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Longbarn Killer

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Posts posted by Longbarn Killer

  1. The advert was on Facebook, where it's open season. Stolen goods have a much higher chance of finding a willing/unsuspecting buyer on uninformed platforms like Facebook and Gumtree. With crime rife around us, willing and unsuspecting buyers become part of the problem. Instead of asking what suggests it's stolen, tell us why you think it isn't stolen. That way I'm of the opinion you can better claim the moral high ground.   

  2. Hey guys,


    I am looking at buying a new mountain bike, will be doing some light trails and riding around the suburb.


    Now here is where i need help, i am a fattie. So last bike i bought the back tire would basically be flat when i was on it. 

    I am 1.83m and 125kg, so must a look at Fatboy bikes or are there other alternatives ?


    Just want to ride to get into better shape. 

    No......fatbikes are designed for snow (or at a push, seasand). Most bikes on the market would handle your weight. As Mr Dampf said, your pressures were probably wrong.


    Some wheels have a weight limit, but these are generally found on the uber expensive bikes.

  3. hang on, either it IS stolen, or it's not. Please make up your mind. Which is it? I don't want to be guessing. 

    He can never say for certain if it is stolen or not. He is just making everyone aware that it may be stolen and to consider this when buying or to identify the owner.

  4. If I am buying second hand I will do so directly from the seller. A Bike Market model is not ideal, a middle man in a second hand sale just means the seller of the product gets ripped off and paid too little, the buyer gets ripped off and pays too much. The only reason I would consider this is a good warranty, and 7 days definitely would not cut it. 6 months at a minimum....


    And there is a reason no 2nd hand dealer gives a 6 month warranty, it's not economically viable.

    The Consumer Protection Act forces a trader to provide a 6 month warranty whether it is used or not. But I agree, most of them don't care what the law says and still offer lower warranties.

  5. There's been so different models of Raleigh over the years, even the very first ones, but I agree with Mr Dampf, probably a 27.2.


    Before buying one, just measure it. Even if you don't have your vernia, a ruler should suffice. Next size up is 31.4, so you will easily spot the difference.

  6. No offens and what I have to say is only feedback, I feel that it's annoying that you want to make more money off of people with a premium. It's a community the people created by joining, yes sure you made the website but so can a 18yr old develop a website like this‍♂

    There is still a free component to this site. Use that if you don't want to pay. I think it is great that there is a premium option for those who want it.


    This is a capitalist society (although some politicians may disagree) and if somebody puts in the time and effort to create something like this for people to use, surely that person has the right to charge for its use. 


    Also, the monthly fee is cheaper than a burger and much cheaper than a cycling magazine.

  7. LA doped, yes we know that, but he beat all the other dopers. Back then, everyone was taking drugs, but LA seemed to take the fall for everyone else.


    Bjarni Riis admited to doping. He was not stripped of his title.


    Jan Ulrich was caught for doping. He was not stripped of his title.


    Marco Pantani was serving a ban for drug use. He was not stripped of his title. In fact he died a hero.

  8. Hmmmmm I don't find that at all. Like my 26er still feels better than any 29er XCO bike 12 years later. Still fast with lots of traction.


    My 2002 Pinarello Galileo vs my 2013 Cannondale Super6.... I'll take the Super6 thanks. Take that vs the new Super6 EVO mk III and yikes I'll take the MKIII. MTB development path is much more convoluted with a lot of noise in suspension improvements. 


    Go for a ride on either bike and I'll still come home with an average power of 200W but the road is a lot faster or I've gone a lot further. 

    Now a gravel bike is kind of in between a MTB and road bike.... no way its going to be as fast as a road bike or as comfortable as the MTB. Its more road bike in comfort and more MTB in speed. doesn't do either job very well which is why it has the casquette wearing wooly legs and face following. Its a niche product.

    CAn you ride the Argus on it? Yes you can. Will you PB? highly unlikely unless your previous PB was on a slower bike (MTB).


    I get the fad around gravel bikes but its not a road race weapon. I'd have one in a flash but its not going to see a lot of mileage unless its a training bike and that is a great purpose for it. Especially in Cape Town. But it will stay home of the more serious PPA funrides and WPCyling league races. YOu don't take a 747 into a fight with a SU-57

    Finally, someone talking sense about gravel bikes.



    If the OP wants a gravel bike, then cool, that's his choice, but a gravel bike will never perform as well as a road bike does on the road.

  9. There is someone here on the Hub that sells repaired frames. Goes under the name of Ridersatwork.


    I'm not sure if they buy from the public, but they seem to repair and sell insurance w/o frames. Maybe send them a message and see if they are interested.


    Otherwise advertise the frames on the Hub. Maybe someone will buy and have them repaired. 

  10. No health and safety in them days hey.... no virtual cars and restarts.

    Ja.....I watched a 60s race on Youtube. A guy's car crashed and was burning. Marshalls on the opposite side of the track with hoses. Race carried on and the cars were just passing through the jet of water.

  11. Oh by the way, have been in conversation with the head mechanic at the distributor today and I submitted my case to then for evaluation from a warrantee perspective. He seemed very disinterested to hear me out and basically the conversation ended along the lines of ‘sure get the request us but it will be unlikely that we will cover it under warrantee’. Sommer net so.


    Well, lets see what happens

    There is clearly something amiss with that chain. I cannot see how any type of use (improper or not) can cause such a fault.


    I can understand that they won't warranty it because of the mileage that was done, but as a gesture of goodwill, the least they can do is offer you a new one at cost. 

  12. There is a very similar thread on this bike and almost everyone only had good things to say about the bike.


    For me, the biggest attraction is the warranty. I don't think there are many brands that offer a 5 year multi user warranty. That means if you sell, the warranty moves to the new owner. That will surely benefit re-sale value.

  13. In my opinion, I would go new.


    You have the peace of mind of a warranty and it will be set up for you properly (if bought from a reputable bike shop). There are some used bargains out there, but unless you know what you are looking for, there is a risk that you could buy a piece of junk and end up spending more than what a new bike would cost.


    Of your list, Momsen and Silverback would be the best. You don't mention which models you are looking at, but generally these bikes have much better specs for your money (meaning more value).


    I agree with some of the comments regarding Titan. They are good value for money and probably have the best warranty available at the moment (5 years multi user).


    Another value brand is Axis (just to add more confusion to your choice).


    Considering your intended use, your price range will give a bike that is more than adequate. But, please, whatever you do stay away from the supermarket bikes. They are cheap, but they fall apart and rust at the drop of a hat.

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