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Everything posted by TNOSE_E

  1. Anyone done some MTB in Sodwana Bay or surrounds? Is it worth taking the bike?
  2. Please upload the results you have for the 16th. Both Chrome and Firefox have the 11th results sheet for both links.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH56KnUkdTY&feature=player_embedded
  4. Your club does not see you as a member......or don't want you as a member.....What club did you join?
  5. Well done to Wendell for putting on a good event. @ BigBen......Fissan paste and lots of it! I am busy dictating (still cant feel my hands) a stern letter to Fizik about how their gobi has a shelf life and turns into barbed wire after a prolonged period of use. Thanks for everyone's encouragement.
  6. which arm did you wear the balance bangle on?
  7. Do you have a Shipping Reference?
  8. Just to let everyone know that SAPO now has a website to track your internet purchases. You can even use the international shipping reference numbers. http://ems.sapo.co.za
  9. Don't buy a bike for an event, Buy the bike you want...
  10. or playing tennis without a net...
  11. Ordered yesterday Morning and my order is already on a plane...
  12. With the new event dates the trails are a lot more dry. Crossmarks are fine.
  13. I have stripped 3 frames now. Use STD paint stripper. Coat frame with paint stripper and pop in black plastic bag. Leave for 20min then wipe with rag. Repeat about 3 times to remove remaining paint. It is not a paint on wipe off process!
  14. If the sun is shining from the West look to the East. If the wind is blowing from your left lean to your left. Tighten your grip on your right for left hand bend only. Look through the turn at the lady taking the photo. Pout your bum and spread your knees.
  15. If the switchback is too steep to sit release the front brake while standing into the turn. you need as much momentum as possible to carry you through.
  16. Go in slightly faster, sit at the last second and take your inside foot off the pedal, grab the back brake for dear life. This should pivot your back end out.
  17. Also run Saguaro front and rear, best of both worlds IMO. That's if you can find then a a realistic price!
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