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Event do's and don'ts ?


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Asking for some friendly advice from the Bikehub community...

We have all done some epic races over the years. Sometimes we come back the next year and other times we don't go back because the dominee (wearing a chicken costume) got tipsy on the day and messed up the prize giving... (True story, happend in a little plaasdorpie in the North West in 2012) 🐔🍺

This year I have decided to throw my hat in the ring to help organise a local race and I have almost 0 experience in event management. Any tips, advice, do's and don'ts to make this a local lekker race again would be greatly appreciated. 🫡

Or just share your similar story if you had a dronk dominee encounter. 

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A few tips from my limited experience:

You need a strong team around you with people you can trust, on the day things go wrong and its chaos, you literally can only direct people to help and wont have time to solve big problems yourself.

Assuming its a mtb race make double/triple sure all permissions with property owners are in place (owner initially said yes, farm manager now says no or some buffalo now moved a camp - suddenly there are endless problems) Plan properly to open and close farm gates.

Route markers - start early with the marking, make about 2x more markers than you think you'll need, check it again on the morning of the race. Nothing else cause as much chaos and conflict as a misplaced or missing/stolen route marker. Afterwards make sure route markers are removed (by peeps that know the route), property owners hate old route markers lying around on their property.

Give medals - a significant portion of participants like and expect medals and will crap on you or on social media if there are no medals.

Especially in summer make sure there is enough water at waterpoints and a backup plan to get more water there if a waterpoint runs out. Participants will hate you and your race if they get thirsty to a waterpoint and there is no water.


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5 minutes ago, Skubarra said:

A few tips from my limited experience:

You need a strong team around you with people you can trust, on the day things go wrong and its chaos, you literally can only direct people to help and wont have time to solve big problems yourself.

Assuming its a mtb race make double/triple sure all permissions with property owners are in place (owner initially said yes, farm manager now says no or some buffalo now moved a camp - suddenly there are endless problems) Plan properly to open and close farm gates.

Route markers - start early with the marking, make about 2x more markers than you think you'll need, check it again on the morning of the race. Nothing else cause as much chaos and conflict as a misplaced or missing/stolen route marker. Afterwards make sure route markers are removed (by peeps that know the route), property owners hate old route markers lying around on their property.

Give medals - a significant portion of participants like and expect medals and will crap on you or on social media if there are no medals.

Especially in summer make sure there is enough water at waterpoints and a backup plan to get more water there if a waterpoint runs out. Participants will hate you and your race if they get thirsty to a waterpoint and there is no water.


Comic Sans: Please don't give medals... I have a number of them I need to chuck in the bin, but want to recycle or something like that. Give a fridge magnet/a bottle opener/an event photo/a leather key chain/anything useful that doesn't just sit in a drawer. But I always have the option of not taking the medal...


Enough loo's and water/drink on route, play some music at the waterstops for vibes.


And know everyone will complain about something.

Edited by Rowl
Additional detail.
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budget for a full day work for 2-3 people cleaning up after the event. Route markers, gel packets etc

have a capable team around you. As an adventure racing team we host a few events, but we know everyone can do xyz, so race day you are relaxed you know to focus on your tasks and the others will get theirs done. makes a huge difference, takes a lot of pressure off race director.

Always have backup plans for key things- power supplies, routes, AV systems and tents. You have no idea how many event organisers have puled a gazebo out a bush or tree from the night before.,

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11 minutes ago, Skubarra said:

A few tips from my limited experience:

You need a strong team around you with people you can trust, on the day things go wrong and its chaos, you literally can only direct people to help and wont have time to solve big problems yourself.

Assuming its a mtb race make double/triple sure all permissions with property owners are in place (owner initially said yes, farm manager now says no or some buffalo now moved a camp - suddenly there are endless problems) Plan properly to open and close farm gates.

Route markers - start early with the marking, make about 2x more markers than you think you'll need, check it again on the morning of the race. Nothing else cause as much chaos and conflict as a misplaced or missing/stolen route marker. Afterwards make sure route markers are removed (by peeps that know the route), property owners hate old route markers lying around on their property.

Give medals - a significant portion of participants like and expect medals and will crap on you or on social media if there are no medals.

Especially in summer make sure there is enough water at waterpoints and a backup plan to get more water there if a waterpoint runs out. Participants will hate you and your race if they get thirsty to a waterpoint and there is no water.


Solid advice, thanks man. 🫡

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Re: route and marking... share the GPX file of the route before or even on the morning of the event (easily done with a QR code) so that people don't have the excuse of "poor marking". Most people have the tech these days, why not embrace it.

Edited by wolver
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12 minutes ago, Rowl said:

Comic Sans: Please don't give medals... I have a number of them I need to chuck in the bin, but want to recycle or something like that. Give a fridge magnet/a bottle opener/an event photo/a leather key chain/anything useful that doesn't just sit in a drawer. But I always have the option of not taking the medal...


Enough loo's and water/drink on route, play some music at the waterstops for vibes.


And know everyone will complain about something.

Exactly - you dont have to take a medal but I can promise you there is a vocal minority who are passionate about that little trinket and will make themselves heard if they don' get one. And don't even think of replacing a medal with something actually useful like a bottle opener or bicycle bell or whatever - if its not a medal there will be complaints.

Also forgot to add, don't do goodie bags if you can avoid it. Its a crap load of admin and labour to get right, can quickly get expensive and people will complain anyway about the contents.

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If its a road event, or an event that will impact the publics coming and going, make sure the areas that are impacted are communicated to. Well in advance, and through different channels.

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Porta potty's aplenty and make sure they got bogroll in them. There is nothing worse than standing in a line needing the morning ablute with 10 mins to start, disrobing in the Tupperware, dropping the bib shorts and then there's no paper. Take away my medal, misdirect me on the route, don't have enough baby spuds at waterpoint three but the ablutions is a dealbreaker.

Echo the stuff around a nice trinket, magnet or something instead of medal

GPX route before time is nice

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Few posts already elude to this ... MTB on a farm. with ZERO public roads?  OR ... an event which includes public roads ?


Each province has a some or other form of "Community Fire Safety By-Law".  Amongst others, this dictates the process if you want to host an event which will include any public space.  BEST follow a seasoned organiser through this process ....



At the event itself.


PARKING .... safety of people and their vehicles are becoming an issue at some events.


ROUTE MARKING .... by all means, share the route file, but MANY still dont use this, and it takes one missing arrow for chaos to ensue ....  Worst was when the staff at the water table though it was huge fun laughing at all the 40km riders taking the only marked turn and heading off onto the 70km route ....  Clear coloured arrows works best, especially when there are 2 or 3 distances.


Medals .... Have to agree with a previous poster .... those that have enough, dont take another one.  I am still miffed that Maritz did not get a medal at an event outside Ceres .... an "easy 40km" for one rider is a milestone race for another which he/she wants a medal to remember it by.


REGISTRATION ... PLEASE have the option to pick up the board or whatever on the morning of the event .... these day trips the day before the event is a logistical frustration.


TIMING .... If this is just another race, not a seeding event for CTCT or such, then why spend the lion share of your turnover on a timing company ?  Best I have seen was in Stanford ... IF you want your race position, then share your Strava with the organisers and they publish results.


What is your plans post race ?  Bazaar vibe ?  Make sure to provide plenty of bike stands ...  And lots of shade .... People only hang around so long when baking in the sun ...




THANKS for trying to put an event together !!!  It is hard work.  But know that despite a few vocal moaners, most enjoy these days.

Edited by ChrisF
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My little contribution; make sure you have a good medical team and the appropriate insurances in place. May never be needed but you can't afford (I think) to skimp here. Now we start to know why race entires become expensive.  Agree about the optional medals (tick on your entry?) and have plenty water plus a weather contingency plan; alternative routes etc.  Invite food, coffee and bike shops etc to have stands but (I would say) for free.

Think of the best organised race you have particpated in and see if the organisers will share with you; spreadsheet checklists and contacts? Long shot maybe.

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16 hours ago, Mamil said:

Porta potty's aplenty and make sure they got bogroll in them. There is nothing worse than standing in a line needing the morning ablute with 10 mins to start, disrobing in the Tupperware, dropping the bib shorts and then there's no paper. Take away my medal, misdirect me on the route, don't have enough baby spuds at waterpoint three but the ablutions is a dealbreaker.

Echo the stuff around a nice trinket, magnet or something instead of medal

GPX route before time is nice

Had exactly this at Two Oceans on Saturday at 4:30am before the start.  Luckily a lady leant me two of her wet wipes (don't think she wanted them back).

Not a hard thing to get right, it was at least there by the time I was done(and the queue was already down the street).

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19 hours ago, Christoffels said:

Asking for some friendly advice from the Bikehub community...

We have all done some epic races over the years. Sometimes we come back the next year and other times we don't go back because the dominee (wearing a chicken costume) got tipsy on the day and messed up the prize giving... (True story, happend in a little plaasdorpie in the North West in 2012) 🐔🍺

This year I have decided to throw my hat in the ring to help organise a local race and I have almost 0 experience in event management. Any tips, advice, do's and don'ts to make this a local lekker race again would be greatly appreciated. 🫡

Or just share your similar story if you had a dronk dominee encounter. 

@Frosty is possibly the best non-event management professional for advice. 

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18 hours ago, Mamil said:

Porta potty's aplenty and make sure they got bogroll in them. There is nothing worse than standing in a line needing the morning ablute with 10 mins to start, disrobing in the Tupperware, dropping the bib shorts and then there's no paper. Take away my medal, misdirect me on the route, don't have enough baby spuds at waterpoint three but the ablutions is a dealbreaker.

Echo the stuff around a nice trinket, magnet or something instead of medal

GPX route before time is nice

They are expensive, so this might not always be easy.

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