and eventually coming up with the best tactics for the team.


During the race the tactics worked out exactly as planned and that made me a very proud captain with the guys showing the utmost respect to myself and the rest of the team at all times. I was unfortunate to having a tubbie blowout just before Tradouw pass but then the 4 strongest riders(incl myself) stopped to get it sorted and we lost around 25mins.


We then attacked Tradouw pass and we eventually caught up with team USN purefit and sat with them until on top of Op De Tradouw and they were a really cool bunch of guys and ladies. We didnt interfere with their tactics and offered to help pacing but they refused as they were riding at the goal pace. 


On top of Op de Tradouw we were surprised to see the rest of our team as we thought we would catch up at the feeding zone in Ashton only. We regrouped and made our way to Ashton and caught lots of slower groups and solo riders and soon formed a bigger group but the pouring rain made it really hard and dangerous on some of those fast descends but luckily no crashes in our team.


The 1st really challenging bit in the team dynamics came about 5kms from the 3 sisters with the team looking down and out going at 15km/h on the flats. Myself and the 3 other strong guys had a quick meeting on what to do from there, should we go for team time or carry the boys home. 


We decided that each of us assist whoever needs to be towed up the climbs as we need to finish all 12 together. Eventually 6 of the guys needs a push here and there and some more than others but we gritted our teeth and got everyone over those last 3 horrible sisters :clap:


The last 7 kms the guys found something and we just went for it passing teams that came flying past us earlier and we finished really strong much to my surprise. The team spirit after the race was amazing and it made me really proud to have been able to be not just part of such a team effort but also the captain. 



Cool report, Bankie'


Rather good with clinchers instead on that loooong course.

One can almost never run out of tubes as a team if everyone carries spares.


I always miss my tubs during the DC and the risk is too high.

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Cool report, Bankie'


Rather good with clinchers instead on that loooong course.

One can almost never run out of tubes as a team if everyone carries spares.


I always miss my tubs during the DC and the risk is too high.




Yeah bud but I had to take the issue I got with the wheel the previous day as a sign but I didn't.


I had trouble blowing the wheel up and I couldn't even blow it down either on Friday evening so I suspect the sludge might have clogged the valve but when I bombed the wheel it actually worked so I thought all was well. 


The blowout was exactly above the valve and I will take it to my mechanic in the week to see what caused it and to fit a new tyre.

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My first time doing the DC (albeit from a "social" corporate team), and apart from the weather and the fact that my arms are in agony from all the pushing of "VIP customers" up hills, I thoroughly enjoyed the race and the associated scene. Well done all  :thumbup:

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Could we reverse the start order next year? :-)


Well atleast start the top 20 teams first. 



This was my first DC, started at 05:25, and finished in 7:55 - it was amazing! Brilliant organisation, friendly marshals, (mostly) friendly riders, great team spirit...


Only one concern: I was really nervous riding in the rain, through Montagu, with the fast teams squeezing between us slowbees and the oncoming trucks on a very narrow road... super dangerous, at least it looks from the far left of the road.

Would it be a option to close that narrow road at least - surely if you're a fast rider, and try to overtake on that road...you must be kakking yourself?! 

Otherwise it was an incredible experience, including my flat rear tire on the 70 km/h downhill past Tradouw..., thanks to everyone! 




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Team of 12 people, start together and ride as a team. Basically a 200km team time trial. The time of the 6th rider counts for the team. If all 12 finish together they get a special (C Milner) medal

No that's the way it used to be, now it is a bunch ride with teams starting 30 seconds apart and grouping together for maximum advantage, it takes something away from the event how shameless the drafting has become

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Team of 12 people, start together and ride as a team. Basically a 200km team time trial. The time of the 6th rider counts for the team. If all 12 finish together they get a special (C Milner) medal

Awesome, thanks for the feedback. Sounds like real fun and hard work. Reading all this stuff makes me wonder about getting a road bike.....never ridden one.

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..................Reading all this stuff makes me wonder about getting a road bike.....never ridden one.

I ride both mtb and road about equally. Do a road race or 2 on your mtb, perhaps with slicks on. If you like it, get a road bike. You'll be about 10 - 15 % faster than on the mtb.
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Awesome, thanks for the feedback. Sounds like real fun and hard work. Reading all this stuff makes me wonder about getting a road bike.....never ridden one.

Just do it ;)

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No that's the way it used to be, now it is a bunch ride with teams starting 30 seconds apart and grouping together for maximum advantage, it takes something away from the event how shameless the drafting has become


And when you call the wheel suckers on it, they get abusive with you. We had to send back our heavies several times to clear the leeches off our wheels. Seriously - how shameless are you that you wheelsuck our ladies, and then get all agro when they ask you to respect the rules.

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Just do it ;)


think we saw each other quite a bit on the route... was standing by you guys outside the first non compulsory stop...


while our teams were topping up!

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