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Everything posted by NotSoBigBen

  1. Must be getting better ... beat all the commuters except one I couldn't drop. We stopped for a chat by the flooded Bridge, some crazy flooding on the Klipriver round Alberhoughton "Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient."
  2. To my knowledge boost 3mm, non boost 6mm ... then again no idea what '0mm' is for ... luckily there are cleverer okes on here than me that'll soon help om sure 😎
  3. Unless you're already super strong "gear for the hills" ... that's my viewpoint anyway
  4. There are some things we don't discuss in public .... more than 10 less than 20 😜 #EkSeMaarNet
  5. 'Trust the process' as the cool kids say 😎 #WhatABike
  6. My assumption in general when buying second hand goods on the hub, or just getting something sent because the person is just cool like that 😎, that it's not their job I.e. its not an online business or business of any other kind. Therefore they are busy with some kind of other job making their 'real' money and can't just rush off to the PUDO box at will .... I'd just wait a bit and if requested would probably pay a bit extra if asked Just me?
  7. ...you fix what you can fix and you let the rest go. If there ain't nothin to be done about it it aint even a problem. It's just an aggravation. Stress relief every. single.time
  8. Great idea, both recent incidents I've had my family were able to come straight to where I was! In one case I was able to call for help and in the second people were able to call my wife because of my IceID bracelet I do use Garmin LiveTracker .....
  9. The gravel roads are calling ... patience Paduwan 😎
  10. As I was told recently 'day or night ride with a light'
  11. As the saying goes 'gears are like testicles, more than one is a waste' Some form of normality is returning 😎 Celeste is Bianchi, Bianchi is Celeste, the two are indivisible
  12. The longer those stickers have been on the bike or your helmet the tougher they are to remove ... if they're still on best to get to them!
  13. "Bicycling… is the nearest approximation I know to the flight of birds. The airplane simply carries a man on its back like an obedient Pegasus; it gives him no wings of his own"
  14. I've clearly led some kind of 'sheltered' life 😲
  15. Wasn't going to reply but a thought occurred to me that it must be cool to be that fast AND talented 😜
  16. My wife 'I can see this thing is eating away at you and you need to go out and ride on the road so get your kit on and get your bike!' Support vehicle sorted She's just cool like that 😎
  17. I know the 'Zwifters' and other hamsters will disagree with me but I've said it before ... Trainers make fit not strong riders with little to no 'race craft' Gets hat and coat 😜
  18. Over time I have learnt that it is quite common to have a few punctures in a row and more so during races .... often riders are in a hurry not wanting to lose time, understandable, and don't check the tyre carefully for the reason for the original puncture. Quote often that is embedded glass or other nasty! Generally not that easy to find. My personal approach to punctures is firstly don't rush the time is gone sit down take your time, you may have avoided the thing in the tyre that caused the puncture but might then pinch the tube anyway. Most important run your fingers, CAREFULLY, round the inside of the tyre of its not something obvious even have a very careful look around the outside of tyre ... a piece of glass is not that easy to see! That's my experience and approach ... use it don't, use it 🤪
  19. Thought I'd have more 'FOMO' today but strangely enough nada .... As my B said to me last week 'now just ride to enjoy riding, nothing else matters' Absolutely cracker day on the Highveld, blue skies for days 😎
  20. Back when I was involved with a bike shop the suggestion for children and in fact anyone that didn't ride on a very regular basis was tyre liners and slime rather than tjoopless ....
  21. Now's the time we could have used Holy Roller's help,God bless his soul 😒
  22. Ride as much or as little, or as long or as short as you feel. But ride. Eddy Merckx
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