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Dealing with dissapointment, anger, hurt and stupidity (not for the squeamish)

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...... not for the squeamish - but you will look anyway :clap: :clap:


Often you read threads of people coming onto the hub wanting advice about how long it will take to recover from an injury or being sick because a real important race is coming up. You think to yourself, health is way more important than a silly ride ...... till it happens to you.


I have had a somewhat small, but frustrating injury, due to my own stupidity, that has cost me and MrsSlowbee the chance of going to Sani2C this year.


A wall I was climbing on with no shoes (thought there was baddies on the other side) fell on me. I was to lazy to fetch a ladder which would have been safer and to lazy to go inside and fetch shoes. Both of which I thought I should do before I jumped up. The wall then fell one me, and I basically crushed the top of my middle toe on my left foot.


After theatre the doctor said to me, with less that 10 weeks before s2c, I should sell my ticket as there is no ways I am going to be ready in time. I thought he was joking - but when I see how slowly things are healing, he is correct. I just cant put any pressure on my foot without the pain sending me through the roof. (lets see which hubbers will "gladly" take our entry). This past week in dealing with the disappointment of not going has been hard. It would have been my 5 or 6th, cant remember - but one I was going to do with the wife. I was really looking forward to it as we both got fit together. All that effort she has been putting in, learning new skills, getting fitter, is all waisted. Yes, there will be another one, and other races, but is does not make it easier for her, nor me, knowing that is is my fault we are not going.


Coming to terms with letting my riding partner down due to my stupidity and laziness of not wanting to get shoes on, or a ladder is way more harder than I thought. The disappointment in myself has been immense, because I knew it was something I should not have done without shoes - but I did it anyway. The anger at myself, not only for being a dumbass, but also because the consequences of which have impacted my wife and daughter are horrible to go through each day. (Lets not talk about the money spent on getting to the event - but thank goodness for medical cover). My foot has to be elevated at all times, I am only allowed functional movement and need to be still as much as possible. Basically, I am in bed or at a desk with my foot up. I cannot contribute to the family at all for the next two weeks.


So, its a case of deal with the disappointment, get angry, feel like a box, be stupid, but just carry on. Thank goodness the partner for s2c was the wife and she has been supportive through this thing so far. It would have been a big test of friendship had this happened and I was going to ride with a friend.


It must be hard if this kinda thing happens in the week before what you regard as a major race. But I have new respect for those that it happens to. Lets just say, I am currently walking hobbling in all those other peoples shoes.


EDIT: anyone have a safety shell - cause if this happens before the Munga, I will be unhappier than hayleyearth taking her bike to Miway !







EDIT: xray included






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That is a nasty injury....damn!


The effort your wife has put in is definitely not wasted. Getter better quickly!


At least it wasn't just before the Munga.....

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That is a nasty injury....damn!


The effort your wife has put in is definitely not wasted. Getter better quickly!


At least it wasn't just before the Munga.....

ja, the Munga office would have been swamped in paper work regarding TUE applications for pain meds!

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It just goes to show that something you think you can do "safely" and won't cause any problems is the thing that hurts you.


We take for granted the need to be safe in all situations.


Heal up well and don't stress about letting your partner down as this could have been far worse.

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Ooh that looks sore! Listen don't give up that entry yet it may heal up in time? You may not be able to train but that will just give your wife the chance to get as strong as you.

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Jus, that does not look lekker at all. I fractured my big tow a while back, the pain was the worst! It is amazing how debilitating a foot/toe injury can be. That said, my doctor told me there really wasn't much he could do for me, which is the norm for broken toes as far as I understand. He just gave me some plasters to "Buddy strap" my big toe to the one next to it and told me to eat myprodol for the pain and inflammation. He also said I shouldn't try and do anything that hurts too much.

I was surprised how quickly I was back on the bike again though. I think after about 3 weeks I was road cycling again, and then after about 4 I was back on the MTB (no trail riding or funny business though). 6 weeks after the injury I was pretty much back to normal, doing jumps and bunny hopping with minimal pain.


Your toe does look significantly worse than what mine looked like, but then it's not your big toe. Maybe there is some hope yet, but don't take any chances. It's not like you'll be able to anyway, the pain will be too much I'm sure.


I hope you get better quickly! Good luck.

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Eish hectic man. Heal up soon, I am also recovering from a huge op I had about a month ago to basically save my life. Anyways, at least you will be recovered sooner, I am gonna have to have the same op again to reverse and fix the process that was done.


Hang in there, remain positive!!!

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Jaa wat... with those soft looking feet....what were you doing outside barefoot, never mind climbing walls.... :whistling:


Hope it heals quick

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