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Everything posted by Blokman

  1. My TomTom had done it's duty. Battery life 5 hours max with hr and gps on. Registered for healthy gear and got a Forerunner 235. TomTom was very simple to work. Still coming to grips with the Garmin. Bells and whistles that I may never use.
  2. Rus in vrede Piet Botha. Goeienag Generaal was a song critical of the army and the government's role in Angola. Quite something if you consider that his father was the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time. In the 80's Botha saw a bloke with a ZZ Top cap in a Los Angeles laundromat. They started talking. He was a drummer wanting to be an actor. And so Billy Bob Thornton became a part of Jack Hammer in the US.
  3. Featuring Chris Chameleon and the bloke that looks like an undertaker in a Western, Rian Malan. Songwriter , journalist and in the eighties, political activist. Author of "My Traitor's Heart". Malan was the man who found the story behind "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". As a result of his efforts Solomon Linda's family now receive 25 % of the royalties.
  4. Blokman

    Who remembers?

    Back in the eighties. A family member had just started grade one. It's athletics day and the whole family is watching. He's a mile ahead in the 80 metres. Near the line he suddenly goes into slow motion. Ends up stone last. His dad goes bananas. "What were you doing ?" His reply. "Toe ek naby die lyn kom , toe is ek die Man van Staal."
  5. So did I and another lady rider. We realised our mistake after about a few hundred metres and turned around. Markings were poor at this spot. But I tend to end up at the back anyway. Not doing it this year. To all partaking. Have a nice safe ride.
  6. Blokman

    Who remembers?

    He was part of a weird boere punk type band called Koos.Protest band. Songs titled Tsafendas and Sing jy van bomme. But very much on the fringe.
  7. Blokman

    Who remembers?

    Somebody gave me a box with old books . Amongst them one, in tatters, titled Old Fourlegs by JLB Smith. This man had unbelievable drive and passion. The book gives you an idea what Knysna was like in the '50 s. After identifying the first Coelocanth caught in East London, he let nothing get in his way to find the colonies of live fish that he knew existed. He asked two prime ministers for help with aeroplanes at very odd hours. Smuts , who refused a plane to take him to South West, where he wanted to identify thousands of fish that had washed ashore. And an unwell DF Malan who said yes when he phoned him on Christmas to get an airforce plane and crew to fly him to the Comores. Smith's dropping of pamphlets paid off. For his trouble Malan had a fish named after him. Sadly the professor took his own life at 70 by drinking cyanide.
  8. Woodstock 50th anniversary a few months away. August I think
  9. The older guys will know , but just for interest .John Kongos had a band in the 60's called Johnny and the G Men. He then went to the UK and had a hit called He's Gonna Step On You Again. This was remade by Happy Mondays into a song called Step On. His son now has a band called Kongos. His mother started Casbah (in the 60's ?) and is the originator of the Blondie dagwood. Johnny recently took over the running of the roadhouse according to an article in Beeld a while ago.
  10. Die CD 7 jaar van Jan Blohm. As ek so nou en dan vir die wêreld die bliksem in is.
  11. I am not a big fan of tribute shows , but as a gift I received tickets to a CCR tribute at the Emperors Barnyard , and I really enjoyed a band called Clint & Co doing the Creedence thing. In their heyday CCR was a very popular band, but I think some may regard them as a bit 'backward' . Songs that people played at garage parties and campsites with Klippies and Coke. Maybe time for a more modern band to reinterpret some of their work. They also played at Woodstock, the 50 th anniversary coming in August. This is one of their lesser known songs.
  12. We just drove past it yesterday and it gives me the creeps. As a high school boy we watched it being built. Mate of mine lived in Hillbrow. It was initially designed as modern , all in one , hip place to live. In the early 1980's I worked for a flooring co. that did some repairs and tiling there. Looking down fifty or so storeys into that dark core scared the dinges out of me. You see the actual rocks of the koppie it's built on in the middle. For me it was like something out of a dark futuristic film.
  13. Eish . Advice to myself . Don't try to give advice to racing snakes. May you all have a good , safe , lekker race.
  14. From a not too skilled rider right at the back. After WP 2 , you get the KOM gazebo and then a few rocky sections and some loose rocks on the descents. Somewhere in this section a path of smallish round rocks that suddenly curves left. Can overdo it on the turn. Just before WP 3 a steep downhill rocky section. The better okes just barrel down. I go slow choose my rocks choose my line. (That's what I tell myself anyway.) Just after WP 4 . A section of cattle path , steep down and narrow . Just before WP 5 a steep downhill with turns. Some ruts from rain running at angles across. I'm careful here. Right at the end, a short steep downhill before you turn into Pine Creek. You've kept it together for 120.50 kms. Don't lose it here. Overall It's not too technical. But the climbs, oh the climbs . After WP 3, it never ends. This is more of a talk to myself . The sections that worry me. Don't you worry too much , you will be all right. Edit: Babse ,read your post again. The climbs up to WP 3 are gnarly and hard , but not really technical. Backmarkers push up them anyway. From WP 3 onwards they are on good roads but steep.
  15. Does not look right. Don't worry too much. Climb at the start . At the top a T junction . Go left. You are now on a dual road . Traffic both ways. Over a steepish hill, there's a turnoff to your left. Go left again . After many climbs you will get to the south gate . Carry on . More hills , a deep valley and then THE climb. Now you have done the big loop . Keep going you are back on the dual road. Keep on straight. Go past the place where you made the first left turn . You are now on the smaller loop. Big downhill , small climb , t junction , turn right and you're back in the car park. I'm still in December mode. I hope this makes sense . Edit: Hoekvlag did it the easy way while I was typing. Straight at the arrow.
  16. Nice . Seems from the credits etc. that it's a Karen Zoid initiative.
  17. Wors.
  18. I used to freeze them and just pour the milk on.These days I just add milk to the jug when it's almost empty. There was a bloke on Nisboere TV program that has a kefir business. It grows on the surface of the milk. He grows it in flat dishes with a bigger surface area.
  19. Uitgevind dat die Hollanders 'n baie lekker woord het vir polistireen. Hulle noem dit piepskuim.
  20. Walking the streets of Jo'burg as a young guy in the late sixties and seventies, I had no idea what the fashion thing with peace signs, military insignia and leather sandals was all about. But we joined in anyway. I remember a small shop called Spiros near the city hall, that sold this stuff. Almost Cut My Hair about the draft and draft dodging for Vietnam. Fortunate Son about the inequality of the system with a far bigger portion of rich kids and senators' sons being able to evade the draft. And the unfortunate sons doing the fighting.
  21. I am a small guy . Once, after I was completely buggered at the finish line my wife dryly remarked , "Selfs die dik ouens ry jou weg." With Bamboozle on his e bike I will at least have an excuse.
  22. New section is much better than out and back on the freeway. Tom Jenkins. Had to remind myself that after that first turn it actually gets better. The atmosphere through town was a lot friendlier than last year. Taking us past Church Square was a good idea. It's clean and tidy. I've forgotten how nice those buildings are. Then that little sting at the end. Finish, moved from last year was again a surprise. Suddenly it's just there. All in all a nice race. Worth doing.
  23. A man needs a mermaid ?
  24. My softer playlist. Suspect it may be a bit old for most. But there it is.
  25. Blokman

    Who remembers?

    I was just across the road. Helpmekaar.
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