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Bradley Wiggins struggling


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44 minutes ago, Irvin85 said:

Has he not been "Knighted" - A Knight in a dumbster - Sounds like a title of a bad movie..


Too soon? 


Have you ever had a fall from grace? Been to hell and back? Or couldn't see your future or touch hope from the bottom of the darkest hole? [Rhetorical questions]


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On another note, just saw an article about Jacques Freitag missing and having some financial difficulties. It's tough out there.

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17 hours ago, Irvin85 said:

Has he not been "Knighted" - A Knight in a dumbster - Sounds like a title of a bad movie..


Too soon? 

nice Freudian slip there!

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22 hours ago, madmarc said:

Never liked this guy, but a sad story indeed, this thread sent me to Google and read what actually happened - To think at his height he was worth 13 mil pounds and today is basically homeless is incerdibly sad.

Part of the article mentions his struiggles with mental health, which got me thinking when i was young and growing up as a teen and early 20's - Mental health was never an issue amongst us kids or our parents for that fact. Yes it was there and you woul hear of some people having a few struggles in life, but never at the level we see it in todays society.

I wonder why that is ? Is it that it just was not discussed openly back in the day or is it our access to huge amounts of information, which honestly is just depressing in todays world.

Or has society failed in mentally preparing the gen Y / Z for life in the big wild world out there. It seems when they hit a hurdle in life they just dont have the skills or tools to deal with it.    


There is a generational decline in testosterone that everyone seems to be ignoring. We are not the men that once were and we need to pull finger out rectum to get stuff done. From what I have read low testosterone can mimic depression. It is not just tools, it is literally the hormone levels in their bodies failing them.

Some say they just literally don't have the balls for it.


21 hours ago, gemmerbal said:

I’ve seen many a podcast where ex professional sportspeople discuss their struggles with normal life once they retire. Think Dorian Yates, Joe van Niekerk, etc. It’s really sad to see. 

There are also ex sportsman who take that their capital from sports and hit the ball out the park back in normal life. Swings and roundabouts...

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10 minutes ago, dave303e said:

There is a generational decline in testosterone that everyone seems to be ignoring. We are not the men that once were and we need to pull finger out rectum to get stuff done. From what I have read low testosterone can mimic depression. It is not just tools, it is literally the hormone levels in their bodies failing them.

Some say they just literally don't have the balls for it.


could you please share some of these studies?

Though, I'm not sure how this relates to Wiggo.

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13 minutes ago, lechatnoir said:

could you please share some of these studies?

Though, I'm not sure how this relates to Wiggo.



It was not aimed at Wiggo, there was a comment about younger generations not being equipped to deal with mental challenges in life and that was a response to that comment. They are not mentally equipped and a lot are lacking in a very hormone that could also impact it


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16 minutes ago, dave303e said:

They are not mentally equipped and a lot are lacking in a very hormone that could also impact it

is that why women are so irrational?

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